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Price Premiums for Providing Eco-labelled Seafood : Evidence from MSC-certified Cod in Sweden

Eco-labelled seafood is an important tool to promote sustainable development in fisheries. A price premium on eco-labelled seafood signals a return on investment in sustainable fishing methods, providing an incentive for fishers to adopt such methods. This paper investigates whether Swedish fishermen gained a price premium from participating in the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC)-certified Swedis

Gene and Cell-Replacement Therapy in the Treatment of Type 1 Diabetes : How High Must the Standards Be Set?

Recent advances in molecular and cell biology may allow for the development of novel strategies for the treatment and cure of type 1 diabetes. In particular, it is now possible to envisage restoration of insulin secretion by gene or cell-replacement therapy. The β-cell is, however, remarkably sophisticated, and many of the features of this highly differentiated secretory cell will have to be faith

Evidence of a functional role for mast cells in the development of type 1 diabetes mellitus in the biobreeding rat

Human type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) arises through autoimmune destruction of pancreatic β cells and is modeled in many respects by the lymphopenic and spontaneously diabetic BioBreeding (BB) DRlyp-lyp rat Previously, preonset expression profiling of whole DRlyp-lyp pancreatic lymph nodes (PLN) revealed innate immune activity, specifically that of mast cells and eosinophils. Furthermore, we obser

Translating sustainable and smart city strategies into performance measurement systems

This paper shows how sustainable and smart strategies can be implemented in cities and how these strategies influence, and are influenced by, performance measurement systems. Drawing upon the Foucauldian notion of governmentality, the authors present the case of Gothenburg in Sweden, where they interviewed the key actors involved in a new sustainability strategy. Translating strategy into performa

On the Maximum Burst-Correcting Capability of Cyclic Hsu–Kasami–Chien Codes

Hsu–Kasami–Chien (HKC) are a class of cyclic codes that can correct either burst or random errors. This paper studies the maximum burst-correcting capability of HKC codes. A necessary and sufficient condition for a b- burst-correcting cyclic HKC code is given and simplified as a generalized one for Fire codes. An upper bound on the burstcorrecting capability of HKC codes is derived, which improves

Optical analysis of a III-V-nanowire-array-on-Si dual junction solar cell

A tandem solar cell consisting of a III-V nanowire subcell on top of a planar Si subcell is a promising candidate for next generation photovoltaics due to the potential for high efficiency. However, for success with such applications, the geometry of the system must be optimized for absorption of sunlight. Here, we consider this absorption through optics modeling. Similarly, as for a bulk dual-jun

Impaired survival of peripheral T cells, disrupted NK/NKT cell development, and liver failure in mice lacking Gimap5

The loss of Gimap5 (GTPase of the immune-associated protein 5) gene function is the underlying cause of lymphopenia and autoimmune diabetes in the BioBreeding (BB) rat. The in vivo function of murine gimap5 is largely unknown. We show that selective gene ablation of the mouse gimap5 gene impairs the final intrathymic maturation of CD8 and CD4 T cells and compromises the survival of postthymic CD4

A Linearization Technique for Differential OTAs

This brief presents an operational transconductance amplifier (OTA) linearization technique that is applied to a low-noise amplifier (LNA) and an OTA-C filter. Simulations show the effectiveness of the proposed technique on the LNA, whose noise and gain performance remain unaffected while the linearity is significantly improved. Measurements of the 80-MHz fourth order Butterworth OTA-C filter are

Acute Pancreatitis. Biomarkers and radiology assessment

Background: Acute pancreatitis (AP) is a common and potentially severe disease. Early identification of severity grade is crucial for the outcome of the patient. For study approaches and comparison of inter-institutional data the AP patients need to be uniformly classified.The aims of this thesis were to investigate the early stratifiation capacity of biomarkers in AP and to assess the morphologic

Father’s Repeat Migration and Children’s Educational Performance

Repeat migration is a common, but unstudied, pattern of migration. This study examines the potential intergenerational consequences of this behavior. To investigate this, we estimate the effect of fathers’ repeat migration on their children’s grade point averages using population-level register data from Sweden. We find that the children of fathers who repeat migrate have a significantly lower gra

A comprehensive map coupling histone modifications with gene regulation in adult dopaminergic and serotonergic neurons

The brain is composed of hundreds of different neuronal subtypes, which largely retain their identity throughout the lifespan of the organism. The mechanisms governing this stability are not fully understood, partly due to the diversity and limited size of clinically relevant neuronal populations, which constitute a technical challenge for analysis. Here, using a strategy that allows for ChIP-seq

Developing sustainable business experimentation capability – A case study

This research paper shows how a firm pursues innovation activities for economic, social and environmental value creation in the context of time sensitivity. We make a conceptual link between lean startup thinking, triple bottom line value creation, and organizational capabilities. The case study firm uses a novel experimentation approach to pursue the goal of diverting all of its sold clothing fro

Product design and business model strategies for a circular economy

The transition within business from a linear to a circular economy brings with it a range of practical challenges for companies. The following question is addressed: What are the product design and business model strategies for companies that want to move to a circular economy model? This paper develops a framework of strategies to guide designers and business strategists in the move from a linear

How does the job applicants' ethnicity affect the selection process? : Norms, Preferred competencies and expected fit

Denna avhandling studerar faktorer som påverkar rekryterare då de skall välja bland jobbsökande med olika etnisk bakgrund. Generellt förväntades att de sökandes etnicitet skulle påverka rekryterares val och deras uppfattning om vad som är viktigt att ta fasta på hos en arbetssökande person, och att detta kan ske i olika faser av rekryteringsprocessen.Studie 1 visade att företagsnormer påverkar rekThe present thesis aimed to study different factors influencing recruiters when recruiting from an applicant pool with applicants from an ethnic ingroup and outgroup. Ethnicity was predicted to influence recruiters’ perception and behaviour in different phases during recruitment. Study I demonstrated that company norms affect recruiters’ perception of what an employee should be like. Company norms