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Metabolomics Profiling of Patients With A-β+ Ketosis-Prone Diabetes During Diabetic Ketoacidosis

When stable and near-normoglycemic, patients with "A-β+" ketosis-prone diabetes (KPD) manifest accelerated leucine catabolism and blunted ketone oxidation, which may underlie their proclivity to develop diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA). To understand metabolic derangements in A-β+ KPD patients during DKA, we compared serum metabolomics profiles of adults during acute hyperglycemic crises, without (n =

Predicting Monthly Community-Level Domestic Radon Concentrations in the Greater Boston Area with an Ensemble Learning Model

Inhaling radon and its progeny is associated with adverse health outcomes. However, previous studies of the health effects of residential exposure to radon in the United States were commonly based on a county-level temporally invariant radon model that was developed using measurements collected in the mid- to late 1980s. We developed a machine learning model to predict monthly radon concentrations

Highly Sensitive Hydrogen Peroxide Biosensor Based on Tobacco Peroxidase Immobilized on p-Phenylenediamine Diazonium Cation Grafted Carbon Nanotubes : Preventing Fenton-like Inactivation at Negative Potential

Herein, we present a novel electrode platform for H2O2 detection based on the immobilization of recombinant Tobacco Peroxidase (r-TOP) onto graphite electrodes (G) modified with p-phenylenediamine (p-PD) diazonium cation grafted multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs). The employment of both p-phenylenediamine moieties and covalent cross-linking by using glutaraldehyde allowed us to enhance the sen

Gambling and self-reported changes in gambling during COVID-19 in web survey respondents in Denmark

Problem gambling is among the public health hazards which may increase due to the COVID-19 pandemic and its consequences on society. Results from a few countries have hitherto been diverse with respect to gambling during the pandemic. The present study aimed to study gambling behaviors during COVID-19 in Denmark, with the same methodology as previously used in Sweden, and also to provide a compari

Spectral flow for pair compatible equipartitions

We show that a recent spectral flow approach proposed by Berkolaiko–Cox–Marzuola for analyzing the nodal deficiency of the nodal partition associated to an eigenfunction can be extended to more general partitions. To be more precise, we work with spectral equipartitions that satisfy a pair compatible condition. Nodal partitions and spectral minimal partitions are examples of such partitions. Along

Survival, causes of death and recurrence up to 3 years after stroke : A population-based study

Background and purpose: Up-to-date population-based information about long-term survival, causes of death and recurrence after stroke is needed. Methods: Four hundred consecutive individuals in a population-based cohort of first-ever stroke between 2015 and 2016 in Lund, Sweden, were followed up to 3 years regarding (i) survival (Swedish Population Register); (ii) causes of death (Swedish Causes o

Trust Matters : the Impact of In-group and Outgroup Trust on Nativism and Civicness

ObjectivesThe objectives of this study are threefold: first, we separate trust into a two-dimensional concept: ingroup trust and outgroup trust. Second, we apply both types of trust to two dependent variables: nativism and civicness, hypothesizing that respondents with ingroup trust should display higher degrees of nativism and lower degrees of civicness while the opposite should apply to responde

Underlying hemodynamic differences are associated with responses to tilt testing

Aim of this study was to explore whether differences in resting hemodynamic parameters may be associated with tilt test results in unexplained syncope. We analyzed age, gender, systolic (SBP), diastolic blood pressure (DBP) and heart rate (HR) by merging three large databases of patients considered likely to be of vasovagal reflex etiology, comparing patients who had tilt-induced reflex response w

MRI Characteristics of Pediatric Renal Tumors : A SIOP-RTSG Radiology Panel Delphi Study

Background: The SIOP-Renal Tumor Study Group (RTSG) does not advocate invasive procedures to determine histology before the start of therapy. This may induce misdiagnosis-based treatment initiation, but only for a relatively small percentage of approximately 10% of non-Wilms tumors (non-WTs). MRI could be useful for reducing misdiagnosis, but there is no global consensus on differentiating charact

Predictive value of islet cell and insulin autoantibodies for type 1 (insulin-dependent) diabetes mellitus in a population-based study of newly-diagnosed diabetic and matched control children

Most studies evaluating immune markers for prediction of Type 1 (insulin-dependent) diabetes mellitus have focused on first degree relatives, although only 10% of newly-diagnosed patients have an affected first degree relative. The Swedish Childhood Diabetes Register identifies 99% of all diabetic children at diagnosis. In this population-based study, islet cell antibodies and insulin autoantibodi

”Under konungens enskilda styrelse” : Statschefen, kungahuset, hovet och ordensväsendet i konstitutionellt och rättshistoriskt perspektiv

Boken är en rättshistorisk utredning utförd åt Förtjänstutredningen och utgör en bilaga till SOU 2021:74. I texten finns en historisk översikt över statschefens funktion och ställning, särskilt vad gäller övergången från 1809 års till 1974 årsregeringsform. Vidare behandlas kungahuset och några liknande begrepp samt successionsrätten och husmakten. Tyngdpunkten ligger på en analys av den historisk

Non-attracting regions of local minima in deep and wide neural networks

Understanding the loss surface of neural networks is essential for the design of models with predictable performance and their success in applications. Experimental results suggest that sufficiently deep and wide neural networks are not negatively impacted by suboptimal local minima. Despite recent progress, the reason for this outcome is not fully understood. Could deep networks have very few, if

Associations Between Ambient Particle Radioactivity and Blood Pressure: The NAS (Normative Aging Study)

BACKGROUND: The cardiovascular effects of low-level environmental radiation exposures are poorly understood. Although particulate matter (PM) has been linked to cardiovascular morbidity and mortality, and elevated blood pressure (BP), the properties promoting its toxicity remain uncertain. Addressing a knowledge gap, we evaluated whether BP increased with higher exposures to radioactive components

Translation and validation of Assessment of Work Performance (AWP) into the Icelandic language and culture

BACKGROUND:Evidence-based services in vocational rehabilitation call for valid and reliable assessments of work performance for intervention planning and safe return to work for individuals with illness or injuries. Assessments that are easy to use, culturally adapted, and in a language professionals and clients understand is important for their utility. Translation and adaption of assessments to

Tax avoidance and state ownership : The case of Sweden

We propose a simple theoretical model for how a company with both private and state shareholders decides on its optimal tax policy. The model predicts that even in the absence of state shareholding, a company will not always pick a tax policy that minimizes taxes. Conversely, majority state ownership will generally not result in zero tax avoidance. Using panel regressions on the entire population