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EU och USAs avfallsexport: Internationell miljörätt ur ett praktiskt perspektiv

Miljörätt är ett område där den internationella rätten utvecklades starkt under slutet på 1900-talet. Bland annat kom den gränsöverskridande handeln med avfall att regleras i internationella ramverk. Uppsatsen undersöker Baselkonventionen och de regler OECD skapade på området och jämför dem med EU och USAs nuvarande lagstiftning gällande den internationella avfallshandeln. Avslutningsvis diskuteraInternational law concerning environmental issues advanced quite rapidly at the end of the 20th century. One of the developments was the introduction of legal frameworks to regulate the international waste trade. This paper investigates the Basel Convention and the norms created by OECD relating to transboundary shipments of waste and compares them to the current regulation in the EU and U.S.A. Th

Chemical kinetics and transport of tropospheric trace compounds - implications for environment and air quality

– Att förstå mänsklig och naturlig påverkan på klimat och luftmiljö Människans energiförbrukning ökar i stadig takt med jordens befolkning och fokus på klimatförändringar gör att efterfrågan på hållbar energi har blivit stor. Ett alternativ till fossila bränslen är de så kallade ”andra generationens biobränslen”. Dessa kan tillverkas av cellulosa från träd och gräs som inte är värdefulla som livsmFourier transform infrared spectroscopy techniques were used to study the kinetics of gas-phase reactions of three lactones, γ-valerolactone (GVL), 2(5H)-furanone (2(5HF) and 3-methyl-2(5H)-furanone (3M2(5H)F) with Cl atoms, OH radicals and O3 respectively. The experiments were performed in a photochemical reactor at a total pressure of 700 Torr at room temperature (298±2 K). Both relative rate an

Social perceptions of Personal Income Tax compliance from a Spanish perspective: estimating the impact of its legal framework

This research seeks to find how the Spanish society perceives Personal Income Tax compliance. By following the Slippery Slope Framework developed by Kirchler (2008) the study aims at measuring perceived trust and power of Spanish authorities. Higher levels of trust in authorities and power of authorities are proportional to raised levels of tax compliance. Estimating respondent´s perceptions as to

Biological phosphorus removal from wastewater with a moving bed biofilm reactor process

Rening av avloppsvatten från fosfor med bakterier som växer på plastbitar En ny metod för rening av avloppsvatten från fosfor har designats och utvärderats. Reningsprocessen utnyttjar en speciell bakteries strategi för överlevnad för att på ett miljövänligt sätt rena vattnet från fosfor. Det nya med processen var att dessa bakterier kan växa på små plastbitar. I takt med att antalet människor ökarThe human population is increasing and more wastewater, rich in nutrients, is produced. Increased levels of nutrients such as phosphorus, nitrogen and organic matter in water bodies present a risk for eutrophication, toxicity to the water-living fauna and oxygen depletion. Therefore, it is important to operate the wastewater treatment plants efficiently to limit the release of nutrients to the rec

Co-create Social Innovation - A mapping of Co-creation methods for Social Innovation

Background and issue of study: The global financial crisis, climate change, demographic changes, and rising inequality are some of the global trends that put pressure on public leaders and organizations, civil society organizations and corporations to shift to a social and environmental sustainable development. Social innovations are demanded to be both drivers of positive societal change and forc

Alibaba Group’s Market Entry and Expansion in The United States

Background: We are today doing business in a global and increasingly digitalized world where e-commerce has become a significant approach for companies to be successful and to reach a bigger market. Alibaba Group is today considered to be the world’s largest e-commerce company and was founded in 1999 by Jack Ma, a former English teacher from Hangzhou, China. The company’s mission is to make it eas

Problemet med kursförluster i 25 och 25a kapitlen Inkomstskattelagen

En kursförlust som uppstår vid vissa tillfällen i den svenska kapitalvinstbeskattningen slås samman med vinsten/förlusten på avyttringen av själva tillgången. Om denna samlade vinst/förlust är skattepliktig eller avdragsgill kommer därigenom att bero på de skatteregler som gäller för avyttringen av tillgången. När inget avdragsrätt föreligger har det anförts att detta skulle vara diskriminerande oA forex generated loss that occurs at certain times in the Swedish capital gains taxation will be merged with the profit/loss on disposal of the asset. If this total gain/loss amount is taxable or deductible will thus depend on the tax rules that apply to the sale of the asset. When no right to deduct exists it has been argued that this would be discriminatory and against the freedoms of European

BIM i arbetet med arbetsmiljö och säkerhet- En inblick i Sveriges största byggföretags arbete med BIM

En byggarbetsplats med noll olyckor. Så lyder visionen för säkerhet hos många av Sveriges byggföretag. Byggbranschen är idag en bransch med många olycksfall samt flest dödsfall per år. För att komma närmare visionen om noll arbetsplatsolyckor krävs arbete och utveckling på många fronter. En av dessa fronter skulle kunna vara BIM, byggnadsinformationsmodellering (Building Information Modeling). IdaA construction site with zero accidents. So reads the vision concerning safety among many of the Swedish construction companies. Today the building trade is an industry with many accidents, and also the industry which has the most deaths per year. To get closer to the vision concerning zero accidents, work and development on many fronts is a necessity. One of these fronts could be the usage of BIM

Adventure Sports in Paradox - A Qualitative Study of the Impact of Wearable Technology in the Field of Experiential Consumption

Background: Similar to other innovative technologies, wearable technology has started to make its way into mainstream and is expected to grow rapidly within the next few years. These technologies raise a variety of effects on consumers’ lived experiences due to the close interaction between body and machines. One growing field that heavily relies on the proactive interplay between technology and t

Criminalization of bribery in Sweden and Vietnam – a comparative study

Corruption is a problem that exists in all societies and is harmful for any countries’ social, economic and political development, thus needs to be combated and criminalized against. Corruption appears in different forms and grows and develops under different circumstances. It is a difficult phenomenon to define as it has many levels of existence and derives from differing causes and factors depen

The effect of very light exercise on recognition memory in relation to attention ability

Moderate exercise is deemed beneficial for cognition due to increase in dopamine concentrations in the basal ganglia. Auditory white noise is beneficial for cognition, mainly for those with lower attentional ability, i.e. for those having lower tonic dopamine concentrations. For individuals with higher attention ability white noise can have a negative effect. In this thesis it was examined whether

Affekt Online: Effekt Offline - Om förtalsliknande företeelser av sexuell karaktär på en digital arena.

Antalet rättsfall gällande oönskad publicering och spridning av andra människors privata material på Internet har ökat betydligt de senaste åren, med de s.k. Instagramupploppen 2012 som en sorts uppmärksamhetskulmen. Inget svenskt samlingsnamn som passar i alla dylika sammanhang har uppkommit och även om specifika detaljer skiljer sig åt från fall till fall, förefaller ärekränkningar förekomma somThe legal cases concerning unwanted online publishing of private material have experienced a significant rise in the last few years peaking around 2012 in Sweden, with initial assiduities around the issue being brought about by the “Instagram riots”. Up to this day, there is yet to be a collective term to entirely encompass these cases, and although the specific details differ between each case, t

Word-of-Mouth Marketing for Nonprofit Organizations

Word of mouth can be a key growth driver and there is a need for more research on what marketers can do to generate more word of mouth. In particular, nonprofit organizations, that do not have the funds to advertise and rely on traditional media to get attention, could benefit from a better understanding of word-of-mouth marketing. The purpose of this thesis is to identify which factors non