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The European standpoint on environmental rights: between a Human Rights Court and a Business Court

The present thesis covers a research in the area of environment and human rights. In particular, this research is carried out through the comparative study and analyse of the case law of the European Court of Human Rights and the European Court of Justice connected to environmental harm and its correlation to human rights law. The thesis will approach the case law related to certain categories of

Electromobility in Sweden – Towards a New Dominant Business Model Design?

Developing business models in the area of electromobility is one of the primary challenges in order to successfully electrify road transport. As any technology the electric vehicle (EV) or the charging infrastructure that fuels it will not have any value unless one finds ways to commercialise those technologies. This thesis investigates the early stages of business model development within electro

Handläggare inom Migrationsverket, Försäkringskassan, resesjukvården och socialtjänsten – En kvalitativ studie av sex handläggare och deras strategier för att hitta motivation

Uppsatsen behandlar hur handläggare inom fyra olika myndigheter klarar av sin jobbiga arbetssituation. Avsikten med studien är att försöka ta reda på vilka sociala strategier handläggarna måste utveckla för att klara av sin arbetsdag samt var de hittar motivation för att kunna utföra sina arbetsuppgifter. En kvalitativ metod i form av semistrukturerade intervjuer används, då jag vill komma åt han

Social acceptance of bioenergy in Europe

It is widely acknowledged that the diffusion of bioenergy technologies does not depend on technological advances and favorable economic conditions alone. A good understanding and a strong backing of bioenergy by the general public is also essential. Thus, a better understanding of public perceptions and acceptance of bioenergy is a crucial factor to improve conditions for bioenergy policies and ma

Religionsfriheten i arbetslivet

Religionsfrihetsfrågan är idag ett relativt oberört ämne i Sverige men på grund av den religiösa mångfald som växer fram i samhällena leder det till en ny och annorlunda situation. De europeiska samhällena blir mer och mer multireligiösa och multikulturella. Religionsfrihet ska råda i alla samhälle och vara en individuell frihet, oavsett vilken religion man följer. Ständigt uppstår det rättighetsk

Does the financial sector cause an appreciation of the real exchange rate

Abstract In developed economies industry was once the backbone of the economy and was seen as the machinery behind economic growth. During the past decades, industry’s importance has been diminishing in advanced economies. The trend has been stronger in some countries than in others but seems rather consistent over time. Furthermore the financial sector has enjoyed vast growth since the 1980’s. In

Exploratory testing with the help of a test tool

Exploratory testing (ET) is a test technique used to test software. It is a free way (compared to scripted test) of testing, where the tester takes notes during the test session. The tester has the option to select his own way when testing the software, he learns and tests at the same time. Notes are the result from the test session and are used to see what has been tested, e.g. the outcome and th

Den Stora Derpressionen. Spridningsmekanismer och Mottaglighet

Uppsatsen ser tillbaka till den stora depressionen under 1929-1933 och analyserar hur den kunde komma att sprida sig från att vara en inital kris till en världsomfattande deprission. Relevanta länder i Europa ställs i jämförelse med varrandra och med USA för att titta på mottagligheten av depressionen. De kanaler som depressionen spred sig genom analyseras och diskuteras och vidare tittas det på e

Women’s Organizations in China : from Affiliation to Autonomy

China has stepped into a new phase of women’s movement with the evolution of women’s organizing context. Women’s organizations and activities in China have been mostly state-led., focusing on monolithic womanhood and socialist feminism. Since the mid 1980s, self-initiated women’s organizations have developed to promote gender equality landscape, responding to various female identities, interests a


Thirty-five years after the massive earthquake that shook the city on July 28, 1976, Tangshan residents still live with the scars of the losses and injuries that were suffered. This case study is about possible recent changes to commemorations and public memory in Tangshan. Firstly, it will examine how the Tangshan earthquake is commemorated publicly through monuments, ruins and at schools. Second

Determinants for investor perceptions of African markets

Background:The African continent has shown significant social and economical improvements during the past decade. This has increased the incitements for investors to enter the continent. However great internal differences still exist and the attractiveness of different regions and sectors differs widely from an investor’s perspective. Markets Speaking is a Sweish-­‐Ghanian consultancy who has spec

Country Branding in a Chinese Context: Using a Swedish Example

Problem Discussion Globalization and social media are factors that enhance the importance for countries to communicate their identity. The dynamics of competition has changed and in order to improve economic performance, attract tourism, trade and investment opportunities a strong country brand is needed. Project Objective This report aims to illustrate how country branding is done in China today,