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'We are appalled to have these false beliefs associated with our campus' : Holodomor, Trigger Warnings, and Free Speech at the University of Alberta
Towards a Definition of Hate Speech : With a Focus on Online Contexts
As legislators and platforms tackle the challenge of suppressing hate speech online, questions about its definition remain unresolved. In this review we discuss three issues: What are the main challenges encountered when defining hate speech? What alternatives are there for the definition of hate speech? What is the relationship between the nature and scope of the definition and its operationabili
Structure Matters : Asymmetric CO Oxidation at Rh Steps with Different Atomic Packing
Curved crystals are a simple but powerful approach to bridge the gap between single crystal surfaces and nanoparticle catalysts, by allowing a rational assessment of the role of active step sites in gas-surface reactions. Using a curved Rh(111) crystal, here, we investigate the effect of A-type (square geometry) and B-type (triangular geometry) atomic packing of steps on the catalytic CO oxidation
Spectroscopic studies on Pr3+ doped YPO4 and LuPO4 upon vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) and synchrotron radiation excitation
This work concerns the spectroscopic properties of micro- and nanoscale LuPO4:Pr3+ and microscale YPO4:Pr3+ upon excitation by VUV synchrotron radiation at a wide range of energies (5–45 eV) and two different temperatures (7 and 300 K). Both Pr3+ doped host materials show more intense UV-C emission than other Pr3+ phosphors studied earlier at FinEstBeAMS beamline under the same measurement conditi
The 3d-4f Transition in S VII Observed in a Laser-Produced Plasma
The energy levels of the 2p54f configuration in neon-like sulphur, S VII, have been derived from spectral lines in the region 330-375 Å. The lines, which were identified as belonging to the 3d-4f transition, were emitted from a laser-produced plasma. The structure in the 4f configuration has been studied through a parametric fit of Slater integrals.
NATO and the Swedish Churches : Dealing with Defence Policy in the Midst of a European Crisis
Excerpt: "Just like the rest of the population, Swedish Christians remain fundamentally divided in their opinions about the best way to arrange Sweden’s relationship to NATO. But the responses on the part of the churches also seem to hark back to bygone ages. National defense and foreign policy remain, in a country for centuries fundamentally shaped by Lutheran doctrine concerning the division bet
Sex differences between early- and late-onset Alzheimer’s disease.
Objectives: To examine potential sex differences in longitudinal cognitive and activities of daily living (ADL) performance and life expectancy between early- and late-onset Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Methods: The Swedish Alzheimer Treatment Study is a prospective, observational, multicentre study that was used in a routine clinical setting including 1,017 patients diagnosed with mild-to-moderate A
Associations between perceived stress and health outcomes in adolescents
BACKGROUND: Adolescents are reporting increasing symptoms of anxiety, depression and somatization and an increase in perceived stress is a plausible explanation. The first aim of this study was to examine the occurrence of perceived stress and health outcomes in adolescents, and to evaluate if there are any sex differences. The second aim was to investigate if there is an association between perce
Lifetimes of the 3p 2P1/2, 2P3/2 and 3d 2D3/2, 2D5/2 Levels in Cl VII
The beam-foil excitation technique has been applied to determine lifetimes of the 3p2P1/2, 2P3/2 and 3d2D3/2, 2D5/2 levels in Na-like Cl VII. Using the ANDC method accurate values have been obtained which confirm recent theoretical values and explain some previously noted differences between theoretical and experimental oscillator strengths for transitions in multiply ionized Na-like ions.
Dendrokronologisk analys av yttre ramen till en målning - äkthetsbedömningsprojekt Rembrandt
Dendrokronologisk analys av ytkolade brostolpar över Grönbäcken vid Forsvik, Västergötland
Dendrokronologisk analys av samisk bur i Örjedalen, Norge
Dendrokronologisk analys av sakristian i Karlskogas kyrka, Värmland
Aphasia after Ischemic Stroke. Diagnosis, Incidence, and Outcome.
Two-age islet-autoantibody screening for childhood type 1 diabetes : a prospective cohort study
Background: Early prediction of childhood type 1 diabetes reduces ketoacidosis at diagnosis and provides opportunities for disease prevention. However, only highly efficient approaches are likely to succeed in public health settings. We sought to identify efficient strategies for initial islet autoantibody screening in children younger than 15 years. Methods: We harmonised data from five prospecti
Organo-Metal Halide Scintillator with Weak Thermal Quenching Up to 200 °C
The prominent thermal quenching (TQ) effect of organic-inorganic metal halides limits their applications for lighting and imaging. Herein, we report an organo-metal halide scintillator (TTPhP)2MnCl4(TTPhP+= tetraphenylphosphonium cation), which exhibits a weak TQ effect up to 200 °C under ultraviolet-visible light (efficiency loss of 5.5%) and X-ray radiation (efficiency loss of 37%). The light yi