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Historiska museet

Presentation av Lunds Universitets Historiska Museum för utställningen "Mellan liv och död" på Lunds Konsthall 31 augusti - 27 oktober 2002. En bok med samma titel publicerades i samband med utställningen, där tolv arkiv och museer i Lund berättar om sina unika verksamheter i samband med en då pågående utredning vid Lunds universitet om fyra museers framtid : Antikmuseet, Botaniska museet, Histori

Drivers of dissolved organic carbon export in a subarctic catchment : Importance of microbial decomposition, sorption-desorption, peatland and lateral flow

Tundra soils account for 50% of global stocks of soil organic carbon (SOC), and it is expected that the amplified climate warming in high latitude could cause loss of this SOC through decomposition. Decomposed SOC could become hydrologically accessible, which increase downstream dissolved organic carbon (DOC) export and subsequent carbon release to the atmosphere, constituting a positive feedback

Immature Status Epilepticus : In Vitro Models Reveal Differences in Cholinergic Control and HFO Properties of Adult CA3 Interictal Discharges in Temporal vs Septal Hippocampus

We have earlier demonstrated that a Status Epilepticus (SE) during CNS development has long-lasting effects on cholinergic neurotransmission, detectable in vitro and in vivo. In this work, we aimed to localize changes in temporal (T) vs septal (S) hippocampus and to correlate adult CA3 interictal epileptiform discharge (IED) frequency changes to those of Ripples (R) and Fast Ripples (FR) of the Hi

Sounding Expanded Affinities : A Polytemporal Approach to Reconceptualizing Egalitarian Social Relations

My doctoral submission, Sounding Expanded Affinities, examines how strides toward gender equality might be made, but it postulates that this is too difficult while marriage remains at the core of our patriarchal value system. This patriarchal system is one which oppresses women by manipulating subjects into its preferred roles often in subtle, chronic ways, using repetition and pairing as its tool

The Scheimpflug lidar method

The recent several years we developed the Scheimpflug lidar method. We combined an invention from the 19th century with modern optoelectronics such as diode lasers and CMOS array from the 21st century. The approach exceeds expectations of background suppression, sensitivity and resolution beyond known from time-of-flight lidars. We accomplished multiband elastic atmospheric lidars for resolving si

Projectification : The Trojan horse of local government

Syftet med denna avhandling är att begreppsliggöra projektifiering av offentlig sektor genom att besvara frågorna hur projektifiering yttrar sig i den kommunala praktiken och hur det påverkar kommunal organisering och kommunalt anställda. Avhandlingen är en institutionell etnografi som tar sin utgångspunkt i den svenska kommunen Eslöv och dess organisatoriska och institutionella omgivning. Med ettThis thesis aims to conceptualize local government projectification by answering the questions of how projectification is manifested in practice, and what the consequences of the project logic are for local government organizations and their employees. An institutional ethnography is conducted in the Swedish municipality of Eslöv and its organizational and institutional surroundings. Through an in

Genotoxic effects of daily personal exposure to particle mass and number concentrations on buccal cells

The aim of this study is to assess personal exposure to Particle Number Concentrations (PNC) in four size ranges between 0.3 and 10 μm, and particulate matter (PM1; PM2.5; PM4; PM10) in order to evaluate possible genotoxic effects through a comet assay in buccal cells. A convenience cohort of 30 individuals from a Brazilian medium-sized city was selected. These individuals aged between 20 and 61 a

Performance of structural glass facades under extreme loads – Design methods, existing research, current issues and trends

Glass has been overwhelmingly used for windows and facades in modern constructions, for many practical reasons, including thermal, energy, light and aesthetics. Nevertheless, due to the relatively low tensile strength and mostly brittle behaviour of glass, compared to other traditional materials, as well as to a multitude of interacting structural and non-structural components, windows/facades are

Essays on Regional Economics

This thesis is, to its nature, somewhat wide in scope. The common denominator for theincluded essays is regional economics. Within this very wide area of research, the thesis isdivided rather sharply between one part regarding trading of emission permits in theinternational aviation sector and another part concerned with real estate markets. The basis ofthis thesis is five essays all written for t

Loss of inhibition in ipsilateral somatosensory areas following altered afferent nerve signaling from the hand

Cutaneous stimulation of the hand results in increased neural activity in the contralateral primary somatosensory cortex (S1) in humans, whereas an inhibition of neurons is seen in the ipsilateral S1.The aim of this study was to assess changes in neural activity in the S1 bilaterally, with a focus on the ipsilateral hemisphere, following altered afferent nerve signaling from the hand. Three cohort

Structure reconsidered: Towards new foundations of explanatory transitions theory

The most prominent framework for studying socio-technical transitions to date is the multi-level perspective (MLP). While appreciated for its flexibility and usefulness for studying socio-technical transitions it has not been without its critics. In this paper we focus on the ontological foundations of the MLP and its (in)ability to explain transitions and how they come about. The purpose is to in

The impact of hetero-junction and oxide-interface traps on the performance of InAs/Si and InAs/GaAsSb nanowire tunnel FETs

Fabricated InAs/Si and InAs/GaAsSb vertical nanowire tunnel FETs are analyzed by physics-based TCAD with emphasis on the impact of hetero-junction and oxide-interface traps on their performance. After careful fitting of a minimum set of parameters, the effects of diameter scaling and gate alignment are predicted. Trap-assisted tunneling at the oxide interface is suppressed by scaling the diameter

Effects of Dextran-70 and Albumin on Coagulation in Experimental Hemorrhage in the Guinea Pig

Background: Dextran-70 is a more potent plasma volume expander than albumin but use has beenhampered because of it´s antithrombotic properties. However, also albumin has antithromboticproperties and little is known about relative effects of these two colloids on coagulation in-vivo whencontrolling for differences in efficacy as plasma volume expanders. Aim: Compare effects of dextran-70 and albumiBACKGROUND: Dextran-70 is a more potent plasma volume expander than albumin but use has been hampered because of it's antithrombotic properties. However, also albumin has antithrombotic properties and little is known about relative effects of these two colloids on coagulation in-vivo when controlling for differences in efficacy as plasma volume expanders.AIM: Compare effects of dextran-70 and albu

The Bloomsbury Handbook of Sound Art

The Bloomsbury Handbook of Sound Art explores and delineates what Sound Art is in the 21st century. Sound artworks today embody the contemporary and transcultural trends towards the post-apocalyptic, a wide sensorial spectrum of sonic imaginaries as well as the decolonization and deinstitutionalization around the making of sound. Within the areas of musicology, art history, and, later, sound studi