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Effects of Spin-Orbit Interactions in Ferromagnetic Metal Nanoparticles
Popular Abstract in Swedish Denna avhandling fokuserar på effekterna av spin-ban växelverkan (SBV) i nanometerstora ferromagnetiska metallpartiklar. SBV kan betraktas som en interaktion mellan två magnetiska moment, varav det ena utgörs av elektronens spin och det andra är orsakat av elektronens egen banrörelse. Banrörelsens bidrag bygger på faktumet att ett magnetiskt moment genereras av elektrisThis thesis is a theoretical investigation of the effects of spin-orbit (SO) interactions in ferromagnetic metal nano-particles. Part I of the thesis is devoted to an elementary introduction of the research field, including recent experimental advances which partly motivated the work presented here. At the core of the thesis lie four original papers, collected in Part II, which are presented and s
Är småhusområdet en kvinnofälla?
Millin, Sarah Gertrude (1888–1968)
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Using direct manipulation for real-time structural design exploration
Det första skedet när ett byggnadsverk ska uppföras är det konceptuella designskedet, det är här de första besluten om utformningen av byggnadsverket görs. I det traditionella arbetsflödet utformas byggnadsverket först i ett ritprogram, sedan används ett annat datorverktyg för att verifiera att det utformade byggnadsverket kan hantera de krafter som uppstår, t.ex. vind, egentyngd osv. Detta arbeteBefore a new structure can be built, it must be designed. This design phase is a very important step in the building process. The total cost of the structure and its structural performance are largely dependent on the structural design process. The impact of decisions on the design process is initially high and declines as the design matures. However, few computational tools are available for the
Politik underifrån : kollektiva konfrontationer under Sveriges 1900-tal
Verktygslåda för konfliktforskare
Slip of the tongue betrays true quality of elite
Marie Curie Team on Exchange Processes in the Land Surface – Atmosphere System
A usability study of a virtual cash dispenser for brain injury rehabilitation
Controller synthesis for application specific digital signal processors
A controller synthesizer, that is part of a design system by which algorithms unsuitable for standard processors can be implemented, is presented. A hierarchical controller architecture suitable for frame-based and multi-sample-rate algorithms is synthesized. Synthesis of a controller is based on micro instructions, specific for each architecture, and assumes no use of predefined functional blocks
Qusta ibn Luqas bok om domning
Electricity-based plastics and their potential demand for electricity and carbon dioxide
In a future fossil-free circular economy, the petroleum-based plastics industry must be converted to non-fossil feedstock. A known alternative is bio-based plastics, but a relatively unexplored option is deriving the key plastic building blocks, hydrogen and carbon, from electricity through electrolytic processes combined with carbon capture and utilization technology. In this paper the future dem
Globalt folkstyre? Kommentar till Johan P. Olsen
Kommentarer till Johan P. Olsens artikel “Lorenzettis utfordring og demokratiets århundre”. Redaktionen har bett några svenska statsvetare att fritt kommentera den text av Johan P. Olsen som publiceras i detta nummer av Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift.
Housing design and people with severe mental illness. An observational approach to the investigation of supported housing facilities.
Tackling complexity in an interdisciplinary scholarly network: Requirements for semantic publishing
Scholarly communication is complex. The clarification of concepts like “academic publication”, “document”, “semantics” and “ontology” facilitates tracking the limitations and benefits of the media of the current publishing system, as well as of a possible alternative medium. In this paper, requirements for such a new medium of scholarly communication, labeled Scholarly Network, have been collected
Optimal Scheduling and Power Allocation in Cooperate-to-Join Cognitive Radio Networks
In this paper, optimal resource allocation policies are characterized for wireless cognitive networks under the spectrum leasing model. We propose cooperative schemes in which secondary users share the time-slot with primary users in return for cooperation. Cooperation is feasible only if the primary system's performance is improved over the non-cooperative case. First, we investigate a scheduling
Theoretical Framework for Modelling the Behaviour of Frictional Materials
A constitutive theory is proposed, which possesses the possibilities of modelling all the important features or the behaviour or frictional materials such as: influence of all three stress invariants, coupling between deviatoric and volumetric response, dilatancy, softening, and different behaviour in loading and unloading. The basic constitutive assumptions are relations between properly defined