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Your search for "*" yielded 533480 hits

Noise reduction in single time frame optical DNA maps

In optical DNA mapping technologies sequence-specific intensity variations (DNA barcodes) along stretched and stained DNA molecules are produced. These "fingerprints" of the underlying DNA sequence have a resolution of the order one kilobasepairs and the stretching of the DNA molecules are performed by surface adsorption or nano-channel setups. A postprocessing challenge for nano-channel based met

Other cancers in lung cancer families are overwhelmingly smoking-related cancers

Familial risks of lung cancer are well-established, but whether lung cancer clusters with other discordant cancers is less certain, particularly beyond smoking-related sites, which may provide evidence on genetic contributions to lung cancer aetiology. We used a novel approach to search for familial associations in the Swedish Family-Cancer Database. This involved assessment of familial relative r

Spädbarnsbotulism - Skäl att inte ge honung till barn under ett år

Infant botulism means that Clostridium botulinum colonize and produce toxin in the infant gut, usually during the first year of life. Illness severity varies widely and the incidence may be under-estimated. Infant botulism should be considered in cases of acute muscle weakness or floppiness in infants, especially when accompanied by constipation or feeding difficulties. Respiratory failure and nee

Tillgång till snabb laboratorieanalys vid akut förgiftning ger bättre och säkrare vård

The Swedish Poisons Information Centre, a nationwide 24/7 service to healthcare providers and the public, answers many questions about serious cases of acute poisoning. In some of these, prompt and proper treatment recommendations can be crucial for the clinical outcome. In cases where self-reported information is missing or considered unreliable, more emphasis is placed on the clinical symptoms a

Allergic contact dermatitis caused by dimethylthiocarbamylbenzothiazole sulfide (DMTBS) in canvas shoes : In search of the culprit allergen

Background: During rubber vulcanization, new compounds can be formed. Objectives: To report a case of allergic shoe dermatitis in which the search for the allergen ultimately led to the identification of dimethylthiocarbamylbenzothiazole sulfide (DMTBS). Methods: A female presented with eczema on her feet after wearing Sperry Top Sider® canvas sneakers. Patch testing was performed with the Europea

Visual cues of oviposition sites and spectral sensitivity of Cydia strobilella L.

We investigated whether the spruce seed moth (Cydia strobilella L., Tortricidae: Grapholitini), an important pest in seed orchards of Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.), can make use of the spectral properties of its host when searching for flowers to oviposit on. Spectral measurements showed that the flowers, and the cones they develop into, differ from a background of P. abies needles by a

Validering : - att anamma ett koncept trots osäkerhet om nyttan med det

I artikeln analyseras branschorganisationers förhållningssätt tillvalideringssystem, generiska kompetenser och SeQF. Branschorganisationervisar ett svalt intresse för SeQF men är positiva till generiska kompetensersom inte kan valideras i avsaknad av valideringskriterier. Validering har fåttspridning bland branschorganisationer genom homogeniseringsprocesser ochen politisk-administrativ ordning so

Oral uricase eliminates blood uric acid in the hyperuricemic pig model

An elevated level of serum uric acid - hyperuricemia, is strongly associated with the development of gout and chronic kidney disease (CKD) which is often accompanied by a significantly reduced glomerular filtration rate (GFR). In the present study, we investigated the extra-renal elimination of uric acid via the intestine in a healthy pig model and the effect of oral uricase therapy on plasma uric

External Assistance to India from Western Governments and International Agencies during 1951-61

The purpose of this essay is to trace the trends in the flow of economic assistance to India during the 1951–61 period of the First and Second Five Year Plans. The essay is further intended to provide a detailed review of the amounts. types. purposes and sources of the assistance received by India. 1 This essay is part of a larger work. under preparation wbere tbe actual contribution of the foreig

Growth and distributive justice in the Indian agricultural strategies since 1951

The purpose of the following essay is to give a broad outline of the Indian agricultural development and to relate this to two norms of development: growth and distributive justice. Distributive justice is in this context not to be understood as a question of absolute economic equality but should be understood in a broader sense, namely, a relatively egalitarian distribution of incomes and product

Hypothalamic atrophy is related to body mass index and age at onset in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

Objective: Our objective was to study the hypothalamic volume in a cohort of patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) including symptomatic and presymptomatic ALS mutation carriers.Methods: High-resolution three-dimensional T1-weighted MRI datasets from 251 patients with sporadic ALS, 19 symptomatic and 32 presymptomatic ALS mutation carriers and 112 healthy controls (HC) were retrospecti

Psychiatric diagnoses in relation to severity of intellectual disability and challenging behaviors : a register study among older people

OBJECTIVE: To investigate the possible association between severity of intellectual disability (ID) and presence of challenging behavior, respectively, on diagnoses of psychiatric disorders among older people with ID.METHODS: People with a diagnosis of ID in inpatient or specialist outpatient care in 2002-2012 were identified (n = 2147; 611 with mild ID, 285 with moderate ID, 255 with severe or pr

Selenium and breast cancer risk : A prospective nested case-control study on serum selenium levels, smoking habits and overweight

Previous research has not been conclusive regarding the association between selenium (Se) and breast cancer. This study was conducted to clarify if there is an association between prediagnostic serum Se levels and breast cancer risk. A population based cohort, the Malmö Diet and Cancer Study, was used and linked with the Swedish cancer registry up to 31 December 2013. Our study included 1,186 wome

Surgery and survival in birth cohorts with severe haemophilia and differences in access to replacement therapy : The Malmö experience

Background: Persons with severe haemophilia require lifelong replacement therapy, prophylaxis, to prevent bleeding. Data describing long-term outcomes of prophylactic treatment are scarce. The aim of this study was to investigate joint surgery and survival among persons with severe haemophilia with special attention to access to prophylaxis in the early years of life. Methods: Eligible participant

Review of IS security policy compliance : Toward the building blocks of an IS asecurity theory

An understanding of insider threats in information systems (IS) is important to help address one of the dangers lurking within organizations. This article provides a review of the literature on insider compliance (and failure of compliance) with information systems' policies in order to understand the status of IS research regarding negligent and malicious insiders. We begin by defining the terms,

Comment to art. 41 of the Labour Code of Georgia

The chapter analyses art. 41 of the Labour code of Georgia which defines the collective agreement, offering a comparison between the notion offered by the code and the one of some western European Countries.

Delaying ACL reconstruction and treating with exercise therapy alone may alter prognostic factors for 5-year outcome : An exploratory analysis of the KANON trial

Aim Identify injury-related, patient-reported and treatment-related prognostic factors for 5-year outcomes in acutely ACL-ruptured individuals managed with early reconstruction plus exercise therapy, exercise therapy plus delayed reconstruction or exercise therapy alone. Methods Exploratory analysis of the Knee Anterior Cruciate Ligament, Nonsurgical versus Surgical Treatment (KANON) trial (ISRCTN