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Phase transition in random distance graphs on the torus

In this paper we consider random distance graphs motivated by applications in neurobiology. These models can be viewed as examples of inhomogeneous random graphs, notably outside of the so-called rank-1 case. Treating these models in the context of the general theory of inhomogeneous graphs helps us to derive the asymptotics for the size of the largest connected component. In particular, we show t


The multifaceted complement regulator vitronectin (Vn) can be found in almost all tissues of the human body. It is primarily produced by the liver and is thus detected at high concentrations in plasma. Upon inflammation, Vn is upregulated revealing its importance for the innate immune defence against danger signals. It consists of 459 amino acids and has several key sequences linked to its functio

Changes in neuronal activity of cortico-basal ganglia-thalamic networks induced by acute dopaminergic manipulations in rats

The basal ganglia are thought to be particularly sensitive to changes in dopaminergic tone, and the realization that reduced dopaminergic signaling causes pronounced motor dysfunction is the rationale behind dopamine replacement therapy in Parkinson's disease. It has, however, proven difficult to identify which neurophysiological changes that ultimately lead to motor dysfunctions. To clarify this,

IL-1β mediates lung neutrophilia and IL-33 expression in a mouse model of viral-induced asthma exacerbation

BACKGROUND: Viral-induced asthma exacerbations, which exhibit both Th1-type neutrophilia and Th2-type inflammation, associate with secretion of Interleukin (IL)-1β. IL-1β induces neutrophilic inflammation. It may also increase Th2-type cytokine expression. We hypothesised that IL-1β is causally involved in both Th1 and Th2 features of asthma exacerbations. This hypothesis is tested in our mouse mo

Platelet activation and aggregation by the opportunistic pathogen Cutibacterium (Propionibacterium) acnes

Cutibacterium (Propionibacterium) acnes, considered a part of the skin microbiota, is one of the most commonly isolated anaerobic bacteria from medical implants in contact with plasma. However, the precise interaction of C. acnes with blood cells and plasma proteins has not been fully elucidated. Herein, we have investigated the molecular interaction of C. acnes with platelets and plasma proteins.

Weibull triaxiality : A novel constraint assessment parameter for cleavage fracture in ductile to brittle transition region

The cleavage fracture probability of ferritic and ferritic/martensitic steels is generally computed using Beremin's model. In this work, a novel approach is developed for Beremin's model to be applicable to crack tip conditions under nonself similar stress field. The modification of Beremin's model corrects the inaccurate integration of local cleavage fracture probabilities of reference volume ele

Synen på människan som skapare av (o)mänskligt liv: Exemplet Mary Shellys Frankenstein, eller den moderna Prometeus

Människans nyfikenhet och strävan att tänja på gränserna för att stilla vetgirigheten är inget nytt och kanske inte ens mest utmärkande för just vår tid. Dokumenterade källor från 1200-talet kan tjäna som goda exempel som stödjer ett sådant antagande. Mary Shelleys roman från början av 1800-talet, Frankenstein, eller moderne Prometeus, är kanske den än idag mest kända kommentaren till detta gränst

Vittra kanslerer. Erik Lindschöld, Magnus Stenbock och Carl Gyllenborg

Lunds universitets tre första kanslerer var också poeter och deras poetiska och kulturella insatser presenteras här, liksom deras insatser för de nyligen (1668) grundade universitetet.The three first chancellors of Lund University are presented as poets and as politicians, ruling and supporting the newly (1668) founded university in Lund.

A predictive focus of gain modulation encodes target trajectories in insect vision

When a human catches a ball, they estimate future target location based on the current trajectory. How animals, small and large, encode such predictive processes at the single neuron level is unknown. Here we describe small target-selective neurons in predatory dragonflies that exhibit localized enhanced sensitivity for targets displaced to new locations just ahead of the prior path, with suppress

A spatially explicit agent-based simulation model of a reservoir host of cutaneous leishmaniasis, Rhombomys opimus

Rhombomys opimus (R. opimus), a social rodent, is the main reservoir host for zoonotic cutaneous leishmaniasis (ZCL) in most parts of the Middle East and central Asia. The difficulties in monitoring rodent population patterns have hindered the effective application of preventive measures of ZCL. This study presents a spatially explicit agent-based simulation model of R. opimus behaviors that is in

Microcontact-BSA imprinted capacitive biosensor for real-time, sensitive and selective detection of BSA

An analytical method is presented, combining novel microcontact imprinting technique and capacitive biosensor technology for the detection of BSA. Glass cover slips were used for preparation of protein stamps. The microcontact-BSA imprinted gold electrodes were prepared in the presence of methacrylic acid (MAA) and poly-ethylene glycol dimethacrylate (PEGDMA) as the cross-linker by bringing the pr

Molecularly imprinted cryogels for human interferon-alpha purification from human gingival fibroblast culture

Interferons are important proteins for the immune system because of their antiviral, anti-proliferating and immunomodulatory activities. Therapeutic value of these proteins against certain types of tumors caused interest and investigations aimed to obtain highly purified interferons. Molecular imprinting is an efficient method for purification with high selectivity, specificity and good reproducib

Three new species of algae-scraping cyprinid from Tigris River drainage in Iran (Teleostei: Cyprinidae)

Traditionally small-scale populations of Capoeta in the Tigris River drainage are identified as Capoeta damascina. The recent finding revealed that some populations of small-scaled C. damascina species group are not identified as any described species. We examined these populations and the results showed that there are pronounced differences between them in morphological and molecular characters.