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Correct interpretation of nanofluid convective heat transfer

Engineers and scientist have a long tradition in trying to improve the thermophysical properties of convective heat carriers such as water and transformer oil. Technological developments of the last decades allow the dispersion of particle of sizes ranging between 10 and 100 nm in these liquids. In a large number of recent studies the resulting nanofluids have been reported to display anomalously

Toward Inclusive Pharmaceutical Packaging : An Innovation and Design Process Perspective

Pharmaceutical packaging has an increasing importance in aging societies, wherepeople depend on medicines for their own care and well-being. Previous research shows that pharmaceutical packaging is a source of uncertainties, confusion, and daily struggles. The challenges experienced by users are extensive; the pharmaceutical industry needs to respond with packaging innovation. To address these com

An aposematic colour-polymorphic moth seen through the eyes of conspecifics and predators - Sensitivity and colour discrimination in a tiger moth

Although predation is commonly thought to exert the strongest selective pressure on coloration in aposematic species, sexual selection may also influence coloration. Specifically, polymorphism in aposematic species cannot be explained by natural selection alone. Males of the aposematic wood tiger moth (Arctia plantaginis) are polymorphic for hindwing coloration throughout most of their range. In S

Investigation of Particle Number Emission Characteristics in a Heavy-Duty Compression Ignition Engine Fueled with Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil (HVO)

Diesel engines are one of the most important power generating units these days. Increasing greenhouse gas emissions level and the need for energy security has prompted increasing research into alternative fuels for diesel engines. Biodiesel is the most popular amongst the alternatives for diesel fuel as it is biodegradable, renewable and can be produced domestically from vegetable oils. In recent

Vulnerable Normality: Popular Neuroimaging and the Discursive Logic of the (Dis)able(d) Brain

The aim of this article is to analyse popular neuroimaging of (dis)able(d) brains as a cultural phenomenon, as well as to explore how there has been, during the last decades, a subtle but important change in the way “normal” brains are depicted in popular science. Popular neuroimaging is introduced and used as an empirical basis to analyse what Fiona Kumari Campbell sees as a critique against able

Inter- and intra-rater reliability of the head-shaft angle in children with cerebral palsy

Purpose. Children with cerebral palsy (CP) are at increased risk for hip dislocation. This can be prevented in most cases using surveillance programmes that include radiographic examinations. Known risk factors for hip dislocation include young age, high Gross Motor Function Classification System (GMFCS) level and high migration percentage (MP). The head-shaft angle (HSA) has recently been describ

Application of whole-exome sequencing to direct the specific functional testing and diagnosis of rare inherited bleeding disorders in patients from the Öresund Region, Scandinavia

Rare inherited bleeding disorders (IBD) are a common cause of bleeding tendency. To ensure a correct diagnosis, specialized laboratory analyses are necessary. This study reports the results of an upfront diagnostic strategy using targeted whole exome sequencing. In total, 156 patients with a significant bleeding assessment tool score participated in the study, of which a third had thrombocytopenia

Improved positioning and detectability of microparticles in droplet microfluidics using two-dimensional acoustophoresis

We have fabricated a silicon-glass two-phase droplet microfluidic system capable of generating sub 100 μm-sized, ø = (74 ± 2) μm, spherical droplets at rates of up to hundreds of hertz. By implementing a two-dimensional (2D) acoustophoresis particle-positioning method, we show a fourfold improvement in both vertical and lateral particle positioning inside the droplets compared to unactuated operat

Untangling Infinite Regress and the Origins of Capability

We argue that strategic management in general—and capability theory in particular—suffers from problems of infinite regress that can be traced to an unsatisfactory specification of initial conditions. We argue, first, that this has led to an overemphasis on path dependence, experience, and history, without sufficient attention on initial conditions: more proximate, decision-oriented punctuation po

Structures of apolipoprotein A-I in high density lipoprotein generated by electron microscopy and biased simulations

Background: Apolipoprotein A-I (apoA-I) in high-density lipoprotein (HDL) is a key protein for the transport of cholesterol from the vascular wall to the liver. The formation and structure of nascent HDL, composed of apoA-I and phospholipids, is critical to this process. Methods: The HDL was assembled in vitro from apoA-I, cholesterol and 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (POPC) at

Line search for generalized alternating projections

This paper is about line search for the generalized alternating projections (GAP) method. This method is a generalization of the von Neumann alternating projections method, where instead of alternating projections, relaxed projections are alternated. The method can be interpreted as an averaged iteration of a nonexpansive mapping. Therefore, a recently proposed line search method for such algorith

The P1 histo-blood group antigen is present on human red blood cell glycoproteins

Background: The P1 antigen was first described in 1927 but not categorized with the Pk antigen in the P1PK histo-blood group system until 2010. Individuals of P1 phenotype have both the Pk and P1 antigens on their red blood cell (RBC) surface, while P2 individuals lack P1 and have lower amounts of Pk. Like in the ABO system, the antigens are carbohydrate epitopes built up stepwise by glycosyltrans