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Energy Efficiency in Cement Industry

Abstract in UndeterminedEconomic development that includes investments in infrastructure and buildings requires energy intensive basic materials such as steel and cement. The production capacity of these industries is also growing most rapidly in developing countries [WEC, 1995 #41]. Energy intensive industries typically account for a relatively small share of the value-added in industry but a rel

Klimatet tar inte paus

Inbromsningen är varken oväntad eller oförklarlig Under den senaste femtonårsperioden (1998-2012) har hastigheten på temperaturökningen i atmosfären bromsats in. Detta har lett till vissa spekulationer i media och samhällsdebatten om att klimatförändringarna avstannat, eller att effekten av växthusgasernas inverkan är mindre än tidigare bedömts. Klimatvetenskapen däremot säger att inbromsningen av

Olfaction in Desert Locusts- Anatomy, Function and Plasticity of the Central Olfactory System

Popular Abstract in Swedish Svensk populärvetenskaplig sammanfattning av avhandlingen Olfaction in Desert Locusts – Anatomy, Function and Plasticity of the Central Olfactory System av Rickard Ignell, Ekologiska institutionen, Lunds Universitet 2001. Doftsinnet hos ökengräshoppor Att studera ökengräshoppans, Schistocerca gregaria, doftsinne är att försöka komma underfund med några av de mekanismeThe anatomy, function and plasticity of the primary olfactory centre, the antennal lobe (AL), of the desert locust Schistocerca gregaria was investigated using a number of neuroanatomical and neurophysiological methods. Anatomical characterisation of the AL in a number of orthopteran species made it possible to deduce a model concerning the evolution of microglomeruli. These neuropil structures, c

Adaptive Resource Management for Uncertain Execution Platforms

Embedded systems are becoming increasingly complex. At the same time, the components that make up the system grow more uncertain in their properties. For example, current developments in CPU design focuses on optimizing for average performance rather than better worst case performance. This, combined with presence of 3rd party software components with unknown properties, makes resource management

On coefficient memory co-optimization for channel estimation in a multi-standard environment (LTE and DVB-H)

This paper presents a novel memory optimization technique to exploit the analogy between correlation coefficients in MMSE-based channel estimators across multiple standards. The need for coefficient storage for robust MMSE channel estimators is expensive in terms of on-chip memory. Besides, the memory requirements grow linearly by integrating more standards onto one platform. Thus, it becomes inev

Simple tuning rules for feedforward compensators

This paper describes new simple tuning rules for design of feedforward compensators. The problem of feedforward from load disturbances is analyzed, and it is shown that the feedback controller should be taken into account in the feedforward design process. Simple rules based on IAE minimization with restrictions on the process output overshoot and the high-frequency gain of the compensator are the

Pion and Kaon Dynamics at Higher Orders in Chiral Perturbation Theory

Popular Abstract in Swedish Beräkningar av högre ordning i kiral störningsteorin med tre kvarkar presenteras. De relevanta frihetsgraderna i denna teorin är de lättaste pseudo-skalära mesonerna, pionen och kaonen. Syftet med dessa beräkningar är dubbelt. För det första, att kunna bestämma de erforderliga lågenergi-konstanter som krävs för att uppnå högre precision i förutsägelserna från denna teorHigher orders calculations of processes involving the pion and kaon pseudo-scalar mesons are presented in the framework of three flavour Chiral Perturbation Theory. The purpose is two-fold. First determining the low energy constants of ChPT that are necessary for higher accuracy predictions. Secondly, testing the validity of the chiral expansion in the strange quark mass, with emphasis on the valu

Mixing patterns in Rushton-turbine-agitated reactors

This Ph.D. Thesis concerns the study of mixing in Rushton turbine agitated reactors. In industrial (bio)reactors, mixing is recognised as a limiting factor that significantly affects the performance of the process. This limitation has motivated the present study. It is first shown how planar laser-induced fluorescence (PLIF) can be used to investigate mixing in a model reactor. The principles of