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Characterization of Glow Plug and HCCI Combustion Processes in a Small Volume at High Engine Speed - Load Range, Emission Characteristics and Optical Diagnostics

The objective of this research that has taken me halfway to my PhD degree was to understand how HCCI combustion behaves in a small volume at high rotational speed. The investigation has been carried out using a modified model airplane engine. The whole study can be divided into two main parts; in the first, the nature of the glow plug combustion was investigated through experiments on a metal engi

Banalitet som frälsning

Essä om maskulinitet och amerikansk film under 1980- och 1990-talen med Keanu Reeves stjärnimage som exempel.

Effects of long-term exposure to trichloroethylene on the behavior of mongolian gerbils (Meriones Unguiculatus)

Two groups of Mongolian gerbils (Meriones unguiculatus) were continuously exposed to 150 ppm trichloroethylene (TCE) for 77 and 106 d, respectively. The behavior of the animals was tested in a symmetrical maze baited with sunflower seeds during a period of 23 d, beginning at the end of exposure. One additional group was exposed for 150 d and then allowed 40 d free from exposure before the start of

Developmental biology of the Psammomys obesus pancreas: Cloning and expression of the Neurogenin-3 gene

The desert gerbil Psammomys obesus, an established model of type 2 diabetes (M), has previously been shown to lack pancreatic and duodenal homeobox gene 1 (Pdx-1) expression. Pdx-1 deficiency leads to pancreas agenesis in both mice and humans. We have therefore further examined the pancreas of P. obesus during embryonic development. Using Pdx-1 antisera raised against evolutionary conserved epitop

Sperm count and chromatin structure in men exposed to inorganic lead: lowest adverse effect levels

OBJECTIVES: To obtain knowledge on male reproductive toxicity of inorganic lead at current European exposure levels and to establish lowest adverse effect levels, if any. METHODS: A cross sectional survey of the semen of 503 men employed by 10 companies was conducted in the United Kingdom, Italy, and Belgium. The mean blood lead concentration was 31.0 microg/dl (range 4.6-64.5) in 362 workers expo

Fire Safety Risk Analysis of a Hotel

The first order second moment (FOSM) method is used for deriving a risk measure for safety of people in hotels. The measure is the reliability index ß. The safety is expressed as the evacuation time margin which is the difference between the available time before untenable conditions occur and the evacuation time. These times are subjected to uncertainty. The reliability index is used to determine

Analysis of the inflammatory response to titanium and PTFE implants in soft tissue by macrophage phenotype quantification

Implants of commercially pure titanium and polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) were inserted in the rat abdominal wall for 1, 6 or 12 wk. The foreign body reaction was evaluated by immunohistochemical quantification of monocytes/macrophages and by the thickness of the foreign-body capsule. At all time intervals, the majority of interfacial cells were ED1-positive while ED2-positive cells were localized

OPENLAND3: a computer program to estimate plant abundance around pollen sampling sites from vegetation maps: a necessary step for calculation of pollen productivity estimates

OPENLAND3 belongs to a suite of computer programs included in the POLLSCAPE simulation model. These programs make it possible to calculate estimates of pollen loadings in lake basins or bogs using vegetation data. OPENLAND3, written in Visual Basic 6, is designed to produce appropriate vegetation data files from vegetation maps stored in a Geographical Information System. It calculates percentage

Randomized trial of single agent paclitaxel given weekly versus every three weeks and with peroral versus intravenous steroid premedication to patients with ovarian cancer previously treated with platinum

The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy and toxicity of paclitaxel given at the same dose intensity and administered weekly (arm A) or every 3 weeks (arm B), and to assess the safety of intravenous steroids versus standard peroral premedication. Two hundred and eight patients with advanced ovarian cancer previously treated with no more than one platinum-containing regimen were randomize

Management of pregnancies with suspected intrauterine growth retardation in Sweden. Results of a questionnaire

BACKGROUND: Diagnosis and management of intrauterine growth retardation during pregnancy remain a major challenge in obstetric care. The objective of this survey was to evaluate the routine clinical management of pregnancies with suspected intrauterine growth retardation at obstetric departments in Sweden. METHODS: In 1997, a questionnaire was sent to all 59 obstetric departments in Sweden. Forty-