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Your search for "*" yielded 528514 hits

OCTAVVS : A graphical toolbox for high-throughput preprocessing and analysis of vibrational spectroscopy imaging data

Modern vibrational spectroscopy techniques enable the rapid collection of thousands of spectra in a single hyperspectral image, allowing researchers to study spatially heterogeneous samples at micrometer resolution. A number of algorithms have been developed to correct for effects such as atmospheric absorption, light scattering by cellular structures and varying baseline levels. After preprocessi

A Functional ClpXP Protease is Required for Induction of the Accessory Toxin Genes, tst, sed, and sec

Staphylococcal toxic shock syndrome is a potentially lethal illness attributed to superantigens produced by Staphylococcus aureus, in particular toxic shock syndrome toxin 1 (TSST-1), but staphylococcal enterotoxins (SEs) are also implicated. The genes encoding these important toxins are carried on mobile genetic elements, and the regulatory networks controlling expression of these toxins remain r

Disentangling production and climate signals from high-resolution Beryllium records: implications for solar and geomagnetic reconstructions

The sun is the most important energy source for the Earth’s climate system, however, influences of solar variations on climate are not fully understood. Studying past solar activity can improve our understanding of what role the sun plays in Earth’s climate. Cosmogenic radionuclides, such as 10Be in ice cores, are powerful tools to reconstruct past solar activity before the period of direct telesc

Harnessing hypoxia as an evolutionary driver of complex multicellularity : Hypoxia drives multicellular evolution

Animal tissue requires low-oxygen conditions for its maintenance. The need for low-oxygen conditions contrasts with the idea of an evolutionary leap in animal diversity as a result of expanding oxic conditions. To accommodate tissue renewal at oxic conditions, however, vertebrate animals and vascular plants demonstrate abilities to access hypoxia. Here, I argue that multicellular organisms sustain

Influence of grain growth on the thermal structure of protoplanetary discs

The thermal structure of a protoplanetary disc is regulated by the opacity that dust grains provide. However, previous works have often considered simplified prescriptions for the dust opacity in hydrodynamical disc simulations, for example, by considering only a single particle size. In the present work, we perform 2D hydrodynamical simulations of protoplanetary discs where the opacity is self-co

Rendering local: The politics of differential knowledge in carbon offset governance

Environmental governance relies on the translation of socioecological knowledge across disciplines and cultural–political boundaries. Comparatively few studies have, however, examined how such expert knowledge is translated back into the local contexts where projects are implemented. This article explores these processes of translation for the case of forest-based carbon offsetting using a case st

Q-switch techniques implemented at the Elettra storage-ring free-electron laser

In a Storage-Ring Free-Electron Laser (SRFEL) giant pulses can be produced by the interaction between the light stored in the optical cavity and an electron beam with low energy-spread (cold beam). This interplay produces the heating of the beam. After the generation of a single giant pulse the overlap between electrons and radiation is periodically prevented for a time necessary to dump the energ

Scaling up a Gas-Phase Process for Converting Glycerol to Propane

It is of interest to study not only the fundamental behavior of catalysts and reactors but also to ensure that they can be scaled up in size. This paper investigates the scale-up of a glycerol-to-propane process starting from fundamental laboratory data from micro-reactor testing to the kilogram scale. The process is described in detail and consist of the use of design documents and computer simul

Pathways to Leadership within and beyond Cambodian Civil Society : Elite Status and Boundary-Crossing

Elitisation in Cambodian civil society and how such processes relate to holding elite status in the state, electoral politics, and economic fields, is poorly understood. This article seeks to identify different pathways to becoming an elite within and beyond Cambodian civil society. We focus on four case studies, representing different forms of organisations within the sectors of agriculture and y

Collecting curiosities : Eighteenth-century Museum Stobaeanum and the development of ethnographic collections in the nineteenth century

In 1735, professor Kilian Stobaeus donated his collections to Lund University laying the foundation for the university’s first museum. The ”Museum Stobaeanum” contained over 3000 natural history, historical and ethnographic objects typical of the cabinets of curiosity. This richly illustrated book is the first comprehensive history of these collections.Eighteen chapters, written by an interdiscipl

Attosecond pulse shaping using a seeded free-electron laser

Attosecond pulses are central to the investigation of valence- and core-electron dynamics on their natural timescales1–3. The reproducible generation and characterization of attosecond waveforms has been demonstrated so far only through the process of high-order harmonic generation4–7. Several methods for shaping attosecond waveforms have been proposed, including the use of metallic filters8,9, mu

The Politics of Voter Presence

By focusing only on the composition of representative bodies, the traditional ‘politics of presence’ approach has inadvertently diminished the value of participation for representation. It overlooks that there exist ‘elite voters’ who reinforce discrimination against abstainers at the policy level and create obstacles for improving the lives of the marginalized. We offer a remedy to persisting pat

Influence of the cavity field flatness and effect of the phase reference line errorson the beam dynamics of the ESS LINAC

The particle longitudinal dynamics is affected by errors on the phase and amplitude of the electro-magnetic field in each cavity that cause emittance growth, beam degradation and losses. One of the causes of the phase error is the change of the ambience temperature in the LINAC tunnel, in the stub and in the klystron gallery that induces a phase drift of the signal travelling through the cables an

The catalytic nature of protein aggregation

The formation of amyloid fibrils from soluble peptide is a hallmark of many neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases. Characterization of the microscopic reaction processes that underlie these phenomena have yielded insights into the progression of such diseases and may inform rational approaches for the design of drugs to halt them. Experimental evidence suggests th

Climate and vegetation dynamics of the Northern Apennines (Italy) during the Late Pleistocene and Holocene

This study reconstructs the regional vegetation and climate dynamics between the upper Late Pleistoceneand Holocene around Pian del Lago, a coastal mountain marshland located at 831 m asl in westernLiguria (NW-Italy), based on the pollen analysis of a 13 m-long sediment core. The record provided aunique opportunity to study a poorly documented period in northern Italy and across many parts ofsouth