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Effects of agricultural intensity and landscape complexity on plant species richness

Jordbrukets intensitet har under de senaste decennierna ökat genom effektiviserad teknikanvändning och ökade insatser av pesticider och växtnäring. Detta har inte bara lett till ökade skördar utan även till negativa konsekvenser för den biologiska mångfalden i jordbrukslandskapet.I denna studie inventerades förekomsten av kärlväxter i 160 höstvetefält (Triticum aestivum L.) på 32 gårdar i Uppsala-

Economic Challenges for East Timor

The situation in East Timor is turbulent and future growth prospects are indeterminate. This paper discusses the economic challenges facing East Timor. Most inhabitants depend on subsistence farming and there is a need to both modernize agriculture and to foster a modern sector that can generate employment for the growing population. Public expenditures play an important role in this development a

Deregulating the pharmacy market : The case of Iceland and Norway

The pharmacy market in many European countries is characterised by individually owned pharmacies that operate under tight government control regarding barriers to entry, scope of activities and profit margins. Many countries are, however, in the process of introducing pro-competitive policies, including possibilities to own several pharmacies and competition based on price. In Iceland and Norway,

Vilket språk talar universitetet? : Språkrätt och språkval i svensk forskning och högre utbildning

Den högre utbildningen och forskningen i Sverige bedrivs till mycket stor del i en internationell miljö. Många forskare och studenter kommer från utlandet och har andra modersmål än svenska, och mycket forskning bedrivs och kommuniceras på engelska. Det påverkar språkanvändningen på universiteten. Samtidigt utgör de flesta lärosäten i Sverige statliga förvaltningsmyndigheter. Som sådana omfattas d

Influence of family history on risk of second primary cancers and survival in patients with squamous cell skin cancer

Background: Patients with squamous cell skin cancer (SCC) have an excellent prognosis but second primary cancers (SPCs) weaken survival prospects. Family history is a known risk factor for cancer but whether it is a risk factor for SPC in patients with SCC is not known. Objectives: To quantify the risk of family history on SPCs in patients with SCC and estimate survival probabilities of patients w

Live GUI development for service-based systems

In an increasingly connected world where all manner of devices can communicate over the Internet, conventional methods for developing GUIs (Graphical User Interfaces) are insufficient. For systems of such devices, it must be possible to develop the system itself independently from its GUI(s). In this paper, we present an approach for developing GUIs towards already deployed, or "live", service-bas

Immunological aspects of intratumoral chemotherapy and immunotherapy in malignant brain tumors

Hjärntumörer utgör omkring 2 procent av alla cancerdiagnoser och den vanligaste elakartade hjärntumörtypen är glioblastom (GBM). Patienter med GBM behandlas i dag med kirurgi, cellgifter och strålbehandling, men sjukdomen går sällan att bota och det krävs nya och mer effektiva behandlingsstrategier.I min doktorsavhandling har jag använt tre olika musmodeller, kallade GL261, KR158 och SB28, för attAdvances in surgery, chemo- and radiotherapy have only modestly improved survival rates of malignant brain tumor patients during the last decades. Emerging evidence suggests that an efficient treatment of malignant brain tumors will likely require the management of multiple aspects of tumor pathobiology in order to manipulate features as tumor heterogeneity and tumor immunosuppression. Immunothera

Dronedarone treatment following cardioversion in patients with atrial fibrillation/flutter : A post hoc analysis of the EURIDIS and ADONIS trials

Introduction: The phase 3 EURIDIS and ADONIS studies evaluated dronedarone for atrial fibrillation (AF)/atrial flutter (AFL) recurrence in patients with nonpermanent AF. Here we assessed whether patient characteristics and/or treatment outcomes in these studies differed based on the need for cardioversion before randomization. Methods: Time to adjudicated first AF/AFL recurrence, symptomatic recur

Investment shocks and inequality dynamics

We explore the dynamics of income and income inequality under asymmetric information in credit markets. Within a stochastic overlapping-generations framework, we study the investment decision of entrepreneurs with heterogeneous abilities. Under information asymmetry, banks do not observe entrepreneurial ability and offer a single pooled loan contract to all entrepreneurs. We show that, following a

Development and Applications of in vitro Models to Study Human Brain Evolution and Disease

Neuroscience focusing on human development and disease has long been hampered due to ethical reasons, low tissue availability, and low translatability from animal models. To circumvent these obstacles, we have developed two methods for the investigation of human neural cells in culture. Firstly, we present a robust 2-week protocol for the differentiation of human pluripotent stem cells (PSCs) into

Solvent-dependent complex reaction pathways of bromoform revealed by time-resolved X-ray solution scattering and X-ray transient absorption spectroscopy

The photochemical reaction pathways of CHBr3 in solution were unveiled using two complementary X-ray techniques, time-resolved X-ray solution scattering (TRXSS) and X-ray transient absorption spectroscopy, in a wide temporal range from 100 ps to tens of microseconds. By performing comparative measurements in protic (methanol) and aprotic (methylcyclohexane) solvents, we found that the reaction pat

A Survey of Published Attacks on Intel SGX

Intel Software Guard Extensions (SGX) provides a trusted execution environment (TEE) to run code and operate sensitive data.SGX provides runtime hardware protection where both code and data are protected even if other code components are malicious.However, recently many attacks targeting SGX have been identified and introduced that can thwart the hardware defence provided by SGX.In this paper we p

Weyl Semi-Metal-Based High-Frequency Amplifiers

In this work, we propose and simulate a novel amplifier based on Weyl semi-metals, e.g. WP2 and MoP2. These topological materials have been shown to exhibit extremely large magnetoresistance at cryogenic conditions. In the proposed device, a gate current induces a local magnetic field which controls the resistivity of the Weyl semi-metal channel and the resulting output current. Simulations of the

Synchronous growth releases in peatland pine chronologies as an indicator for regional climate dynamics-a multi-site study including estonia, Belarus and Sweden

Fourteen tree-ring chronologies developed from 788 peatland Scots pines sampled at sites in Estonia, Belarus and Sweden were compared for common growth trends and possible links to regional climate dynamics. Several synchronous growth release events were detected, especially during the 1910s, 1930s, and around 1970 and 1990, indicating that hydrological shifts and associated tree growth responses