"When the legend becomes a fact, print the legend!"
Artikel om västernfilmens historia och utveckling.
Artikel om västernfilmens historia och utveckling.
Typical biomolecular systems such as cellular membranes, DNA, and protein complexes are highly charged. Thus, efficient and accurate treatment of electrostatic interactions is of great importance in computational modeling of such systems. We have employed the GROMACS simulation package to perform extensive benchmarking of different commonly used electrostatic schemes on a range of computer archite
The utility of the GHOST(3) cell assay has been evaluated for testing coreceptor use of primary human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) isolates. GHOST(3) cells were derived from the human osteosarcoma cell line, HOS, and have been engineered to stably express CD4 and one or another of the chemokine receptors CCR3, CCR5, CXCR4, Bonzo, or the orphan receptor BOB. The Indicator cell line carries
Using an atomic model with a simplified-sequence-based potential, the folding properties of several different peptides are studied. Both alpha-helical (Trp cage, F-s) and beta-sheet(GB1p, GB1m2, GB1m3, Betanova, LLM) peptides are considered. The model is able to fold these different peptides for one and the same choice of;parameters, and the melting behaviour of the peptides (folded population aga
A coupled system, consisting of a conventional ion-exchange column and a chiral column, was used for separation of the D- and L-enantiomers as constituents of an amino acid mixture. The ion-exchange column was connected to an amino acid analyser and the eluents necessary for the chiral column were delivered by an HPLC pump. With this on-line system the D- and L-forms of eight of the proteinogenic
Objectives. To assess waiting times for three groups of orthopaedic patients in Sweden and to identify factors explaining variations in waiting time. Also examined were factors associated with patients' perceptions that waiting times were too long. Design. Retrospective study. Setting and study participants. Patients from orthopaedic units at 10 Swedish hospitals participated in the study. A quest
Popular Abstract in Swedish För att öka förståelsen för hur ljud sprider sig och strålar från byggnadskonstruktioner utförda i lättbyggnadsteknik så behövs teoretiska beräkningsmodeller. Sådana modeller presenteras i avhandlingen. Med lättbyggnadsteknik avses konstruktioner som inte är massiva, exempelvis väggar och bjälklag bestående av trä- eller stålreglar/bjälkar. Stegljudet, det vill säga detIn order to increase our knowledge of the sound transmission and radiation processes of lightweight wall and floor structures, theoretical models are needed. Detailed models may form a valuable tool. In lightweight floor structures, impact sound insulation is perhaps the most important property to consider. This thesis presents an overview of various solution strategies that may be useful in findi
Based on morphology, a cladistic analysis of the Neotropical family Quiinaceae (Malpighiales) was performed to generate a hypothesis of the phylogenetic relationships within the family. The monotypic Medusagynaceae and four species of Ochnaceae were used as outgroup. Using equal weights, the Quiinaceae find strong jackknife support and all genera, apart from Lacunaria. are monophyletic. Lacunaria
Abstract is not available.
Greenhouse-grown clones of Viola tricolor were used to evaluate the importance of genetic effects on in vit ro pollen tube growth rate in relation to the influence of two environmental soil factors-pH and phosphorus content. After 1 mo in different soil treatments, individual pollen tube growth rate was affected by a genotype by phosphorus interaction, while it was unaffected by either main effect
Chapter 2 analyses the relationship between capital structure and industry classification of Swedish firms. This study also analyses the determinants of the capital structure at the industry level. Since the assumption required for a parametric analysis of variances are not satisfied, a nonparametric method is applied to test for cross-industry differences in capital structure. The results show th
Popular Abstract in Swedish Avhandlingen tar avstamp i en pågående internationell diskussion om kvinnors mänskliga rättigheter och islam. I denna diskussion kan olika muslimska ståndpunkter identifieras. En del avvisar mänskliga rättigheter, såsom dessa formulerats i internationella människorättsdokument, som ”västerländska” påfund och hävdar de religiösa källornas överordnade auktoritet. För andrThe dissertation focuses on interpretations of Islam that claim compatibility with international human rights norms in the context of women’s rights. These interpretations are seen as parts of an on-going contemporary international debate on women’s human rights and Islam that engages Muslims as well as non-Muslims. Existing UN-formulated international human rights schemes are a basic starting poi
Some recent Swedish data on compartment fires are reviewed. Measured burning rates were as high as 7.7 A √ H kg/min where A is the opening area in m² and H is its height in m. A conventional power law is shown to relate the burning rate and the measured external flame length as well as does an empirical proportionality. The corrections to be allowed in both methods for the burning within the compa
Historik över lundakarnevalerna 1920-1990.