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A family history of fracture and fracture risk: a meta-analysis

The aims of the present study were to determine whether a parental history of any fracture or hip fracture specifically are significant risk factors for future fracture in an international setting, and to explore the effects of age, sex and bone mineral density (BMD) on this risk. We studied 34,928 men and women from seven prospectively studied cohorts followed for 134,374 person-years. The cohort

Proteasomal degradation of a trypanosomal ornithine decarboxylase

Mammalian ornithine decarboxylase (ODC), which catalyses the first step in polyamine biosynthesis, has a very fast turnover. It is degraded by the 26S proteasome in an ubiquitin-independent process and the degradation is stimulated by polyamines in a feedback control of the enzyme. Interestingly, there is a major difference in the metabolic stability between ODCs from various trypanosomatids. Tryp

Innovation Diffusion in the Construction Sector

Popular Abstract in Swedish Innovation är ryggraden i en fungerande marknadsekonomi. Det är genom innovationer som nationer, industrisektorer och företag konkurrerar. Det sker mycket både internationellt och nationellt som påverkar den svenska byggsektorn, vilket både ställer krav och skapar möjlighet för sektorn att förändras. Forskning kring innovationer i byggandet har mött ett ökat intresse deInnovation and development are the backbone of a thriving market economy. It is through innovations of various kinds that nations, industries and companies compete. Many actions in areas internationally and nationally will affect the construction sector. Research into construction innovation has attracted increasing interest. There have been studies ranging from how national research policies supp

Intraspecific variation of taeniate bisaccate pollen within permian glossopterid sporangia, from the Prince Charles Mountains, Antarctica

Permineralized sporangia from Late Permian sediments of the Amery Group in the Prince Charles Mountains, East Antarctica, are assigned to Arberiella sp. cf A. africana Pant ana Nautiyal. These sporangia contain between 2000 and 3000 taeniate, saccate pollen grains that are predominantly haploxylonoid bisaccate and referable to the palynotaxon Protohaploxypinus limpidus (Balme and Hennelly) Balme a

Chronology of neutron, proton and deuteron emission in intermediate energy heavy ion reactions

The CHIC Collaboration has performed a series of fermion interferometry experiments to study the space-time evolution of the emission sources in intermediate energy heavy ion reactions. Correlation functions of non-identical particles have allowed us to extract model independent information on the sequence of emission (chronology) of the particles. In this contribution, we discuss the order of emi

Vestibular evoked myogenic potentials in response to skull taps for patients with vestibular neuritis

In recent years it has been demonstrated that loud clicks generate short latency vestibular evoked myogenic potentials (VEMP). It has also been demonstrated that skull tap stimulation evokes similar VEMP. In the present study, the differences between the click-induced and the skull-tap induced VEMP were studied in 18 patients at onset of vestibular neuritis. Gentle skull taps were delivered manual

Determination of pore size distribution by suction porosimetry

Abstract in French La porosimétrie par succion repose sur la mesure de la dépression capillaire que suscite un liquide mouillant retenu dans un milieu poreux. C’est donc une méthode complémentaire à celle de la porosimétrie par pression (par ex. pénétration de mercure) où l’on opère avec des liquides mouillants. On expose la théorie et la pratique des méthodes par succion, entre autres les méthodeThe theory and practice of suction porosimetry methods (suction plate, pressure membrane and centrifuge) are reviewed together with related methods based on the rate of penetration of wetting liquids, and on static and dynamic fluid/fluid displacement measurements.

The manifestation of symmetry between the emergence of consciousness and the development of competence

The article presents an experiment in which students, classified according to high and low analytical performance, were given a reading and text production test to determine their sensibility to the structure of an Icelandic saga. This material was used because of its extreme simplicity on the textual surface level, a property suited for studying structure as something beyond the surface. The hypo

Object-Oriented Declarative Program Analysis

This thesis deals with techniques for raising the programming level for a particular kind of computations, namely those on abstract syntax trees. Such computations are central in many program analysis tools, such as compilers, smart language-sensitive editors, and static analysis tools. All techniques presented in this thesis support modular description and efficiency and are capable of handling l

Intumescent coating surface temperature measurement in a cone calorimeter using laser-induced phosphorescence

Intumescent coating acts as a thermal barrier for construction materials during fire hazards. The coating has the ability to expand by a factor of 40 or more during heat exposure. However, due to its fragile consistence, no physical or optical measurement technique has previously been able to measure the coating surface temperature during expansion. This is undesirable since without accurate infor

Prospective cross-validation of Doppler ultrasound examination and gray-scale ultrasound imaging for discrimination of benign and malignant pelvic masses

OBJECTIVE: To cross-validate, prospectively, the diagnostic performance of established ultrasound methods for discrimination of benign and malignant pelvic masses. METHODS: A total of 173 consecutive women with a pelvic mass judged clinically to be of adnexal origin underwent preoperative ultrasound examination including color and spectral Doppler techniques. A total of 149 tumors were benign, and

Favoured superdeformed states in Tc-89

A superdeformed band consisting of a cascade of ten gamma-ray transitions has been identified and assigned to the nucleus Tc-89, close to the proton dripline. The quadrupole moment of the band (Q(t) = 6.7(-2.3)(+3.0) eb, as measured by the Residual Doppler Shift Method) as well as a large dynamic moment of inertia point to a highly elongated shape. With a relative population of approximately 15% o

Sagali and the Kula : A Regional Systems Analysis of the Massim

This thesis is concerned with developing a consistent regional perspective on the Massim peoples of southeastern Papua New Guinea, a task largely neglected by earlier anthropological studies, it is claimed, or, when sometimes attempted, unsuccessfully accomplished for a number of reasons, both methodological and theoretical. The author uses a comparative approach for investigating a selection of

A general framework for the parametrization of hierarchical models

In this paper, we describe centering and noncentering methodology as complementary techniques for use in parametrization of broad classes of hierarchical models, with a view to the construction of effective MCMC algorithms for exploring posterior distributions from these models. We give a clear qualitative understanding as to when centering and noncentering work well, and introduce theory concerni

A clinically applicable method for determining the three major alleles at the Duffy (FY) blood group locus using polymerase chain reaction with allele-specific primers

BACKGROUND: The clinically significant antigens of the Duffy (Fy [FY]) blood group system are expressed on the red cell form of the FY glycoprotein, a promiscuous chemokine receptor and also a receptor for malarial parasites. After the cloning of cDNA coding for FY glycoprotein, the molecular basis of the three major alleles (Fya/Fyb/Fy) has been established. Because of the mistyping of the silent

"White and Green": Comparison of market-based instruments to promote energy efficiency

The "White and Green'' project completed under the EU SAVE Programme reviewed policies and measures to promote energy efficiency, which involved analysing the experience with instruments that are already implemented, and assessing innovative instruments that are proposed. In particular, the practicability of using ''White Certificates" energy efficiency) along the same lines as "Green Certificates

MAX-IV lattice, dynamic properties and magnet system

At MAX-LAB the next synchrotron light source MAX-IV is currently studied (Proceedings of the seventh European Particle Accelerator Conference, EPAC 02, Paris, France, 2002). In this paper, we present a possible lattice with horizontal emittance of 1.2 nm rad at an energy of 3 GeV. The possibilities to realise the main magnetic system with high gradient integrated magnets are studied with 2D and 3D

Boundary behavior in Hilbert spaces of vector-valued analytic functions

In this paper we study the boundary behavior of functions in Hilbert spaces of vector-valued analytic functions on the unit disc D. More specifically, we give operator-theoretic conditions on M-z, where M-z, denotes the operator of multiplication by the identity function on ID, that imply that all functions in the space have non-tangential limits a.e., at least on some subset of the boundary. The