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Moisture Buffering in the Indoor Environment

Popular Abstract in Swedish Fuktbuffring i inomhusmiljön är ytmaterialens förmåga att, genom absorption och desorption, dämpa luftens fuktighetsvariationer. Fuktbuffring spelar en viktig roll i förståelsen av risker för biologisk tillväxt i ytmaterial, t.ex. mögel på väggar och husdammskvalster i sängar. Därigenom är fuktbuffring viktig ur hälsosynpunkt. Förutom hälsoaspekterna är kunskap om fuktbMoisture buffering in the indoor environment is the ability, through absorption and desorption, of surface materials to attenuate the moisture variations of the indoor air. Moisture buffering plays an important role in understanding the risks for biological growth in surface materials in the indoor environment, e.g., mold growth on walls and house dust mites in beds, and thereby also have an impac

Modeling of 5' nuclease real-time responses for optimization of a high-throughput enrichment PCR procedure for Salmonella enterica.

The performance of a 5' nuclease real-time PCR assay was studied to optimize an automated method of detection of preenriched Salmonella enterica cells in buffered peptone water (BPW). The concentrations and interactions of the PCR reagents were evaluated on the basis of two detection responses, the threshold cycle (C(T)) and the fluorescence intensity by a normalized reporter value (DeltaR(n)). Th

Why do hoarding birds gain fat in winter in the wrong way? Suggestions from a dynamic model

In winter, small birds should be fat to avoid starvation and lean and agile to escape predators. This means that they face a tradeoff between the costs and benefits of carrying fat reserves. Every day they must gain enough fat to survive the coming night. Food-hoarding species can afford to carry less fat than nonhoarders because they can store energy outside the body. Furthermore, hoarders should

Auditory temporal grouping in newborn infants

Adults normally perceive auditory scenes in terms of sound patterns emitted by concurrently active sources. Thus pattern formation is an important process of auditory object perception. The aim of the present study was to determine whether neonates group sounds by repeating pitch patterns. Standard ("S"; p = 80%) and deviant tones ("D", p = 20%) differing only in pitch were delivered either in a r

Factors controlling large scale variations in methane emissions from wetlands

[1] Global wetlands are, at estimate ranging 115-237 Tg CH4/yr, the largest single atmospheric source of the greenhouse gas methane (CH4). We present a dataset on CH4 flux rates totaling 12 measurement years at sites from Greenland, Iceland, Scandinavia and Siberia. We find that temperature and microbial substrate availability (expressed as the organic acid concentration in peat water) combined ex

Development of Simultaneous Saccharification and Fermentation for Production of Ethanol from Softwood

This thesis deals with the development of simultaneous saccharification and fermentation (SSF) in order to improve the economy of the softwood-to-ethanol process. The effect of process stream recirculation on ethanol production from steam-pretreated softwood based on SSF was investigated for two process cases. In the first case, part of the stillage stream after distillation was recycled and in th

Assessment of the carpal tunnel outcome instrument in patients with nerve-compression symptoms

The outcome movement in medicine has encouraged the development of patient-answered questionnaires as measures of well-being. A disease-specific questionnaire for carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) was introduced by Levine et al. in 1993. We evaluated this questionnaire in 156 consecutive new patients presenting with pain, numbness, or tingling of the upper extremity. Of these, 114 correctly filled out

Simulations of the absorption and fluorescence of indole in aqueous solution and at a nonpolar/polar interface

Theoretical results are presented on the absorption and fluorescence of indole in aqueous solution as well as at the air/water surface. We use a combined quantum chemical statistical mechanical model with explicit solvent. An approximate ab initio complete active space self-consistent field description of the indole molecule is used, coupled to a discrete polarizable water medium. From the bulk si

Gärning och frälsning hos Ramanuja

Following a brief account of the main events in the life of Rāmānuja according to traditional hagiographical works, the article examines the fundamental exegetical, epistemological, ontological and soteriological positions of this medieval thinker. These views are contrasted mainly with those of the greatly influential Śaṅkara some centuries earlier, particularly with respect to the conflict betwe

A combined quantum chemical statistical mechanical simulation of the hydration of Li+, Na+, F-, and Cl-

The hydration (or solvation) of the lithium, sodium, fluoride, and chloride ions are investigated using a combined quantum chemical statistical mechanical model. Radial distribution functions and the distribution of coordination numbers are reported and compared with other recent studies. An algorithm to investigate the geometry of the first solvation shell is proposed and applied to the four hydr

Long-term effects of intracellular calcium and growth factors on excitation and contraction in smooth muscle

Modulation of vascular smooth muscle cells from a contractile to a synthetic phenotype is thought to be important in the development of the atherosclerotic lesion. Such modulation depends on growth factors and is influenced by cell-cell and cell-matrix interactions. Whereas smooth muscle cells in the vessel wall are contractile, dispersed cells in culture rapidly modulate to synthetic phenotype, w

Boosting the error performance of suboptimal tailbiting decoders

Tailbiting is an attractive method to terminate convolutional codes without reducing the code rate. Maximum-likelihood and exact a posteriori probability decoding of tailbiting codes implies, however, a large computational complexity. Therefore, suboptimal decoding methods are often used in practical coding schemes. It is shown that suboptimal decoding methods work better when the slope of the act

Different calculation methods for flow cytometric S-phase fraction: prognostic implications in breast cancer? The Swedish Society of Cancer Study Group

S-phase fraction (SPF), estimated in the flow cytometric DNA histogram, is a prognostic factor in breast cancer. There are, however, some inherent difficulties in the estimation of SPF, such as the influence of debris, aggregates, and normal cells. Most of the available SPF calculation principles try to consider these difficulties, but so far no consensus has been reached with regard to which prin

Dynamic Modeling of Non-equilibrium Latex Particle Morphology Development During Seeded Emulsion Polymerization.

We have developed software to simulate the development of non-equilibrium latex particle morphologies produced by seeded emulsion polymerization. The diffusion of second stage polymer radicals within seed particles controls the development of morphology in a large number of systems. Knowledge of the conditions present within the latex particles during the reaction is required in order to model thi

Heart transplantation across the antibodies against HLA and ABO

We have intentionally performed heart transplantation in a 5-year-old child, despite the most unfavourable risk factors for patient survival; the presence of high level of antibodies against donor's human leucocyte antigen (HLA) class I/II and blood group antigens. Pretransplant treatment by mycophenolate mofetil, prednisolone, tacrolimus, intravenous immunoglobulin, rituximab, protein-A immunoads

Clustering of dyad distributions as a tool in network modeling

A general approach to exploratory analysis and modeling of network data is to investigate dyad distributions. We discuss clustering of dyad distributions when there are several variables defined on the vertices, and these variables interact with the arc values of the network. As an illustration we use data on achievement, race, sex and friendship for children in 48 different school classes. A clus

Utilization of primary care versus specialized care in children with and without chronic illness. A population-based study

Children's utilization of curative care was studied to analyse the division of responsibilities between undifferentiated primary care and specialized care. All chronically ill (n = 510), a control group (n = 287) and the total population 0-15 years of age (n = 6080) in a primary care district were studied using register data. Chronically ill children comprised 8.4% of the total child population an