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“You feel small in the crisis in a way” - Climate change perceptions and sustainability in everyday life

This thesis examines how people from the Swedish middle-class experience their role in the climate crisis through their sustainable consumption and lifestyle practices. Today, consumer-fixated solutions are among the most prominent among large institutions, corporations and political unions globally. Simultaneously, policy initiatives to encourage sustainable practices have not effectively corresp

Invandrarkvinnor på arbetsmarknaden - en kvalitativ studie om hur arbetsmarknadshandläggare jobbar för att integrera invandrarkvinnor på arbetsmarknaden

Denna studie syftar till att undersöka hur arbetsmarknadshandläggare som arbetar med eller har arbetat på arbetsmarknadsförvaltningar i södra Sverige arbetar eller har arbetat för att hjälpa invandrarkvinnor att etablera sig på arbetsmarknaden. Studiens frågor är 1) Hur resonerar arbetsmarknadshandläggare kring vad som är en god arbetsmarknadsintegration, 2) Hur arbetar arbetsmarknadshandläggarna

En förbättring av arbetsmiljön i samband med ställningsarbete

Varje år inträffar ungefär 200 olyckor i samband med ställningar enligt Arbetsmiljöverket. Det finns rapporter om stora ställningar som har raserats, men även om fusk med utbildningsbevis. Syftet med examensarbetet är att undersöka olyckor och tillbud i samband med ställningsarbete för att identifiera brister och förbättringsområden. Arbetet genomförs i två faser. I det initiala skedet genomförs e

Mer än bara språket: En kvalitativ studie av ett lokalt integrationsprojekt

During the last decades there has been an increase of the housing segregation in Sweden. According to research this is mainly due to greater economic inequality and increased immigration. In Sweden there are a number of neighbourhoods with low socioeconomic standards that are mostly inhabited by immigrants, in these areas women are a particularly vulnerable group. Research states that learning the

Rethinking social care services for elderly persons in Zambia

The Elderly people in Zambia face numerous challenges resulting from high poverty levels, stigma, and social exclusion, poor service provision in old people's homes, and lack of proper care and support from family and the public. In addition, changes in population ageing have also resulted in increased longevity affecting the obligatory responsibilities of the state and the family to meet indi

Personalized Allocation of Patients to Physiotherapists with Machine Learning Techniques

Osteoarthritis (OA) is a heterogeneous inflammatory joint disease that affects around 240-250 million people worldwide. The disease is a prominent cause of disability and a leading source of societal expenses in older adults. As of today, personalized OA treatment is considered essential and is currently being addressed in several osteoarthritis guidelines. To explore the possibilities of precisio

Parternas erfarenhet av partnering i praktiken - En fallstudie av ett partneringprojekt

Syftet med fallstudien är att skapa en djupare förståelse av hur partnering tillämpas i byggbranschen. Aktörernas synpunkter ska presenteras för att skapa ett flersidigt perspektiv på hur man arbeta med projektpartnering. Arbetet inleddes med en litteraturstudie för att utforma en teoretisk referensram. Därefter gjordes en kvalitativ studie där primärdata samlades in med hjälp av semistruktureradeThe primary goal of this case study is to create a deeper understanding of partnering in the construction sector. The study will present the viewpoints of both the developer and contractors that were present in the project in order to ensure a multifaceted view of partnering. The work was initiated with a literature study to build a theoretical background. This was followed by a qualitative study

Projections for charm balance functions in heavy-ion collisions

In this thesis, pp collisions were simulated using PYTHIA. D+ D- and D0 D0bar balance functions were created in order to contribute with a reference point for future balance functions measured in real data from Pb-Pb collisions. Charm balance functions are important since the charm quark can act as a probe of the QGP, probing the first instances after a collision. The balance functions were create

Competing on sustainability - A study on stakeholder interaction, becoming truly sustainable and obtaining a sustained competitive advantage in an industry characterized by low sustainability maturity

Although more and more companies are facing increasing pressure to take responsibility for their actions impacting sustainability, the pharmaceutical industry and in extension the cold chain solutions industry, have previously been exempted from scrutiny. Research on sustainability in the industry is lagging, why this master thesis aims to explore how sustainability can be incorporated into the bu

The Effectiveness of Policy-Relevant Science at the Interface of Climate Science and Policy - A Case Study of the WASP Science-for-Adaptation Policy Briefs (SAPBs)

Hur skapas och förmedlas vetenskaplig klimatinformation så att den effektivt bidrar till relevant kunskap i beslutsfattandet? Vetenskapliga underlag om klimatförändringars risker och effekter är en viktig komponent i de beslut som ligger till grund för att vidta åtgärder i syfte att stärka och skydda framtidens samhällen. Klimatforskningen pekar dock på att dagens insatser inte räcker till för aScientific information is playing an important role in policymaking on climate adaptation by providing insight and guidance on efforts needed to reduce risks, respond to impacts, and build resilience. However, the extent to which science is influencing policy is questioned, as efforts being made are not reflecting efforts needed. Barriers in the interface between science and policy has found to be

Automatic Virtual Tracking in a Multi-Participant Scenario for a Mobile Device

The aim of this thesis is to identify a speaker in a video stream by only using the camera of a smartphone. This creates the opportunity for a mobile application to track the speaking participant during a conference call. Conference systems that include this feature use a microphone array to localize sound and who the speaker is. Mobile phones however, are generally not equipped with a microphone

Climate-neutral buildings – Impact of existing definitions on building design

Climate change poses one of the most substantial threats to humanity today global greenhouse gas emissions are not reduced drastically in the near future, it can lead to severe consequences worldwide. To address this issue, global and national goals have been developed which aim to foster climate-neutral societies and industries. Since emissions from the construction industry are shown to have a s

Difficulties in emotion regulation and internalizing symptoms in Swedish youth

Psykologisk forskning har under de senaste årtiondena rört sig bort från att se psykopatologi som distinkta diagnostiska kategorier och istället rört sig mot en hierarkisk, dimensionell modell där en empiriskt grundad struktur bygger på gemensamma faktorer mellan psykiatriska syndrom. Nya verktyg, som den andra versionen av The Inventory of Depression and Anxiety Symptoms (IDAS- II), har utvecklatPsychological research has in the last few decades moved away from viewing psychopathology as distinct categories towards a hierarchical, dimensional model where an empirically based structure reflects the similarities among disorders. New tools, such as the second version of The Inventory of Depression and Anxiety Symptoms (IDAS-II) have been developed to capture this dimensionality. In this time

Cenobiter och människohökar: om översättning av ordlekar i de två svenska versionerna av Henry David Thoreaus Walden

I denna masteruppsats jämförs de två svenska översättningarna av Henry David Thoreaus Walden (1854): Frans G. Bengtssons förstaöversättning från 1924 och Peter Handbergs nyöversättning från 2006. Uppsatsen behandlar översättningen av verkets ordlekar i syfte att utröna hur de två översättarna har hanterat detta humoristiska inslag. I en kvantitativ och en kvalitativ analys undersöks hur översättar

The Impact of Perceived Corruption Index on Foreign Direct Investments in Africa

This thesis evaluates the impact of corruption perception index (CPI) on foreign direct investment (FDI) flows from China and 34 OECD source countries to 54 African host countries using the gravitational model. China is of particular interest as it has become Africa’s largest trading partner as well as the greatest investor among the developing countries in Africa, in addition to Chinese firms hav

A Prime or Not a Prime? That is the Question

In this survey, we shall prove the Lucas–Lehmer primality test used to find the Mersenne primes. A proof of the Law of Cubic Reciprocity will also be presented, which will be applied in the proof of a generalisation of the Lucas–Lehmer primality test.

A larger piece of the cake for Ghanas' cocoa farmers? - Redistributing value through the Living Income Differential

Many cocoa farmers, despite their crucial role for the production of chocolate and other cocoa products that many consumers enjoy, struggle to earn a decent income and improve their livelihoods. This thesis analyses the impact of the Living Income Differential, a fixed 400$ price markup added to the per-tonne cocoa price, on the position of Ghanaian farmers in the global value chain. Based on the

The young generation workforce in Swedish healthcare: A management control study of the motivation of young paramedics in the Swedish healthcare system

The purpose of our study is to map the expectations, managerial preferences and motivation triggers of young nurses and nurse-assistants.The authors of this study compare the results to existing relevant literature in order to gain a deeper understanding of the managerial challenges faced in order to fit the demands of the recruitment, retainment and motivation of healthcare workers. A qualitative

Effects of Gamified E-learning: From an employee’s perspective

The purpose of this study is to examine the influence of gamification on employees in the workplace. Despite the fact that gamification is a relatively recent phenomenon, numerous studies have already been undertaken to develop the concept's theoretical foundation. In order to further expand the topic, the following study examines the workplace experiences of five end users of gamified systems

Vad är mänskliga rättigheter i en folkbibliotekskontext? En kvalitativ studie av uppfattningar om mänskliga rättigheter och demokrati ur ett institutionellt perspektiv i svensk folkbibliotekskontext.

Denna studie syftar till att undersöka synen på mänskliga rättigheter och demokrati i relat-ion till uppfattningar om folkbiblioteket som samhällsinstitution, samt vilken möjlig roll mänskliga rättigheter utifrån detta skulle kunna spela i en folkbibliotekskontext, mot bak-grund av statens människorättsliga skyldigheter. Utifrån kvalitativa intervjuer med folk-bibliotekarier, knutna till ett genom