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Your search for "*" yielded 533255 hits

Fatal accidents in the mining industry – do investors react rationally?

The mining industry is characterized by a hazardous working environment for its employed blue-collar workers and a general complexity of valuation for investors. By theories of behav-ioral finance, corporate social responsibility, and others outlined in the following, this makes a setting where one could plausibly expect reactions and even overreactions among investors to fatal accidents incurred

Virtual Power Plant Contributing to Primary Frequency Containment Using Demand Response - A case study of a commercial building

The Swedish power grid is experiencing an ever-growing challenge to efficiently balance the grid. An increasing share of intermittent generation, decreased system inertia, continued electrification and more distributed energy resources result in an increasing need for flexibility. Smart grid technologies have, amongst other applications, shown to be a possible solution to this increased need for f

Ett nyanserat skattetillägg

Skattetillägget är en administrativ sanktion införd år 1972 i syfte att verka för att skattskyldiga fullgör sin uppgiftsskyldighet på ett korrekt sätt. Skattetillägg utgår bland annat då oriktig uppgift lämnats i skatteförfarandet eller då deklaration inte lämnats, enligt 49 kap 4 § och 6 § skatteförfarandelagen. Strikt ansvar med en presumtion om oursäktligt handlande föreligger för oriktiga uppgThe Swedish tax surcharge is an administrative sanction. Introduced in 1972, its purpose is to encourage taxpayers to provide the tax authorities with the required tax information and to fullfil the duty to file a tax return. Thus, tax surcharges are imposed, for example, when incorrect information is furnished to the authorities, or in the case of failure to file a tax return, see chapter 49, sec

Providing a Child with a Family, Not a Family with a Child - A Study in the ECtHR Case Law Regarding the Right to Adopt for Homosexual Persons from a Child's Rights Perspective

Bilden av den traditionella kärnfamiljen som enbart ett heterosexuellt gift par med barn ifrågasätts allt mer och andra familjekonstellationer blir allt vanligare. I detta kan vi se att homosexuella personers relationer och familjer har lyfts fram mer och mer och tidigare fördomar om dessa tolereras i mindre grad. Denna förändring i attityd sker dock i olika takt runtom i Europa, vilket gör EuropaThe traditional family as a heterosexual married couple with children is a norm that is increasingly being questioned and other family constellations are getting more common. In this context the relations and families of homosexual persons are being highlighted and prejudices against them are less tolerated. This change of attitude is occurring at different rates around Europe, which renders the t

Tillgodoses principen om barnets bästa när barnet flyttar hem till sina biologiska föräldrar efter upphörande av vård med stöd av LVU? …eller är det föräldrarnas bästa som tillgodoses?

Ur FN:s Barnkonvention följer principen om att det som anses vara barnets bästa måste vara avgörande vid alla beslut som rör barn. Konventionen blev svensk lag 1 januari 2020, men har varit en del av svensk rätt längre än så. Sverige ratificerade barnkonventionen år 1990 och sedan dess har principen successivt inkorporerats i svensk lagstiftning. Principen är bland annat en viktig del av skyddslagArticle 3 in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child says that what’s considered to be the best interests of the child must be decisive in all decisions concerning children. The Convention became Swedish law on 1 January 2020, but has been part of Swedish law for longer than that. Sweden ratified the Children's Convention in 1990 and since then, the principle has been gradually incorporat

There is no sun without shadow : investigating the attitudes towards California’s new solar energy mandate

As the current energy system dependency on fossil fuels continues to perpetuate environmental harms, endangers economic stability and exaggerates international conflicts, there has been a growing momentum for a transition towards more sustainable forms of energies. When it comes to policies that aim towards a shift in energy systems, California has been recognized as one of the flagship regions in

Climate finance for climate justice : on Danish climate aid for adaptation needs

This thesis explores discrepancies in climate change policy and practice, located at the intersection of the politics of sustainability, climate financing, and critical development studies. Using Danish public climate aid as a case study, the thesis investigates how the structure of climate aid inhibits or supports access for adaptation for vulnerable areas. Public climate finance is urgently nee

Barnperspektivet - en studie av hur rättsordningen garanterar att unga brottsoffer får upprättelse

Barn har ett särskilt skyddsvärde och när de utsätts för brottsliga gärningar har de, precis som vuxna, ett behov av upprättelse men också en rätt att få uppleva att rättvisa skipas för att få ett avslut på brottsupplevelsen. I Sverige tillmäts den rättsliga hanteringen av unga brottsoffer stor betydelse för utgången i målet och det ställs således höga krav på att barnets särskilda behov tas i beaChildren have a specific need for protection and especially when subject to criminal acts. Similar to adults, children also have a need for redress and a right to experience that justice will be served in order to find a closure to the process associated with crime victimization. In Sweden, the legal treatment of young victims of crime is of great importance for criminal judgement and thus high de

Älgmordet - En uppsats om hur ett psykologiskt fenomen kan påverka en polisiär utredning

When Agneta Westlund was found killed in September 2008 the initial information consisting of an autopsy report, a forensic report and hearings made the police believed that she had been killed with a mechanic tool, probably a riding mower. They found Agnetas husband Ingemar to be the prime suspect and it was not until experts were consulted and tests were made of Agnetas clothes that it could be

Betydelsen av barnets vilja i verkställighetsmål i teori och praktik - ett område i behov av förändring

Ett avgörande om vårdnad, boende och/eller umgänge som inte följts kan verkställas enligt 21 kap. föräldrabalk (FB), förutsatt att det inte är oförenligt med barnets bästa. I sådant fall kan beslutet förenas med tvångsmedel i form av vitesföreläggande eller polishämtning. En ansökan om verkställighet ska avslås om det finns en risk att barnet far illa eller om barnet motsätter sig verkställighet oA decision on custody, resident and/or visitation that has not been followed can be enforced in accordance with Chapter 21 in the Children and Parent Code (föräldrabalk (1949:381)), provided it is not incompatible with the best interests of the child. In such a case, the decision can be combined with coercive measures in the form of an imposition of a conational fine or police retrieval. An applic

Skatterättslig särbehandling av styrelsearvoden - I ljuset av principerna om neutralitet och likformighet

Uppsatsen behandlar rådande skatterättsliga hantering av styrelsearvoden i ljuset av 2019 års plenimål genom att jämföra styrelseuppdraget med andra civilrättsligt reglerade personliga uppdrag. Likt styrelseuppdraget, utförs dessa andra personliga uppdrag också av en fysisk person som är uppdragstagare men där det råder acceptans att beskatta ersättningen som inkomst hos bolaget, till skillnad fråIn light of the Supreme Administrative Court’s most recent verdict on taxation of directors’ fees, this paper covers the current tax treatment of such remuneration by comparing the directive of board members with that of other similar assignments, all of which regulated by civil legislation. As such, current ruling states that directors’ fees are not to be taxed as income from services, but rather

Creating a virtual cockpit for drone operators

Drönare är idag begränsade av ett krav på drönaroperatorn att kunna se drönaren. Detta krav begränsar vad drönare kan användas till. Denna avhandling syftar till att utforska en lösning på problemet genom att skapa en virtuell cockpit för drönaroperatorn. Detta görs genom att använda en head mounted display (HMD) och virtual reality (VR) -teknologi kombinerat med en 360-graders kamera monterad på Drones are today limited by a requirement for the drone operator to have visual line of sight to the drone. This requirement limits the possible user cases for drones. This thesis aims to explore a solution to this problem by creating a virtual cockpit for the drone operator. This is done by using a head mounted display (HMD) and virtual reality (VR) technology combined with a 360-degree camera mo

A Study of Discourse and Meaning-Making in Corporate Sustainability Reporting

The underpinning notion of sustainability and report structure in the current corporate sustainability reporting is normalized by the prevailing adoption of industry frameworks and standards (e.g., the Triple Bottom Line framework and the Global Reporting Initiative Standards). Business sustainability discourse does not only reflect companies’ identities and positions in regard of their engagement

Terrorismens hot mot Sverige: En diskursiv språkanalytisk studie av förändringar i säkerhetspolisens hotbildsframställningar efter terrorattacken på Drottninggatan 2017

Denna studie fokuserar på Säkerhetspolisens hotbildsframställningar av den våldsfrämjande islamistiska extremismen och studien syftar till att undersöka hur hotbildsframställningarna förändrats efter terrorattentatet på Drottninggatan i Stockholm den 7 april 2017. Studien är en abduktiv och teorikonsumerande fallstudie som använder sig av en kombination av säkerhetiseringsteorin och gestaltningste

The State of the North Sea : Thatcherism and the Fossil Economy

This thesis is a historical study concerned with the impact of North Sea oil on British politics during the 1970's and 80's. Vast quantities of oil sedimented beneath the waves within the UK continental shelf – hundreds of miles of the north-east coast of Scotland – attracted oil barons and transnational majors to the hostile waters of the North Sea in the early 1970's. It was Margaret

Automating the Evaluation Process of Software Testing in Vehicles

The Safe Driving Test (SDT) is a software test performed in a real vehicle where the software is flashed to an ECU and connected to the CAN network in the vehicle. The test driver then conducts different driving scenarios according to the test instructions of the SDT. All the data during testing is logged and then evaluated manually by a test engineer. The entire process including testing, evaluat

Nils Holgersson och synen på barn, barndom och nationen: en komparativ studie av hundra års utveckling i Sverige och den engelskspråkiga världen

Barnböcker är en källa som sällan används i historiska undersökningar trots att de har en stor potential att ge kunskap om förställningar som var rådande i den samtid de författades i. Detta gäller inte minst föreställningar om barndomen, vilket gör att barnlitteraturen är en god väg in i barndomens komplexa historia. Nils Holgerssons underbara resa genom Sverige (1906-1907) är numera en klassikerChildren’s literature is an underused source for historical studies even though children’s books have great potential to give us insights into the time in which they were written. This is especially true when it comes to views of children and childhood which makes children’s literature a good way into the complex history of childhood. Nils Holgerssons underbara resa genom Sverige (1906-1907) is a

Saudi Arabian State Modernization Policies versus Traditional Values

This thesis seeks to understand current Saudi Arabian political trajectories and recent reform initiatives, in relation to the traditionalist ideological roots and conservative Islamic legitimacy of the state. Methodologically based on a quantitative case study of the ‘Saudi Vision 2030’ reform project, the thesis discusses the limitations of democracy and secularization in relation to the pursuit

The effect of board diversity and independence on IPO underpricing - An investigation on the Swedish market

This paper aims to study the effect that board independence and diversity have on IPO underpricing. It is expected that through signalling, these factors might have a negative relationship with underpricing. Listings between 2015-01-01 - 2018-12-31 on the two Swedish stock exchanges Nasdaq Stockholm and Nasdaq First North are investigated and the final sample consisted of 188 observations. The qua

Study of Dicke’s Model for Superradiance at Short Wavelengths from Core-excited Atoms

The main objective of this study is to contribute toward a comprehensive understanding of the superradiance problem in a short wavelength regime ($100$ to $100$ eV). In this regime, superradiance is influenced by Auger effect which would compete with normal superradiance process, and we want to study if it is possible to generate ultra-short pulses on the femtosecond or attosecond timescale using