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Comparative Research into Recent Family and Partnership Formation and Dissolution Patterns in Nordic Countries: the case of Iceland

The current conjecture towards Nordic fertility rates brings the focus on the state of advancement of the second demographic transition (SDT) in the region. Nordic countries’ SDT developments have been unique as they have not experienced the same low fertility as other countries. Yet, since 2010, Iceland lost nearly a quarter of its fertility and reached an all-time low total fertility rate (TFR)

Alternative Routes to Management: The Humanities

One’s ability to lead and manage should not be dictated solely by one’s education but rather their experiences and personal background. If this is the case, then little attention should be paid to whether one comes from a business-related background or not, and more attention should be paid to the skills and characteristics of the individual. This study investigates how the humanities are represen

Innovation as a Recruiting Criterion - A Case Study

Human Resources (HR) play a significant role in contributing to the implementation of innovation through recruitment, which enables innovation through an individual level. Therefore, HR can be seen as a gatekeeper for innovation. Research on HR-practices and innovation has increased over the last decades. However, prior research puts little emphasis on what role HR plays in the recruitment of inno

Mobile Money and Financial Inclusion: A case study on Myanmar

Worldwide, 1.7 billion individuals lack access to formal financial services. Yet, one billion of the financially excluded individuals have a mobile phone. Mobile money services take great benefit of this and are found a success in enabling financial inclusion on the African continent. However, there is no research on whether mobile money services have penetrated financially excluded individuals in

Renat avloppsvatten för bevattning i jorbruk

Skåne undersöker möjligheten att använda sitt avloppsvatten i jordbruket Tillgången på vatten blir mer och mer ett problem i takt med att klimatförändringarna accelererar. Samtidigt ökar trycket på en effektiv livsmedelsproduktion för att mätta en växande global befolkning. Ett effektivt sätt att hushålla med det livsavgörande vattnet är att återanvända avloppsvatten i jordbruket. Men vad innehålWater scarcity is becoming more and more of a global challenge due to, among other things, climate change and global population growth. Seventy percent of freshwater resources globally are used for agricultural purposes and new strategies are needed to meet the increasing water demand. The use of wastewater for agricultural irrigation is an efficient way to save freshwater. In 2015, 48 million cu

Recensera och värdera : en undersökning av hur författarens första och andra verk recenseras i svensk dagspress

Den här uppsatsen avser att undersöka hur en författares första och andra verk värderas i dagspress. Detta görs genom en jämförande kvalitativ undersökning av 54 recensioner från sex svenska dagstidningar: Svenska Dagbladet, Dagens Nyheter, Aftonbladet, Expressen, Sydsvenskan och Göteborgs-Posten. Undersökningen görs med hjälp av Barbara Herrnstein Smiths teori om värde och värderingar samt vidare

Klosterförbudet och religionsfriheten : en diskursanalys av klosterförbudsdebatten i svensk politik 1949-1961

The purpose of this study is to examine the political debate regarding the repeal of the Swedish prohibition against monasteries 1949-1961. The study emphasis is on the Swedish religious freedom bill from 1949 (that proposed the conditional repeal of the monastery prohibition) as well as on two parliamentary debates from 1951 and 1961 where the issue was discussed. As a theoretical framework the e

Varumärkesplattform – ett hjälpsamt verktyg?

Examensarbetets titel: Varumärkesplattform – ett hjälpsamt verktyg? Seminariedatum: 2019-06-04 Ämne/kurs: FEKH29, Examensarbete kandidatnivå i Marknadsföring, 15 högskolepoäng Författare: Rebecca Andrén, Lisa Appelqvist och Emma Skäremo Handledare: Johan Anselmsson Fem nyckelord: Varumärkesplattform, Varumärkesstrategi, Varumärke, Byråer, Plattform Syfte: Studiens syfte är att exploratTitle: Varumärkesplattform – Ett hjälpsamt verktyg? Seminar date: 2019-06-04 Course: FEKH29, Business Administration: Undergraduate level, 15 University Credits Points (UPC) Authors: Rebecca Andrén, Lisa Appelqvist and Emma Skäremo Advisor/s: Johan Anselmsson Key words: Brand Platform, Brand Strategy, Brand, Agencies, Platform Purpose: The purpose of this study is to make an explorator

Patch the Wall

In recent years, digital fabrication has become powerful tool for architects to process and implement design and construction. However, in some countries, architects lack sufficient support to achieve their intentions in digital fabrication. Since it needs high degree of cooperation with customized production, but from some precedents, we architects are investigating possible ways to combine digit

Codebook Based Multi-User MIMO for 5G

Better signal strength is required to provide a good signal service to the UE. For this, different methods and techniques are available, one of them is codebook type II precoding. This method has a potential to provide an amount of energy to the user in the required direction more precisely than Codebook type I. Therefore this method will be put to the test, for a given SNR range, by comparing the

Material characterization of 316L

At Tetra Pak, general knowledge of food and beverage processing is of great importance. This in turn, depends on the equipment used for the particular process. One of these equipment consists of deformed tubes made of stainless steel 316L. The aim of the present work is to get an understanding of the material 316L. To achieve this, physical tensile tests are performed to study the material behavio

Vad upplever patienter som hjälpsamt i KBT?

Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka vad patienter som genomgått kognitiv beteendeterapi (KBT) upplevde som hjälpsamt i sina terapier. Studien är gjord som en kvalitativ studie med semistrukturerade intervjuer av fyra patienter. Intervjuerna spelades in på band, som sedan transkriberades. Materialet har sedan analyserats med hjälp av interpretativ fenomenologisk analys (IPA). Tre övergripande

HOW TO BE AUTHENTIC: a visual social semiotic approach to travel photography on Instagram

Due to their high level of authenticity, travel bloggers started to be an important part of the influencer strategies adopted by corporations in the travel industry and are becoming increasingly popular among social media users, especially on Instagram. However, their practices under this commercial pressure, on a platform known to present an idealized version of reality and by expressing themselv

Energy & redox fluxes in Lactobacillus reuteri DSM 17938 on different sugars

Under anaerobic condition the specific growth rate of Lactobacillus reuteri DSM 17938 on different sugars, was analyzed using spectrophotometry. Electron acceptor (fructose) supported cells to cope with poor energy recovery by re-oxidising the NADH, thus enabling ATP formation thru acetate production, while fermenting glucose via the phosphoketolase pathway (PKP) and simultaneously operating via E

Talerättsklausuler i licensavtal - Civil- och processrättsliga effekter av överenskommelser om licenstagares talerätt i intrångsmål

Det är vanligt att parter till ett licensavtal kommer överens om vilken part som ska vara ansvarig för att skydda licensobjektet mot intrång. I samband med det inför parterna ofta en klausul i licensavtalet som föreskriver begränsningar i licenstagarens rätt att föra intrångstalan. Syftet med uppsatsen har varit att undersöka vad parter till ett licensavtal bör beakta vid införandet av en klausulIt is common that parties to a license agreement decide which party is to be responsible for protecting the license object from infringement. In connection to this, the parties often implement a contractual clause in the license agreement which provides restrictions on the licensee's right to bring infringement actions before court. The purpose of this thesis has been to examine what parties

Exporting Privacy – A Study on the Extraterritorial Application of the European Convention on Human Rights to Foreign Mass Surveillance

Staters användning av utländsk massövervakning är idag öppet diskuterat och ofta reglerat i lag. Europeiska domstolen för de mänskliga rättigheterna (Europadomstolen) har fastställt att massövervakning utan tillräckliga säkerhetsgarantier kan innebära en kränkning av individers rätt till privatliv enligt artikel 8 Europeiska konventionen om skydd för de mänskliga rättigheterna (EKMR). Enligt artikThe foreign mass surveillance of communications conducted by states is no longer a secret, but rather openly discussed and often regulated in law. The European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) has established that mass surveillance without adequate safeguards can violate individuals’ right to privacy under Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR). According to Article 1 ECHR, indiv

Rättspsykiatriska utlåtanden i domstolsprocessen – en analys ur ett rättssäkerhetsperspektiv

Psykiskt störda lagöverträdare har sedan länge särbehandlats inom straffrätten. I Sverige aktualiseras numera särbehandlingen vid påföljdsvalet. För att påföljdsvalet överhuvudtaget ska komma på fråga krävs att gärningspersonen kan tillskrivas skuld; antingen genom uppsåt eller, vid vissa särreglerade brott, oaktsamhet. Eftersom uppsåt inte är objektivt iakttagbart är uppsåtsbedömningen vanligen eMentally disordered offenders have been specially treated in criminal law for a long time. In Sweden, the special treatment occurs when the choice of sanction is decided. The choice of sanction only becomes relevant when the perpetrator is attributed debt; either through criminal intent or, in certain regulations, negligence. Since criminal intent is not objectively observable, the intent assessme

A Coin for the Afterlife

Emgård Ryberg, H. 2018. A Coin for the Afterlife. Charon’s Obols in Viking Age Scandinavia? Lund University, Department of Archaeology and Ancient History. The Obolus tradition, the placing of a coin in the grave, appeared in the Germanic area during the Roman Iron Age. This tradition originated in the Greek mythology where it was meant as payment to Charon for the ferry transport across the river

Har vetorätten ett berättigande inom FN idag? - En kritisk analys avseende behovet av vetorätt i modern tid

För att FN skulle kunna bildas efter andra världskriget fanns det ett krav från de fem stormaktsländerna att de skulle få en rätt till veto i FN:s säkerhetsråd. Då behovet av en global organisation var stor efter andra världskriget gick övriga medlemmar med på att dessa fem länder skulle få en vetorätt. Vetorätten har inneburit att de fem permanenta medlemmarna i säkerhetsrådet alltid har haft mIn order to establish the UN after world war II, the then five great powers of the world required to have a veto right in the UN Security Council. The other members agreed to this as there were a fundamental need to create a global organization of this nature. The veto right has resulted in that the permanent members of the Security Council always have had the ability to vote against proposals an

Serum protein profiling of B-cell lymphoma cohorts using the IMMRay microarray technology

In the clinic today, patients with relapsed or aggressive lymphoma are often not sampled as no reliable test for risk are available and invasive biopsies are considered to provide no or limited information of clinical use. The only way of getting biological information on the disease for these patients, is by non-invasive method, such as blood sampling. Methods that detect disease specific charact