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Dijet angular distributions in proton-proton collisions at root s = 7 TeV and root s = 14 TeV

Dijet angular distributions provide an excellent tool for looking at high transverse momentum parton interactions in order to study both QCD and new physics processes. With the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) recently brought into use, an unprecedented energy regime has opened up. ATLAS is one of the experiments at the LHC. Its high performance calorimeter system providing near hermetic coverage in th

Quality of life, Motivation and Costs in Multidisciplinary Rehabilitation. A prospective controlled two-year study in patients with prolonged musculoskeletal disorders

Popular Abstract in Swedish Livskvalitet, motivation och kostnader vid rehabilitering av patienter med långvariga muskuloskeletala besvär Långvariga muskuloskeletala besvär är ett omfattande medicinskt, socialt och ekonomiskt problem i utvecklade länder. Syftet med avhandlingen var att utvärdera ett multidisciplinärt rehabiliteringsprogram som fokuserade på Basal Kroppskännedom och kognitiv och Prolonged musculoskeletal disorders (PMSD) is an escalating medical, social and cost problem in developed countries. The complexity of PMSDs has emphasised the need of developing effective multidisciplinary rehabilitation programme with a holistic approach. The aim of the thesis was to evaluate the outcome of a multidisciplinary rehabilitation programme focusing on Body Awareness Therapy and cogn

Analysing e-business models

The business model concept is becoming increasingly popular within e-businesses and e-business research. However, the concept is often used relatively independently from theory, meaning model components and their interrelations are relatively obscure. This paper analysis three e-business models taxonomies based on a generic business model, which include customers and competitors, the offering, act

Studies of actinides in a superanoxic fjord

Popular Abstract in Swedish Actinidelementen plutonium, americium, torium och uran har analyserats i sediment och vatten i den superanoxiska Framvaren fjord, Norge. Koncentrationerna av Pu och Am i fjordens bottenvatten hör till de högst uppmätta i den marina miljön och toriumkoncentrationerna är de högsta uppmätta i någon marin miljö. Ultrafiltrering av fjordvattnet visar att en stor andel (40-60Water column and sediment profiles of plutonium, americium, thorium and uranium have been obtained in the superanoxic Framvaren fjord, southern Norway. The concentrations of bomb test fallout Pu, Am as well as 'dissolved' Th in the bottom water are the highest recorded in the marine environment. The behaviour of the actinides in the anoxic water mass is to a large extent governed by the behaviour

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The aim of the study is to develop an integrative theoretical model of fictional narrative. The make-believe theory of Kendall L. Walton, which explains fiction as a family resemblance of all representational arts, is adopted in order to explain the fictionality of fictional narrative. In the first part of the study, Kendall Walton’s make-believe theory is critically examined. In part two, major i

Differences between spiritist mediumship and dissociative identity disorder on the basis of a structured interview

Objectives: To study the similarities and differences between Brazilian Spiritistic mediums and Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) patients based on a structured psychiatric interview. The clinical and sociodemographic features of spiritist mediums enrolled in Brazilian spiritist centers were investigated in this study and compared with the scientific literature on DID patients. Despite the pauc

Policies for the Energy Technology Innovation System (ETIS)

The development and introduction of heat pumps provides an interesting illustration of policy influence and effectiveness in relation to energy technology innovation. Heat pumps have been supported by several countries since the 1970s as a strategy to improve energy efficiency, support energy security, reduce environmental degradation, and combat climate change. Sweden and Switzerland have been es

On a Contingency Framework of Computerized Information Systems

In this paper a conceptual model of the environment of computerized information systems is developed. The purpose of the model is to describe computerized information systems in relation to contextual factors of the organization. It is proposed that the characteristics of a computerized information system can be classified first in terms of data base, reports or processing, and second in terms of

Ni ska bli ett gott parti

Om kvinnosynen i Sverige under 1940-50-talen, där den professionella husmodern var ett ideal. Kapitlet handlar om Hushållsskolan på slottet Skarhult i Skåne under denna tid.