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Design as Reflection

Popular Abstract in Swedish För unga personer med funktionsnedsättningar är det viktigt att vara som alla andra och därmed inte avvika från mängden på ett för personen oönskat sätt. Hjälpmedel är produkter som en person med en eller flera funktionsnedsättningar kan använda för att kunna vara delaktig i vårt samhälle. Dessa produkter möjliggör för personen att delta i de sociala aktiviteter han ellFor young persons with disabilities it is important to be as everyone else and not deviating from the normative in an unwanted way. Assistive devices are products that persons with disabilities can use to get accessibility to our society. Such products enable the person to participate in activities he or she wishes to take part in. However assistive devices are also a sign for disability, indicati

Power optimization of a reconfigurable FIR-filter

This paper describes power optimization techniques applied to a reconfigurable digital finite impulse response (FIR) filter used in a Universal Mobile Telephone Service (UMTS) mobile terminal. Various methods of optimization for implementation were combined to achieve low cost in terms of power consumption. Each optimization method is described in detail and is applied to the reconfigurable filter

Physical Properties of Rennet-Induced Skim Milk Gels

The aim of this work was to predict the effect of technological parameters on the physical processes of cheesemaking. To this end we developed and modified techniques with which to measure the physical properties of the curd, such as its permeability and its rheological properties. The effects of different factors, such as pH, temperature, the concentration of casein, the geometry of the curd, app

The 4+1 View Model of Industri–Academia Collaboration

Industry–academia projects exist in complex contexts of var- ious stakeholders, time perspectives, and goals. In order to analyze projects and communicate about them, we have de- fined an “architectural” model for industry–academia collab- oration, inspired by Kruchten’s software architecture model. The model has four views of i) time, ii) space, iii) activ- ity and iv) domain, corresponding to th

Search for extra dimensions at LEP

Searches for extra dimensions have been made at the four LEP experiments, ALEPH, DELPHI, L3 and OPAL, where different processes have been searched for within both the ADD and Randall-Sundrum scenarios. Since no signs of any signal have been observed the results have been used to set exclusion limits in the corresponding extra dimension models. This talk presents both individual results from the LE

A modern landfill - experiences from Fläskebo landfill, Sweden

Fläskebo is the first landfill in Sweden to be constructed entirely according to the national implementation of the European landfilling directive. It has only received waste with total organic carbon content below 10 %. The leachate of Fläskebo has been studied and compared to that from other Swedish landfills with the aid of multivariate data analyses and geochemical modelling. Concentrations of

Svensk diskrimineringslag i filosofisk belysning

I denna artikel diskuteras lagstiftning som metod för att motverka diskriminering och den form som svensk diskrimineringslag har med avsikt att utvärdera diskrimineringslagens potential att fungera som det instrument för rättvisa det avses vara. Som illustration tjänar ett rättsfall från Arbetsdomstolen, det så kallade Barnmorskemålet.

Extreme Case of Crisis: Definitions of War Violence in Narratives of Survivors from the War in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Abstract in Uncoded languages Polazna točka ovog članka je rat koji je održan u sjeverozapadnoj Bosni i Hercegovini te posebno interpersonalna interpretacija nasilja i biografski utjecaj ratnog nasilja. Srpski vojnici i policajci ciljano su vršili nasilje nad civilnoim stanovništvom u sjeverozapadnoj Bosni. U svojoj namjeri da se Bošnjaci i Hrvati istjeraju s tog područja, srpski vojnici i policajThe starting point of this article is the war that took place in northwestern Bosnia and Herzegovina and more specifi cally interpersonal interpretations of violence and the biographical impact of war-time violence. Serbian soldiers and police targeted their use of violent force directly against the civilian populations in northwestern Bosnia. In their quest to expel Bosniacs and Croats from this

Why Noise Improves Memory in ADHD Children

Abstract in UndeterminedNoise is typically conceived as being detrimental for cognitive performance. Contrary to this notion recent studies have found that auditory noise may in some cases improve cognition. Recent data and theories suggest that this beneficial effect of noise depends on several factors including the type of task being performed and noise levels. More importantly, whereas some gro

DNA Compaction at Surfaces

Popular Abstract in Swedish DNA kan ses som en negativ laddad polymer som samtidigt har grupper som vill undvika vatten och därför bildas den karakteristiska dubbelspiralen. DNA och ett ytaktiv ämne (tensid) som är positivt laddad, bildar olika komplex. Dessa komplex är mycket mer kompakta än DNA själv. I denna avhandling har vi undersökt DNA och DNA-tensid komplex på olika ytor. Vi har använt oliThe interfacial behavior of DNA and DNA-cationic surfactant has been studied. Particular attention was paid to the type of cationic surfactant and the DNA conformation (single or double stranded) as well as the DNA length. Adsorption of DNA-cationic surfactant complexes is determined by a delicate balance between the DNA-surface, cationic surfactant-surface, and cationic surfactant-DNA-solvent int