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Tre städer, två broar och ett museum : minne, politik och världsarv i Bosnien och Hercegovina

The thesis deals with ritual remembrance ceremonies enacted in the three towns of Mostar, Jajce and Višegrad in BiH. The Old Bridge in Mostar, the Bridge over the Drina in Višegrad and the AVNOJ Museum in Jajce all carry a material presence that influences everyday life in these localities. Through ethnographic fieldwork, insights into local practices in relation to those World Heritage Sites are

Developing a teaching and learning culture – the case of Faculty of Engineering at Lund University

The first chapter of this paper will give an overview of different ways of developing a university’s teaching and learning. There are many single activities that individually deal with the topic in a positive direction, such as teacher training, develop learning environments, develop teacher reward systems, etc. Traditionally educational development has been about these single activities focusing

New Challenges for Participation in Participatory Design in Family, Clinical and Other Asymmetrical, Non-work Settings

Participatory design (PD) has taken as its ideal that designers and users should engage in an equal language game. When we apply PD in contexts where some of the users involved are weak, ill, or have impairments, this assumed equality can no longer be an ideal. The workshop explores new ideals for participatory design in non-work settings with highly heterogeneous user constellations.

Medeltidens kyrkor

The article is a brief outline of the medieval building history of the churches of Halland.

A Mirror of Myself? Monist and Dualist views of Animals

Mankind has always used animals as the Other, to compare himself with them. Animals have provided the mirror in which mankind has defined himself . In their perceived similarities and dissimilarities with humans, he has distinguished the boundaries which separates him from the Other. Since antiquity, this relationship has been lively debated between at least two groups of interpreters. The "dualis

Image Processing in High Resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy of Inorganic Materials

High resolution transmission electron microscopy and digital image processing has been used to investigate the structure and properties of inorganic materials. The image processing was performed with the programming language Semper. All routines are listed in the appendix. The local order in the disordered mineral blatterite was investigated, and was found to extend over several unit cells. The

Studies on the function of CD4CD25 regulatory T cells: An in vitro approach

Popular Abstract in Swedish Immunsystemet består av en specifik och en ospecifik del som samarbetar när ett immunsvar sätts igång. Den specifika delen utgörs av T och B celler som med specifika ytreceptorer, så kallade antigen-receptorer, känner igen och aktiveras av främmande ämnen (antigen). För att T celler skall aktiveras av antigen, krävs det att dendritiska celler inom den ospecifika delen aImmunological self-tolerance is a state of the whole organism where deleterious responses are either avoided or regulated. Breaking of immunological tolerance will lead to autoimmune disease or chronic inflammatory conditions. T cell maturation in the thymus generates a peripheral T cell pool with an enormous TCR repertoire, from which specific T cells are selected and activated upon encounters wi

Mapping Collaborative Methods and Tools for Promoting Urban Transitions in the Öresund Region

This report is produced within the Urban Transition Øresund (UT) project (2011–2014), and it is part of the subtask Collaborative Methods and Tools for Urban Transitions (UT CoMeT). The goal of the UT project is to promote sustainable growth and advance sustainable urban transformation in the Øresund region by gathering municipalities, universities and businesses in cross-border cooperation. The s