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Your search for "*" yielded 531157 hits

Typ av demens relaterad till övriga sjukdomar och tidigare genomgången anestesi/kirurgi : En retrospektiv pilotstudie

This retrospective study reviews and investigates type of dementia, related to co morbidity, symptoms of dementia, previus anaesthesia/surgery, intraoperative events and postoperative cognitive symptoms. The patient co morbidity was compared to occurrence in an age-matched population of 1095 individuals. Fifty-two patients with different types of dementia participated. Data was collected from pati

Språktest för medborgarskap? En postkolonial läsning av debatten kring språktest.

On the third of August 2002, in the middle of the ongoing Swedish election campaign, Lars Leijonborg beeing the leader of Folkpartiet (the Peoples Party) presented the partys new intergration programme for foreign nationals. One of the proposals was to instigate a language test for all immigrants seeking to obtain Swedish citizenship. This thesis addresses the medial debate that followed the propo

Smutsiga politiker vid makten - en studie av medborgares förtroende för korrumperade politiker

Researchers in the field of political corruption generally expect voters in democratic states to lose trust in corrupted politicians. However, there are cases where corrupted politicians maintain their popularity, a phenomenon studied in this thesis. Focus lies on three cases of political corruption: the Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi who has been the subject of several judicial investig

Förhandlingsbar identitet - en studie av indianerna i USA

In this thesis I discuss and analyze different factors, and different circumstances, that influence identity negotiation among the north american indians. I do this mainly by using two models. The first one is Druckmans three dimensions of identity; negotiating identity, durability of identity and spread of identity. Depending on how the identity fits in these dimensions one can se if, or how, th

Interdependens för Sverige: Hur svenska politiker påverkats av ökad internationell interdependens

This is an examination of how interdependence affects the behaviour of politicians and their ability to govern the way they want to. I analyze the memoirs of two Swedish prime ministers, Tage Erlander and Ingvar Carlsson to explore their experiences. I focus on how the increasing interdependence affects the politicians with regards to security, welfare, and financial policies. Sweden had a special

?Hon är inte som ?dem? men inte heller som ?oss?? Konstruktioner av identitetsföreställningar

The aim of this thesis is to seek understanding of which images there are about the ?others? in the society. For this study, four women in the ages of 21-23 years old were interviewed during April 2005. The empirical material was analysed with Laclaus and Mouffes discourse analysis. One conclusion is that the images of the ?immigrant? and the ?immigrant women? are created opposite to the ?Swedes?

Varför bör kvinnorepresentationen öka? En textstudie av den interna debatten inom tre politiska kvinnoförbund under sjuttiotalet

When it comes to political representation, all over the world women almost always make up a minority of representatives in the legislative bodies. The Scandinavian countries in general and Sweden in particular have though been exceptions to this rule with, when compared to other countries, a rather high percentage of women in elected positions. This development took off in the seventies: during th

Gemensamma upplevelser av gemensamma faktorer? - Om klienters och terapeuters upplevelser av gemensamma faktorer i terapi

Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur vissa gemensamma faktorer upplevs i en terapi samt hur de förhåller sig till varandra och upplevelsen av utfallet. Följande faktorer ingick i undersökningen: den terapeutiska alliansen, terapeutens kompetens, förväntningar på påfrestning, förväntningar på utfall inför terapin och klientens problematik. En frågeställning inför studien var även huruvida klien

..."with liberty and justice for all" - Medborgarskapsbaserade kränkningar av fri- och rättigheter i amerikansk politik och retorik efter 11 september

Den 11 september 2001 innebar början på en stor förändring i amerikansk inrikes och utrikespolitik. I kriget mot terrorismen har en omfattande diskriminering skett av icke-amerikanska medborgare både inom landets gränser såväl som utanför. För att rättfärdiga detta för sitt eget folk samt det internationella samfundet har man i politiken och retoriken skapat bilden av "den andre" som ett

"Att lära tillsammans för att kunna arbeta tillsammans" Hur arbetsterapeutstudenter upplever betydelsen av praktik på klinisk utbildningsavdelning inför den kommande yrkesrollen.

Nyutexaminerade arbetsterapeuter saknar ofta självförtroende och är osäkra på sin kompetens då de ska arbeta i team och med patienter. Intresset för kliniska utbildningsavdelningar har därför på senare tid väckts på många håll. På dessa avdelningar får studenterna öva upp sina kunskaper samt öka förståelsen för teamarbete. AKVA-U på Universitetssjukhuset MAS är en sådan avdelning. Syftet med studi

Samverkan kring mobbning på högstadiet. Intervjuer med rektor, skolkurator och lärare

The purpose with this essay is to describe how the principal, social worker and the teacher work to prevent bullying at school. The following questions have been discussed: Does the school have an action plan for bullying, and if so, what does it say? Who has the practical responsibility for making sure that the plan is followed, and how does that responsibility work? How is the responsibility di

Förnybara bränslen är lösningen, vad är problemet? En maktanalys av den svenska dagordningen för förnybara bränslen

The aim of the thesis is to examine how central collective actors in the Swedish subsystem of renewable fuels use their positions of power and influence to their own specific interests and needs. In particular the thesis looks at the problems of climate change and oil scarcity and how renewable fuels are described as a potential solution. Using agenda setting theory and Steven Lukes three dimensio

-Omanligt kan man säga... : Socionomstuderande mäns perspektiv på yrke, karriär, status och att tillhöra en könsminoritet

The purpose of this study was to enlighten the views of male social work students on; the social work profession, social work status and their career options. Also, the study aimed at getting these students angles of approach on the fact that they, being men, are a minority group within the profession of social work. Some of the main questions were: Why does not social work as a profession seem to

Hur förklarar konstruktivistisk teori skapandet av israelisk identitet? -En narrativ analys av två judars berättelser

Syftet med den här analysen är att ta reda på hur konstruktivistisk teori förklarar skapandet av israelisk identitet. För att utföra studien använder vi oss av en narrativ metod, där vi analyserar en bok skriven av en judisk, israelisk kvinna - Susan Nathan - och en intervju med en judisk, israelisk man. Vi undersöker deras tankar angående deras identitet med utgångspunkt i teori om nationalitet,

Comparative Study on Capitalism in Japan and America : Formation of Business Group

Japanese model was viewed as an exemplary capitalism model of successful long-term economic growth. However, after 1990s, Japanese ?bubble economy? burst and Japan turned into the phase of economy winter. Under the new international conditions, the Anglo-American model seems more suitable for globalization and liberalized market, whereas the Japanese model was becoming more problematic and the fea

Nationalism och konfliktrapportering Fallstudie Israel och de ockuperade territorierna

In this theses I discuss and analyse how nationalism effects local conflict reporting with a field study in Israel and the occupuied territories. Since 2000 Israelis and Palestinians have not been able to meet each other. The Israelis do not enter the occupied palestinian territories because of fear and Palestinians are not allowed to enter Israel without a special permitt. Instead they met throug

Tvetydigheten i damtidningar : Om hur en kvinna förväntas vara om tidningarna får bestämma

Detta är en undersökning av hur två tidningar som riktar sig till kvinnor konstruerar bilden av kvinnan. Analysen grundar sig på ett nummer av vardera tidningen (Femina Nr 9, september 2004 och amelia Nr 20, 16 september 2004) med fokus på ledarna och därtill en artikel som porträtterar en kvinna eller kvinnor. I Femina analyseras ledaren ?I kålrotens tecken? och artikeln om Marie Göranzon. I amel


The purpose of my thesis is to make clear how current Japan in the early days of economic recovering looks on Chinese market, adverse or favorable, producing base or sale market. And the article discusses the influence of Chinese high growth on Japanese economic resuscitation from different facets, focusing on the mutual economic complementary beneficial for Japanese economy, which implies that th

Evaluation of the use of biomass as a source of energy for industrial processes. A selected case in the Portuguese scenario

Switching from fossil fuels to biofuels has already been proven to be a good business for some industries such as the pulp industry and the wood industry in general, but very limited experience exists about the profitability of this change in other industrial contexts. This thesis investigates the financial viability of a partial shift to a biomass based energy system for the structural ceramics

Composting in Polar Regions. An examination of quality related criteria for a source separation system in a polar community

Today's technology allows for communities based in polar areas to introduce composting as a way of handling organic waste. The success of this is dependent on a well functioning source separation system. The objective of this research is to examine a set of criteria that on an experiential basis influence the outcome of a number of quality aspects of a source separation system. From analysing