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Your search for "*" yielded 525577 hits

Materfamilias: The beneficial impact of mother’s work on children economic mobility

The intergenerational influence on social and economic mobility always attracted the interest ofresearchers, bringing evidences on that intergenerational mobility correlate positively with thegeneration of opportunities and low levels of inequality at the society level. Recent studies pointedan exclusive focus on the influence of fathers on child’s outcomes, which neglecting the maternalinfluence.

Markers of steroid receptor, kinase signalling pathways and Ki-67 expression in relation to tamoxifen sensitivity and resistance

Background: It remains clinically important to identify ER positive breast cancers likely to respond to tamoxifen (TAM) and so we aimed to select a group of biomarkers able to predict response. We also assessed whether data from different sample types [tumor microarrays (TMAs) and core biopsies] or tumor sites could be combined for biomarker studies.Methods: A total of 123 endocrine treatment naïv

Multi‐key homomorphic authenticators

Homomorphic authenticators (HAs) enable a client to authenticate a large collection of data elements m1, …,mt andoutsource them, along with the corresponding authenticators, to an untrusted server. At any later point, the server can generatea short authenticator σf , y vouching for the correctness of the output y of a function f computed on the outsourced data, i.e.y = f (m1, …,mt). The notion of

Den anklagade tittaren : Strategiskt publiktilltal i satiriska anklagelser

Offentliga anklagelser leder ofta till kontrovers. Anklagelser har studerats utifrån hur de ger upphov till vissa typer av försvar, liksom hur en anklagande part kan övertyga om skuld och förstärka uppfattningen om anstötligheten i en handling. Vi undersöker ett satirprogram som strategisk handling, med särskilt fokus på hur dess anklagelses retoriska struktur strategiskt möjliggör vissa gensvar o

“I Get Fire Inside Me That Tells Me I’m Going to Defy.”: The Discursive Construction of Trans Masculinity in Cape Town, South Africa

This research extends our understanding of trans masculinity in South Africa. Drawing on in-depth interviews with seven trans masculine-identified individuals, we analyze the discourses that trans masculine individuals draw on to make sense of their experiences of gender and their embodiment and performance of masculinity. There are three key findings. First, we found that trans masculine people d

The smoothed reassigned spectrogram for robust energy estimation

The matched window reassigned spectrogram relocates all signal energy of an oscillating transient to the time- and frequency locations, resulting in a sharp peak in the time-frequency plane. However, previous research has shown that the method may result in split energy peaks for close components and in high noise levels, and the peak energy is then erroneously estimated. With use of novel knowled

Does sensorimotor function predict graft rupture, contra-lateral injury or failure to return to sports after ACL reconstruction? A protocol for the STOP Graft Rupture study

Introduction People with anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction (ACLR) are at high risk of sustaining a graft rupture and/or contra-lateral ACL injury. The main factors that may predispose individuals for subsequent ACL injuries are, however, not established. To reduce the risk of reinjuries, it is of particular interest to identify modifiable risk-factors, for instance, those related to

Glucagon-like peptide-1 and beta cell glucose sensitivity - a glucose ramp study in mice

The incretin glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) is a gut hormone but also locally produced in pancreatic islets. We evaluated effects of GLP-1 on the insulin response to a gradual increase in glucose in mice within physiological levels. We initially developed a glucose ramp technique in mice. Glucose levels were slowly increased by 0.2 mmol/l/min for 40 min under control conditions, during intravenou

The aetiology of pharyngotonsillitis in primary health care : a prospective observational study

Background: Few studies on pharyngotonsillitis have examined the clinical presentation of different aetiologies where pathogens have been detected using molecular methods. We aimed to assess how well clinical signs and symptoms can predict (1) the presence or absence of a broad range of viruses and bacteria, and (2) reconsultations for a sore throat or a complication. Methods: In this descriptive

Politics of Urban Runoff : Nature, Technology, and the Sustainable City

When rain falls on the city, it creates urban runoff that cause flooding, erosion, and water pollution. Municipal engineers manage a complex network of technical and natural systems to treat and remove these temporary water flows from cities as quickly as possible. Urban runoff is frequently discussed in terms of technical expertise and environmental management, but it encompasses a multitude of s

Characterisation of the genetic discordance between body mass index and type 2 diabetes: a phenome-wide analysis : No 111

Background and aims: Obesity is on the rise globally, and is a leading risk factor for T2D. However, it is very heterogeneous, with varying degrees of T2D risk within the same levels of BMI. Better classification may lead to improve outcomes of current preventive and therapeutic strategies. Moreover, by elucidating the mechanisms uncoupling obesity from T2D risk, new possible therapeutic targets m

Deformed halo of 929F20

Using a simple model based on the knowledge of spherical and deformed Woods-Saxon potentials, it is shown that the recent observation of halo phenomena in 29F can be interpreted as evidence for the prolate deformation of the ground state of 29F. The prolate deformation is the result of the shell structure, which is unique in one-neutron resonant levels, in particular near degeneracy of the neutron

Understanding the Political Psychology of Brexit

To understand Brexit we need to understand the political psychology of British politics and its relationship to the European Union (EU). Using data on public knowledge, groups, concerns, amnesia, and trust, this summary demonstrates the political consequences of the increasing distance between the electorate and the government in the United Kingdom over the question of Brexit; the British exit fro

Iran Is Using Violence to Put Pressure on Biden

Multiple missiles were fired at Erbil on February 15, killing at least one civil contractor and injuring at least one American national. It is likely that the attack was conducted by an Iranian proxy in order to put pressure on President Biden to lift the sanctions against the country and return to the 2015 nuclear deal.

Inflammatory depression—mechanisms and non-pharmacological interventions

Treatment of depression is hampered by the failure to identify distinct symptom profiles with distinct pathophysiologies that differentially respond to distinct treatments. We posit that inflammatory depression is a meaningful depression subtype associated with specific symptoms and biological abnormalities. We review several upstream, potentially causative, mechanisms driving low-grade inflammati