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The being of urban resilience

The nature of urban risk and disasters is changing. Hazards are increasing in intensity and frequency and their causes and after-effects are becoming more complex. Their unpredictable nature and impacts have a significant bearing on the mental wellbeing, fear, and stress levels of those who experience them, and on those involved in disaster risk reduction and management. Despite this situation, th

Re-enacting Les Paradies Artificiels by Re-mythologizing Inspiration

Be it in prose or be it in poetry, Charles Bukowski proposes anarchic protagonists, critical of the Establishment and absorbed in writing. Muses are plenty, but the real fuel for inspiration is alcohol, especially beer. Epic in poetry, abrupt in prose, Bukowski is unflinchingly honest and self-demythologizing. His hedonism and drunkenness are masks put on his revolt against the world and his own f

Stress state in front of a crack perpendicular to bimaterial interface

Using a dislocation simulation approach, the basic equation for a crack perpendicular to a bimaterial interface is formulated in this paper. A novel expansion method is proposed for solving the problem. The complete solution for the problem, including the T stress ahead of the crack tip and the stress intensity factors are presented. The stress field characteristics are analyzed in detail. It is fUsing a dislocation simulation approach, the basic equation for a crack perpendicular to a bimaterial interface is formulated in this paper. A novel expansion method is proposed for solving the problem. The complete solution for the problem, including the T stress ahead of the crack tip and the stress intensity factors are presented. The stress field characteristics are analyzed in detail. It is f

On the behavior of crack surface ligaments

Small ligaments connecting the fracture surfaces just behind a moving crack front are assumed to exist under certain conditions. The ligaments are rapidly torn as the crack advances. Inelastic straining of such ligaments influences the energy balance in the fracture process. The rapid tearing of a single ligament is studied both numerically and experimentally. An elastic visco-plastic material modSmall ligaments connecting the fracture surfaces just behind a moving crack front are assumed to exist under certain conditions. The ligaments are rapidly torn as the crack advances. Inelastic straining of such ligaments influences the energy balance in the fracture process. The rapid tearing of a single ligament is studied both numerically and experimentally. An elastic visco-plastic material mod

Test-Retest Reliability of the Reintegration to Normal Living Index (RNL-I) to Assess Perceived Participation in Adults With Late Effects of Polio

BACKGROUND: Many individuals with late effects of polio have difficulties participating in daily activities. The Reintegration to Normal Living Index (RNL-I) is a self-report questionnaire that evaluates perceived participation, but knowledge of the test-retest reliability and measurement errors in this population is lacking.OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the test-retest reliability of the RNL-I in adults

Vintergatans alla planeter

Precis som vår egen stjärna, Solen, har planeter kretsande runtom sig så har vi nu börjat upptäcka planeter kretsande runt avlägsna stjärnor därute i Vintergatan. Specialdesignade rymdbaserade teleskop, som COROT och Kepler, tillsammans med markbaserade teleskop, analyserar stjärnornas ljus och letar efter täcken på avlägsna exoplaneter.As there are planets orbiting our own star, the Sun, we have now started discovering planets orbiting distant stars, out in the galaxy. Specially designed space based telescopes, such as COROT and Kepler, are together with ground based telescopes gathering and analyzing light from distant stars, looking for hits that these stars may harbor exoplanets.

Universums mörka hemlighet

Mörk materia har funnits sedan tidernas begynnelse, från den Stora Smällen. Under Universums första hundratals miljoner år var tyngdkraften från den mörka materian så kraftfull att den drog till sig den vanliga materian, som muskler till revben, och formade gigantiska strukturer. De första galaxerna växte där dessa strängar möttes.Galaxer kolliderade med andra galaxer, och slogs samman för att bilHere we follow the exciting exploration of dark matter, from the Big Bang to its anticipated discovery at the Large Hadron Collider. The first hints of dark matter were wound by Fritz Zwicky, the scientist who coined the term. We get to see the astral choreography witnessed by Vera Rubin in the Andromeda galaxy and then plummet deep underground to see the most sensitive dark matter detector on Ear

Role of potassium channels in endothelium-dependent relaxation resistant to nitroarginine in the rat hepatic artery

1. In the presence of indomethacin (IM, 10 μM) and N(ω)-nitro-L-arginine (L-NOARG, 0.3 mM), acetylcholine (ACh) induces an endothelium-dependent smooth muscle hyperpolarization and relaxation in the rat isolated hepatic artery. The potassium (K) channel inhibitors, tetrabutylammonium (TBA, 1 mM) and to a lesser extent 4-aminopyridine (4-AP, 1 mM) inhibited the L-NOARG/IM-resistant relaxation induc

NANC neurotransmission in lamina propria of the rabbit urethra : regulation by different subsets of calcium channels

Electrical field stimulation (EFS) of the rabbit urethral lamina propria elicited a frequency‐dependent non‐adrenergic, non‐cholinergic (NANC) relaxation, which was abolished by NΩ–nitro‐L‐arginine (l‐NOARG). Ω‐Conotoxin GVIA, a selective blocker of N‐type voltage‐operated calcium channels (VOCCs), and Ω‐conotoxin MVIIC (blocker of N‐ and Q‐type VOCCs) inhibited the NANC relaxation, and the inhibi

Är ägg bra vid typ 2 diabetes, fetma och fettlever?

Att ägg är en bra del i en för övrigt sund kost för friska är okontroversiellt. Men hur långt kan man generalisera? När kosten i sin helhet är bra försämrar ägg i normalfallet inte blodfetterna hos personer med typ 2-diabetes och övervikt. Ägg kan då tvärtom bidra till en förbättrad viktkontroll, glukostolerans och mindre leverpåverkan. Om helheten däremot inte är bra, om vikten är på uppåtgående

Discursive Constructions of White Nordic Masculinities in Right-wing Populist Media

Using superordinate intersectionality as a theoretical framework, this article explores notions of men and masculinities within right wing populism. It is attentive to how the right-wing populist media in Finland and Sweden construct white Nordic masculinities through discursive interactions across several axes of difference: gender (masculinities); sexuality (heterosexuality); social class (elite