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Exaggerated orientation scatter of nocturnal passerine migrants close to breeding grounds: comparisons between seasons and latitudes

Using tracking radars, we investigated the variability of flight directions of long-distance nocturnal passerine migrants across seasons (spring versus autumn migration) and sites at the southern (56A degrees N) and northern (68A degrees N) ends of the Scandinavian Peninsula (Lund versus Abisko). Whilst most migrants at Lund are on passage to and from breeding sites in Fennoscandia, the majority o

The use of normal and heat-treated barley flour and waxy barley starch as anti-staling agents in laboratory and industrial baking processes

Normal and heat-treated barley, both as flour and waxy starch, were added at a concentration of 3% to a white wheat bread. The effect not only of selected additives, but also of laboratory- and industrial baking processes on stalling was evaluated. Laboratory baked breads with heat-treated barley flour differed from control breads with regard to water content, firmness and amylopectin retrogradati

Named Entity Recognition for Short Text Messages

This paper describes a named entity recognition (NER) system for short text messages (SMS) running on a mobile platform. Most NER systems deal with text that is structured, formal, well written, with a good grammatical structure, and few spelling errors. SMS text messages lack these qualities and have instead a short-handed and mixed language studded with emoticons, which makes NER a challenge on

Lavar runt Mölle vid Kullaberg, Skåne

Hösten 2013 gjorde Ulf en inventering runt badorten Mölle i nordvästra Skåne. Här rapporterar han om den överraskande intressanta lavfloran i området.

Mechanisms of HAMLET-induced cancer cell death

HAMLET, a complex of α-lactalbumin and oleic acid, preferentially kills cancer cells and is also effective in vivo. HAMLET causes apoptosis but cells die even if this pathway is inhibited. Thus, the role of autophagy, an alternative cell death pathway, was examined. During autophagy double membrane-enclosed autophagosomes form around cellular material and deliver it to the lysosomes for degradatio

Humidity sensing properties of bismuth phosphates

Cubic sillenite-type and monoclinic bismuth phosphates were synthesized via hydrothermal methods. Structure and morphology of cubic Bi13.1PO delta and monoclinic BiPO4 were characterized with a variety of analytical methods including powder X-ray diffraction, electron microscopy methods and surface area measurements. The humidity sensing properties of both bismuth phosphate types were investigated

Long-range angular correlations of pi, K and p in p-Pb collisions at root s(NN)=5.02 TeV

Angular correlations between unidentified charged trigger particles and various species of charged associated particles (unidentified particles, pions, kaons, protons and antiprotons) are measured by the ALICE detector in p-Pb collisions at a nucleon-nucleon centre-of-mass energy of 5.02 TeV in the transverse-momentum range 0.3 < p(T) < 4 GeV/c. The correlations expressed as associated yield per t

Technology, Institutions and Allocation of Time in Urban Swedish Households 1920-1990

The modernisation of Swedish households during the twentieth century prompted a considerable productivity growth in household production. This paper examines the association between this process and the allocation of female time in Swedish urban households during the period 1920-1990. Estimates presented in the paper suggest a minimum potential time reduction for a fixed volume of routine househol


Popular Abstract in English Concrete is one of our most common building materials and is used both for buildings, bridges and other heavy structures. Typically, concrete structures are very durable, but sometimes they need to be strengthened. The reason may be cracking due to environmental effects, that a bridge is to be used for heavier traffic, new building codes, or damage resulting from earthqA 3D nonlinear finite element analysis modelling framework was developed for simulating the behaviour of beams retrofitted with fibre reinforced polymer (FRP). The ABAQUS program was used for this purpose. Concrete was modelled using a plastic damage model. Steel bars were modelled as an elastic perfectly plastic material, with perfect bond between concrete and steel. A cohesive model was used for

The Growth of Phrases - User-centred Design for Activity-based Voice Output Communication Aids

An activity-based vocabulary for Voice Output Communication Aids (VOCAs) was designed and evaluated through a user-centred, iterative design process, using expressions from the Gothenburg Spoken Language Corpus as well as other recorded, natural conversations. The growth and development of the vocabulary, called Phrases, was closely linked to its evaluation. The iterative design process included p

St Gallen molecular subtypes in primary breast cancer and matched lymph node metastases - aspects on distribution and prognosis for patients with luminal A tumours: results from a prospective randomised trial

Background: The St Gallen surrogate molecular subtype definitions classify the oestrogen (ER) positive breast cancer into the luminal A and luminal B subtypes according to proliferation rate and/or expression of human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) with differences in prognosis and chemo-responsiveness. Primary tumours and lymph node metastases might represent different malignant clones

Targeted expression of BCL-2 attenuates MPP+ but not 6-OHDA induced cell death in dopaminergic neurons

Neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson's disease exhibit complex features of cell death reflecting both the primary lesion as well as surrounding interconnected events. Because Bcl-2 family members are intimately involved in cell death processes, the present Study used dopaminergic cultures from control, Bcl-2-overexpressing, or Bax-deficient genetically modified animals to determine the in

Exposure to wear particles generated from studded tires and pavement induces inflammatory cytokine release from human macrophages

Health risks associated with exposure to airborne particulate matter (PM) have been shown epidemiologically as well as experimentally, pointing to both respiratory and cardiovascular effects. Lately, wear particles generated from traffic have been recognized to be a major contributing source to the overall particle load, especially in the Nordic countries were studded tires are used. In this work,

Educative assessment for/of teacher competency. A study of assessment and learning in the "Interactive examination" for student teachers.

Popular Abstract in Swedish Syftet med den här avhandlingen är att studera några av de problem som är förknippade med implementering av så kallad autentisk bedömning i lärarutbildningen. I den första delen av avhandlingen undersöks, genom en litteraturöversikt, huruvida användningen av bedömningsmatriser kan fungera som ett stöd för ökad tillförlitlighet och trovärdighet vid bedömning av komplexa The aim of this dissertation is to explore some of the problems associated with introducing authentic assessment in teacher education. In the first part of the dissertation the question is investigated, through a literature review, whether the use of scoring rubrics can aid in supporting credible assessment of complex performance, and at the same time support student learning of such complex perfo

Connecting Social Science and Information Technology through an Interface-Centric Framework of Analysis.

The gathering pace of IT innovation has, or ought to have had notable methodological repercussions for the social-science community (and beyond). Where yesterday the researcher could unhurriedly unlock the social-scientific significance of a chosen medium, secure in the knowledge that his or her work would have bearing for many years, by now there is every reason to confront a fear that the prodde