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Coupling and Brightness Considerations for the MAX IV 3 GeV Storage Ring

It is often suggested that the emittance coupling of a storage ring should be adjusted to the so-called diffraction limit corresponding to the shortest wavelength of interest. For 1 Å radiation this leads to a typical requirement of 8 pm rad vertical emittance. In ultralow-emittance storage rings like the MAX IV 3 GeV storage ring this corresponds to a comparably large setting of the emittance cou

Phase Transitions in Large Oscillator Lattices

Popular Abstract in Swedish Denna avhandling handlar om stora nätverk av oscillatorer. En oscillator är ett system som beter sig periodiskt. Speciellt handlar avhandlingen om oscillatorer som har ett typiskt beteende. En egenskap som varje sådan oscillator har är den naturliga frekvens med vilken beteendet upprepas. Om vi stör oscillatorn, så återvänder den så småningom till sitt typiska beteende.This thesis deals with large networks of limit cycle oscillators. A limit cycle oscillator is a dynamical system that has a periodic attractor in phase space, and is defined in continuous time. To each such oscillator one can associate a natural frequency. Virtually all biological systems that show periodic oscillations can be seen as limit cycle oscillators. The same is true for oscillating mecha

Understanding software processes through system dynamics simulation: a case study

This paper presents a study with the intent to examine the opportunities provided by creating and using simulation models of software development processes. A model of one software development project was created through means of system dynamics, with data collected from documents, interviews and observations. The model was simulated in a commercial simulation tool. The simulation runs indicate th

Surfactant Responsive Cross-Linked Polymer Hydrogels

The focus of the thesis is on chemically cross-linked hydrogels which drastically change their volume when immersed in solutions of different ionic surfactants (with or without added salt). The two main questions addressed are: (1) How useful are simple gel swelling experiments to the study of polymer-surfactant interactions?, and (2) How does the volume of a cross-linked polymer gel change when i

Assessment of Biogas Production from Source Separated. Fat, Oil and Grease (FOG) from Households

Waste in form of fat, oil and grease (FOG) is generated where food is prepared or consumed, e.g. in households. If collected properly, the household FOG could be interesting for biogas production. This fraction has been source-separated and collected separately in a residential area in Malmö, Sweden. The biogas potential has been evaluated by mesophilic digestion experiments. Both single-substrate

Uthålliga VA-system - internationella erfarenheter av organisationsformer och drivkrafter i en VA-sektor i utveckling

The report describes and analysis the water and sewerage system in five European countries from a resource based view I denna rapport intresserar vi oss för begreppet ’uthållighet’ (sustainability) inom ramen för vatten- och avloppsverksamheter. Utgångspunkten är emellertid varken teknisk eller ekologisk utan denna studie görs utifrån ett strategi- och organisationsperspektiv. Ambitionen är att t

Reacting Boundary Layers in Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition (HCCI) Engine

An experimental and computational study of the nearwall combustion in a Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition (HCCI) engine has been conducted by applying laser based diagnostic techniques in combination with numerical modeling. Our major intent was to characterize the combustion in the velocity- and thermal boundary layers. The progress of the combustion was studied by using fuel tracer LIF, th

Schindler´s List Comes to Schindler´s Homeland

This text is an analysis of the reception of Steven Spielberg´s film Schindler´s List in the Czech Republic. Being a Sudeten German, Oskar Schindler, the hero of the film and the rescuer of hundreds of Jews from the Nazi destruction machinery, made Czechs aware not only or primarily of the atrocities of the Holocaust, but of several Czech-German troublespots of the past, including those related to

Hermiones förvandling

Texten behandlar hur Strindberg använt sig av Rydbergs karaktär Hermione i Den siste athenaren när han skrev sitt drama "Hermione".

Förändringar, utmaningar, gränslöst lärande

Bildning som betydelsefull del i lärandet är inte alltid priorierat i utbildingssammanhang. Informellt och icke-formellt lärande erkänns sällan som något som bidrar till kunskap och färdigheter, inte ens av individerna själva. Öppna sociala nätverk skapar stora möjligheter för en ny syn på bildning och tillvaratagande av den enskildes engagemang, motivation, intresse och valmöjligheter. Förändrade

Studying Norms and Social Change in a Digital Age: Identifying and Understanding a Multidimensional Gap Problem

The fact that the debate concerning copyright in a digital society has been both intense and filled with polemic conflicts ever since the late 1990s makes it clear that it is a most complicated issue to solve, or even grasp. Basically, both the legal and societal discussion and development are explicitly dependent on a greater understanding of the on-going processes surrounding copyright. This pre