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The long Interesting Tail of indie TV

We describe a scenario of independent TV programme dissemination where viewers receive their own tailored channel created from content in which they’re interested. We focus primarily on the problem of distributing the content from the producers to all interested viewers. Our approach is based on a multicast scheme called implicit group messaging, realised as a distributed structured peer-to-peer n

A local exchange-correlation potential for the spin polarized case: I

The local density theory is developed by Hohenberg, Kohn and Sham is extended to the spin polarized case. A spin dependent one- electron potential pertinent to ground state properties is obtained from calculations of the total energy per electron made with a `bubble' (or random phase) type of dielectric function. The potential is found to be well represented by an analytic expression corresponding

Remissvar utkast till lagrådsremiss Fastställande av konkurrensskadeavgift, N2005/9010/RS

Sammantaget betraktar fakultetsstyrelsen Förslaget som en försiktig anpassning av den svenska konkurrenslagen till EG-rätten, som inte bör föranleda någon särskild förändring av den rättspraxis som sedan tidigare utvecklats i Sverige. Även om Förslaget på många punkter hänvisar till behov av mycket höga böter kan detta inte tolkas som ett underbyggt motiv för förändringar. Förslaget är alltför tu

Democratic Breakthrough or Authoritarian Legitimization?- A comparative study of democratic electoral outcomes in electoral authoritarian regimes

Scholars studying international democratization have recently shown a greater interest in how elections in authoritarian contexts per se, could function as leverages for democratic improvement. This study contributes to this knowledge by asking; when do elections in electoral authoritarian regimes result in democratic consequences? Recognizing that elections can be a tool for democratic break