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Women and Globalization in the GCC: Negotiating States, Agency and Social Change

The authors utilize different methodologies, disciplinary traditions, and analytical perspectives. Yet, they all draw our attention to the complex and contradictory ways in which men and women from or living in the Gulf are selectively incorporated into a world society. The workshop papers were summarized and form the basis of this proceedings document prepared by Ghalia Gargani, Acting Director o

UR-bilder. Utbildningsprogram som tv-genre

I vår samtida tv-kultur, med kommersiella kanaler, kabel- och satellit-tv och inom en inte alltför avlägsen framtid också en digitaliserad sändningsform, har olika programformers verksamhet diskuterats och ibland även ifrågasatts. En av dessa programformer är utbildningsprogrammen där man menat att UR:s utbud ofta skiljer sig marginellt från SVT:s folkbildande program. Diskussionen om folkbildande

Anaerobic Treatment of Agricultural Residues and Wastewater - Application of High-Rate Reactors

The production of methane via anaerobic digestion of agricultural residues and industrial wastewater would benefit society by providing a clean fuel from renewable feedstocks. This would reduce the use of fossil-fuel-derived energy and reduce environmental impact, including global warming and pollution. Limitation of carbon dioxide and other emissions through emission regulations, carbon taxes, an

An Alkaline Active Cyclodextrin Glycosyltransferase from an Alkaliphilic Bacillus agaradhaerens

Soda lakes represent the most stable naturally-occurring alkaline environments on Earth and harbour a diverse population of alkaliphiles. Alkaliphilic microorganisms have attracted a great interest due to their ability to produce extracellular enzymes that are active and stable at high pH values. Screening for alkaliphilic starch-hydrolyzing bacteria from samples of soda lakes at the Ethiopian Rif