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Family History and Probability of Prostate Cancer, Differentiated by Risk Category : A Nationwide Population-Based Study
Background: Familial prostate cancer risk estimates are inflated by clinically insignificant low-risk cancer, diagnosed after prostate-specific antigen testing. We provide age-specific probabilities of non-low- and high-risk prostate cancer. Methods: Fifty-one thousand, eight hundred ninety-seven brothers of 32 807 men with prostate cancer were identified in Prostate Cancer data Base Sweden (PCBaS
Insulin stimulates ganglionic protein synthesis and reduces thymidine incorporation in support cells of the in vitro regenerating adult frog sciatic sensory neurons
Insulin was tested for effects on crush injured, in vitro regenerating, adult frog sciatic sensory axons. A wide range of insulin concentrations (0.01-10 μg × ml-1) was found to stimulate incorporation of radioactive leucine into ganglionic protein by 50-80%. without affecting the regeneration distance. Simultaneously insulin inhibited the proliferation of the support cells at the crush region by
High Podocalyxin levels promote cell viability partially through up-regulation of Annexin A2
Podocalyxin (PODXL) is a highly glycosylated and sialylated transmembrane protein that is up-regulated in various types of tumors and whose expression levels positively correlate with tumor grade. We previously found Podxl to be highly expressed in murine tumorigenic neural stem/progenitor cells (NSPs). Here we investigated the effects of elevated Podxl levels in these cells. NSPs overexpressing P
Parent participation plays an important part in promoting physical activity
Although physical activity (PA) is an important and modifiable determinant of health, in Sweden only 15% of boys and 10% of girls aged 15 years old achieve the recommended levels of PA 7 days per week. Adolescents' PA levels are associated with social influence exerted by parents, friends, and teachers. The purpose of this study was to describe parents' experiences of being a part of their adolesc
Reliability and validity of the Body Awareness Rating Scale (BARS), an observational assessment tool of movement quality
Movement quality assessed by the Body Awareness Rating Scale (BARS) is used as an indicator of health and self-efficacy in patients with long-lasting musculoskeletal and mental health problems. The objective of the study was to examine reliability and construct validity of the movement quality scale. 25 patients and 25 healthy persons were included. Internal consistency was examined by Cronbach's
Potential of Lattice Boltzmann method to determine the ohmic resistance in porous materials
The lattice Boltzmann method (LBM) is a suitable tool for solving transport phenomena that occur in gas- and liquid phases at different length scales, especially when complex geometries such as porous media are involved. However, investigations about applications of LBM in the solid electrical conducting material have not been carried out yet. Since in fuel cells (FCs) the multifunctional layers p
Associations between neurodevelopmental disorders and factors related to school, health, and social interaction in schoolchildren : Results from a Swedish population-based survey
Background Children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) or attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are more likely to be surrounded by different risk factors. In order to work preventively with decreasing ADHD and ASD symptoms, there is a need of more knowledge concerning risk factors. Objective This study aimed to investigate school, health, lifestyle and social interactio
Traces of Use
Mitogen activated protein (MAP) kinase activity is increased in adult mouse superior cervical ganglia during culturing
We have used adult mouse superior cervical ganglia (SCG) to study the role of mitogen activated protein (MAP) kinase activity during axonal outgrowth in vitro. An initial peak in activity within the first hours of culture was followed by a substantially higher activity after 1 to 2 days, a time when axons were actively growing. The latter peak is probably a result of both higher levels of protein
Regenerating Peripheral Axons Transport and Release Low‐Molecular‐Mass Materials In Vitro
Abstract: The release of radiolabeled material from regenerating frog sciatic nerves was studied using a multicom‐ partment chamber, in which the ganglia and the outgrowth region, respectively, were separated from the rest of the nerve. The nerves were incubated with radioactive amino acids in the ganglionic compartment, and the material transported to and released at the outgrowth region was coll
Analytic Model for Cross-Layer Dependencies in VDSL2 access networks
Recent changes in user employment of Internet based services, new deployment technologies for mobile networks as well as an ongoing realisation of fixed and mobile converged networks e.g. the EU FP7 project COMBO, are significant examples of enablers for increasing demands on DSL links. Investigating cross-layer dependencies between all layers in the OSI reference model becomes increasingly import
Potential benefits of the deep web for SMEs
While its size and complexity make it a powerful knowledge source, the Deep Web also has a wide variety of offerings that can be adapted to meet business needs such as: Competitive intelligence, cross-enterprise collaboration, techno-elitism and innovative technology solutions. Additionally, elements associated with higher risks in terms of trading and security such as onion routing start finding
Prevalence and incidence of domestic violence during pregnancy and associated risk factors : A longitudinal cohort study in the south of Sweden
Background: Domestic violence during pregnancy is not only a severe public health issue that jeopardizes maternal and foetal health but also violates human rights. The aim was to explore the prevalence and incidence of domestic violence among pregnant women, in the southwestern region of Scania in Sweden, and their experience of a history of violence. In addition, to explore the association betwee
A. EUF-fördraget
The immune modulator Linomide prevents neuronal death in injured peripheral nerves of the mouse
Neuronal death after injury or disease could result from imbalanced cytokine expression. Linomide (LS-2616, quinoline-3-carboxamide), a synthetic immunomodulator with effects on cytokine production, suppresses autoimmune diseases of the nervous system. Here adult mice were pre-treated with 200 mg/kg/day of Linomide for 9 days, after which the sciatic nerves were crushed. After another 10 days of L
Greek sculpture as a tool in understanding the phenomenon of movement quality
Previous research has shown that movement quality may be described as offering a general impression of a whole unified person, understood as a relation between postural stability, free breathing and awareness, which combined produce a refinement of movement as well as enhancing well-being. The phenomenon could further be structured in terms of four movement dimensions: structural, physiological, p
Direct numerical simulation of H2/air combustion with composition stratification in a constant volume enclosure relevant to HCCI engines
Two-dimensional direct numerical simulation (2-D DNS) is used to investigate the effect of turbulence intensity and composition stratification on H2/air mixture auto-ignition in a constant volume enclosure relevant to homogeneous charge compression ignition (HCCI) engines. Different turbulence levels, composition fluctuations, EGR (Exhaust Gas Recirculation) ratios, initial pressure, domain length
Analysis of wind-induced vibrations in high-rise buildings
Buildings are getting taller due to increased urbanisation and densification of cities. More advanced construction methods and the desire to construct impressive buildings is also supporting the trend. Due to their inherent slenderness resulting in low eigenfrequencies, these buildings are susceptible to wind-induced vibrations which can be highly disturbing for occupants. Already barely perceivab