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Growth, feed conversion and faecal discharge of yellowtail kingfish (Seriola lalandi) fed three commercial diets

A study was undertaken to provide data on growth, feed conversion ratio (FCR) and faecal discharge of yellowtail kingfish (Seriola lalandi) fed three commercial diets used previously to culture this species in New Zealand. Fish were raised in tanks from 0.4 to 1.2 kg over the spring (water temperature 14–17°C) and summer (17–22°C) periods. There were considerable differences in volumetric and mass

In Vivo Reprogramming of Striatal NG2 Glia into Functional Neurons that Integrate into Local Host Circuitry.

The possibility of directly converting non-neuronal cells into neurons in situ in the brain would open therapeutic avenues aimed at repairing the brain after injury or degenerative disease. We have developed an adeno-associated virus (AAV)-based reporter system that allows selective GFP labeling of reprogrammed neurons. In this system, GFP is turned on only in reprogrammed neurons where it is stab

Conservation of sandy calcareous grassland: what can be learned from the land use history?

Understanding the land use history has proven crucial for the conservation of biodiversity in the agricultural landscape. In southern Sweden, very small and fragmented areas of the disturbance-dependent habitat xeric sand calcareous grassland support a large number of threatened and rare plants and animals. In order to find out if historical land use could explain variation in present-day habitat

Improvement of Industrial-scale Anaerobic Digestion by Enzymes Combined with Chemical Treatment

The effect of a new developed process for biogas boosting was studied at a municipal wastewater treatment plant in industrial scale over the period of three years. After pre-selection studies in the lab and short industrial setups, four hydrolytic enzymes and sodium citrate were combined and tested for a two-year period. The year 2007 was picked as reference year. In February 2008, the dosage was

Translational Aspects of Erythropoietin Receptor and Hypoxia-Inducible Factors in Breast Cancer

The main function of erythropoietin (EPO) is in hematopoiesis where EPO stimulates increased proliferation, survival and differentiation of erythrocytic precursors in response to hypoxia. The EPO effect is mediated via binding to the EPO receptor (EPOR), which induces activation of different intracellular signaling pathways. Recombinant human EPO (rhEPO) is also used in treatment of cancer patient


Popular Abstract in Swedish Diabetes är en av de vanligaste folksjukdomarna och tusentals diagnostiseras med sjukdomen varje år. Det finns två typer av diabetes, typ 1 och typ 2. I typ 1 förstörs de insulin producerande β-cellerna som finns i de Langerhanska öarna av kroppens immunförsvar. β-cellerna har till uppgift att reglera blodsockernivåerna. Avsaknaden av egen insulinproduktion leder till dDiabetes affects enormous amounts of patients. In type 1 diabetes the insulin producing β cells in the islet of Langerhans are destroyed by the immune system. The β cells, which are located in the pancreas, regulate blood glucose levels. The lack of insulin production requires administration of insulin. This is accomplished by insulin injections. Even though the treatment methods have been improve

Tumor necrosis factor restricts hematopoietic stem cell activity in mice: involvement of two distinct receptors.

Whereas maintenance of hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) is a requisite for life, uncontrolled expansion of HSCs might enhance the propensity for leukemic transformation. Accordingly, HSC numbers are tightly regulated. The identification of physical cellular HSC niches has underscored the importance of extrinsic regulators of HSC homeostasis. However, whereas extrinsic positive regulators of HSCs ha

Chemical ecology and insect conservation: optimising pheromone-based monitoring of the threatened saproxylic click beetle Elater ferrugineus

Elater ferrugineus is a saproxylic click beetle inhabiting old deciduous trees in Europe. It is threatened throughout its area of distribution due to habitat loss. No efficient monitoring method has been available for this species, but observed attraction of females to (R)-(+)-γ-decalactone, which is a male-produced sex pheromone of its prey, the scarab beetle Osmoderma eremita, has led to the dev

Essays on Societal Cost of Alcohol and Related Issues - A Health Economic Analysis

The consumption of alcoholic beverages has wide effects, for example, causes premature mortality, prevents certain heart diseases, increases crime rates, and affects quality of life. The main problems with alcohol consumption from an economic point of view are lack of information for consumers when making consumption decisions, externalities, and the addictive nature. It is expected that this resu

The Economy and Money in Three Recent Mission Documents

While economic issues are not usually much debated in theology, three recent mission documents (The Cape Town Commitment, Together Towards Life and Evangelii Gaudium) have directly addressed them, criticising globalised capitalism more or less sharply and explicitly. However, all three lack transparency in that possible analysis which might provide foundation for the statements made is not visible


Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM)-based Kalman predictive coders have been shown to perform better than baseline GMM Recursive Coders in predictive coding of Line Spectral Frequencies (LSFs) for both clean and packet loss conditions However, these stationary GMM Kalman predictive coders were not specifically designed for operation in packet loss conditions. In this paper, we demonstrate an approach to

Parrhesia i Valentinos fragment

Termen parrhesia, som oftast översätts ungefär öppet, sanningsenligt och modigt tal förekommer i två av de sju fragment som bevarats av Valentinos av Alexandrias skrifter. I denna artikel argumenteras det för att parrhesia inte enbart bör förstås som en form av tal utan innefattade även en tanke om stabil hållning och orubbligt uppträdande. Angränsande material läses i ljuset av detta och det argu

Effect and safety of duodenal levodopa infusion in advanced Parkinson's disease: a retrospective multicenter outcome assessment in patient routine care

Duodenal levodopa infusion represents an effective strategy to manage motor and non-motor complications in patients with advanced Parkinson's disease (PD). However, most published clinical series regard small numbers of patients and do not exceed 1 year follow-up. In this multi-national observational cohort study conducted in seven specialised PD clinics and university hospitals we assessed long-t

Förståelser av HPV-vaccin mellan hälsopanik och tillit

Syftet med artikeln är att utforska och förstå beskrivningar av och information om HPV-prevention utifrån olika positioner för att fånga samhälleliga och kulturella innebörder av HPV-vaccin. Två skolsköterskor intervjuades om sitt arbete med HPV-vaccinering, mediematerial om HPV-vaccin hämtades från Dagens Nyheter, Svenska Dagbladet och Sydsvenskans online-arkiv och informationsmaterial hämtades fThe aim of this article is to explore and understand information about HPV-prevention from several positions to grasp its social and cultural meanings. The material consists of interviews with two school nurses, material on HPV-vaccine from Swedish newspapers (Dagens Nyheter, Svenska Dagbladet, Sydsvenskan), and information from public authorities and pharmaceutical companies. In the analysis of t

Investigations of Diesel Sprays in Optical Engines - Liquid Fuel Penetration and Lift-Off Length

Popular Abstract in Swedish Dieselmotorn lanserades för mer än ett sekel sedan och är nu den mest använda motorn inom Europas transportsektor. Detta beror framför allt på dess låga bränsleförbrukning och höga effekt. Avgasutsläppen är dieselmotorns största nackdel eftersom dessa biprodukter från förbränningen har negativa effekter både på folkhälsan och miljön. Därför regleras utsläppen genom lagsDiesel engines are widely used as powertrain solutions for transportation vehicles. Their low fuel consumption and high performance make them attractive, however, their associated pollutant emissions is a major drawback which represent a hazard for public health and the environment. Therefore, the concentrations of the major pollutant species are regulated. Soot, which to a large extent consists

Impact of soil moisture-climate feedbacks on CMIP5 projections: First results from the GLACE-CMIP5 experiment

The Global Land-Atmosphere Climate Experiment-Coupled Model Intercomparison Project phase 5 (GLACE-CMIP5) is a multimodel experiment investigating the impact of soil moisture-climate feedbacks in CMIP5 projections. We present here first GLACE-CMIP5 results based on five Earth System Models, focusing on impacts of projected changes in regional soil moisture dryness (mostly increases) on late 21st c

Strategy-proof allocation of multiple public goods

This paper characterizes strategy-proof social choice functions (SCFs), the outcome of which are multiple public goods. Feasible alternatives belong to subsets of a product set $${A_{1} imes cdots imes A_{m}}$$ . The SCFs are not necessarily “onto”, but the weaker requirement, that every element in each category of public goods A k is attained at some preference profile, is imposed instead. Admiss