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Individual aggregates of amyloid beta induce temporary calcium influx through the cell membrane of neuronal cells

Local delivery of amyloid beta oligomers from the tip of a nanopipette, controlled over the cell surface, has been used to deliver physiological picomolar oligomer concentrations to primary astrocytes or neurons. Calcium influx was observed when as few as 2000 oligomers were delivered to the cell surface. When the dosing of oligomers was stopped the intracellular calcium returned to basal levels o

Bodily symptoms in patients with post traumatic stress disorder : A comparative study of traumatized refugees, Danish war veterans, and healthy controls

Background: Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is associated with increased general health symptoms and patients suffer from numerous bodily complaints such as increased pain, increased muscular tension, and restricted breathing. Methods and material: This study applied the Body Awareness Movement Quality and Experience scale (BAS MQ-E) in assessing and comparing bodily symptoms, including move

Heel ulcers do heal in patients with diabetes

A heel ulcer is considered to be a serious complication in patients with diabetes, and there is limited information regarding outcome. In most of the literature, a poor prognosis is described. The aim of this study was to investigate a large cohort of ulcers located in the heel in patients with diabetes. Seven hundred and sixty-eight patients [median age 73 (17-98)], presenting with a heel ulcer a

The Eltringham organ and a new thoracic gland: Ultrastructure and presumed pheromone function (Insecta. Myrmeleontidae)

Eltringham's organ is a club-like projection from the posterior margin of hind-wings of some myrmeleontid insects. It bears laterally directed setae, each having a specialized epidermal cell beneath, which gives off secretion into a sub-setal lumen. The lumen continues into the wall of the moat-like socket of the setae. Eltringham's organ fits into an excavation of the lateral body wall connected

Monoamine-containing neurons in the optic ganglia of crustaceans and insects

With the fluorescence method of Falck and Hillarp, the presence and localization of monoaminergic neurons in the optic ganglia of several crustaceans and insects have been investigated. It was found that in both classes the monoaminergic terminals, when present, appeared (especially in the medullae externa and interna of the crustaceans and the medulla of the insects) in strata specific for each s

On the cavity receptor organ (X-organ or organ of Bellonci) of Artemia salina (Crustacea, Anostraca)

The cavity receptor organ (previously X-organ or organ of Bellonci) of Artemia salina consists of ciliated neurons whose cilia protrude into a cavity beneath the cuticle. The neuronal dendrites penetrate a giant accompanying cell and epidermal cells before entering the cavity. The cavity beneath the cuticle, the ciliated neurons and the connexion with the medulla terminalis justifies a homologizatThe cavity receptor organ (previously X-organ or organ of Bellonci) of Artemia salina consists of ciliated neurons whose cilia protrude into a cavity beneath the cuticle. The neuronal dendrites penetrate a giant accompanying cell and epidermal cells before entering the cavity. The cavity beneath the cuticle, the ciliated neurons and the connexion with the medulla terminalis justifies a homologizat

Some observations on the internal morphology of Hansen's nauplius Y (Crustacea)

The internal morphology of the crustacean larval form that Hansen (1899) called nauplius y has revealed a remarkably advanced early nauplius. The nervous system is well developed and differentiated. It is connected with the anlagen of the compound eyes. A presumed filamentous base of the SPX-organ connects with these. The nauplius eye is present in a three-partite form with two retinula cells in e

The nauplius eye and frontal organs of the non-Malacostraca (Crustacea).

The present work is a continuation of the morphological studies of the nauplius eye and frontal organs of the Crustacea. The previous papers on this topic comprised the Decapoda (ELOFSSON, 1963) and the Malacostraca (ELOFSSON, 1965). Its has been found that the nauplius eye and frontal organs of the Crustacea are separated into four different types. These comprise the Phyl-lopoda, Anostraca, Maxil

Sami law in late modern legal contexts

This chapter demonstrates the dynamics within current Nordic legal cultures; that is the oppositional struggle between ideological and legal forces and their influences in societal development. It analyses the different, especially Swedish, contexts, which has created this new late modern legal culture regarding the Sami and Sami law. During the past three decades, Sami law has been increasingly v


Everyday millions of bioanalyses are performed in clinical laboratories, hospitals and research centers, where technicians and bio-analysts utilize analytical chemistry principles and instruments to serve medicine and biomedical research. A method routinely used for sample preparation in bioanalysis is solid-phase extraction (SPE). SPE is a simple method to extract an analyte from a sample matrix

Spatiotemporal characterization of ultrashort optical vortex pulses

We use a spiral phase plate to generate few-cycle optical vortices from an ultrafast titanium:sapphire oscillator and characterize them in the spatiotemporal domain with a recently introduced technique based on spatially resolved Fourier transform spectrometry. The performance of this simple approach to the generation of optical vortices is analysed from a wavelength-dependent perspective as well

The anostracan rhabdom and the basement membrane. An ultrastructural study of the Artemia compound eye (Crustacea)

The ommatidia of the compound eyes of Artemia salina L. are normally composed of four crystalline cone cells containing glycogen. The cells are enveloped by two so-called “cellules épidermiques juxta-cristallines”. There are also six pigmented retinula cells, all contributing to the rhabdom.A peculiar feature of the Artemia crystalline cone cells is that their elongated parts, the so-called cone c

Localization of monoaminergic neurons in the central nervous system of Astacus astacus Linne (Crustacea, Decapoda)

The cellular localization of biogenic monoamines in crustaceans was studied by means of a highly specific and sensitive fluorescence method devised by Falck and Hillarp. It was found that neurons displaying specific fluorescence in the central nervous system were confined to the protocerebrum, the medulla externa and interna and the ventral nerve cord. The method allows a distinction between the f

Human Immunodeficiency Virus Immune Cell Receptors, Coreceptors, and Cofactors: Implications for Prevention and Treatment.

In the last three decades, extensive research on human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) has highlighted its capability to exploit a variety of strategies to enter and infect immune cells. Although CD4+ T cells are well known as the major HIV target, with infection occurring through the canonical combination of the cluster of differentiation 4 (CD4) receptor and either the C-C chemokine receptor type 5

A test for the global minimum variance portfolio for small sample and singular covariance

Recently, a test dealing with the linear hypothesis for the global minimum variance portfolio weights was obtained under the assumption of non-singular covariance matrix. However, the problem of potential multicollinearity and correlations of assets constitutes a limitation of the classical portfolio theory. Therefore, there is an interest in developing theory in the presence of singularities in t

Anaerobic poly-3-d-hydroxybutyrate production from xylose in recombinant Saccharomyces cerevisiae using a NADH-dependent acetoacetyl-CoA reductase

Background: Poly-3-d-hydroxybutyrate (PHB) that is a promising precursor for bioplastic with similar physical properties as polypropylene, is naturally produced by several bacterial species. The bacterial pathway is comprised of the three enzymes β-ketothiolase, acetoacetyl-CoA reductase (AAR) and PHB synthase, which all together convert acetyl-CoA into PHB. Heterologous expression of the pathway