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Complex formed in the system hydrophobically modified polyethylene glycol/methylated alpha-cyclodextrin/water. An NMR diffusometry study

In aqueous solutions hydrophobically modified polyethylene glycol (HM-PEG) forms a transient polymer network held together by intermolecular hydrophobic associations. In the present investigation we have used NMR-diffusometry to study how the addition of methylated alpha-cyclodextrin (M-alpha-CD) influences the polymer network. The addit on of M-alpha-CD resulted in an increased mean self-diffusio

Antigen presentation capacity and cytokine production by murine splenic dendritic cell subsets upon Salmonella encounter.

Salmonella typhimurium is an intracellular bacterium that replicates in the spleen and mesenteric lymph nodes (MLN) of orally infected mice. However, little is known about the Ag presentation and cytokine production capacity of dendritic cells (DC), particularly CD8alpha(+), CD8alpha(-)CD4(-), and CD8alpha(-)CD4(+) DC, from these organs in response to SALMONELLA: Infection of purified splenic DC w

Frequency-Domain Analysis of Linear Time-Periodic Systems

In this report we study how a time-varying system with a time-periodic integral kernel (impulse response), g(t,\tau)=g(t+T,\tau+T), can be expanded into a sum of essentially time-invariant systems. This allows us to define a linear frequency response operator for periodic systems, called the Harmonic Transfer Function (HTF). The HTF is a direct analog of the transfer function for time-invariant sy

WE-14, a chromogranin A - Derived neuropeptide

The neuropeptide WE-14 is derived from the posttranslational processing of chromogranin A (CgA). While CgA is expressed in a preponderance of neuroendocrine cells, WE-14 is generated in a distinct subpopulation of CgA-immunopositive cells, most notably in the adrenal, pituitary, and parathyroid glands. Physiological and pharmacological studies have demonstrated that CgA is cleaved to generate WE-1

Towards redox active liquid crystalline phases of lipids: a monoolein/water system with entrapped derivatives of ferrocene

The phase and electrochemical behavior of the aqueous mixtures of monoolein (MO) and synthetic ferrocene (Fc) derivatives containing long alkyl chains -(Z)-octadec-9-enoylferrocene (1), (Z)-octadecen-9-ylferrocene (2), and ferrocenylmethyl (Z)-octadec-9-enoate (3)-were studied. At low hydration, the reversed micelles (L-2 phase) and cubic Q(230) phase of MO can accommodate relatively high amounts

A Novel Semi-Empirical Tire Model for Combined Slips

A new tyre-force model for simultaneous braking and cornering is presented, which is based on combining existing empirical models for pure braking and cornering with brush-model tyre mechanics. The aim is to offer an easy-to-use, accurate model for vehicle-handling simulations. On a working tyre the contact patch between the tyre and the road is, in general, divided into an adhesion region where t

Structure of Jahn-Teller distorted solvated copper(II) ions in solution, and in solids with apparently regular octahedral coordination geometry

Regular octahedral coordination has been reported for some copper(II) complexes in the solid state on the basis of crystallographic studies, e.g. hexaaquacopper(II) bromate, [Cu(OH2)(6)](BrO3)(2). hexaaquacopper(II) hexafluorosilicate, [Cu(OH2)(6)]Si-6, and hexakis(pyridine-1-oxide)copper(II) perchlorate. [Cu(ONC5H5)(6)](ClO4)(2). These results are not consistent with the elongated octahedral conf

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Abstract in Danish Infliximab er effektiv ved reumatoid artritis (RA), men behandlingssvigt er hyppige. Sera fra 106 RA-patienter monitoreredes med en radioimmunoassay (RIA) for funktionel infliximab og en RIA for anti-infliximab-antistof. S-infliximab varierede betydeligt, f.eks. 0-22 μg/ml forud for tredje infusion, og efter seks måneder var 44% antistofpositive. Lav S-infliximab var forbundet mRemicade/infliximab is effective in rheumatoid arthritis (RA), but response failure is frequent. Sera from 106 RA patients were monitored using an RIA for functional infliximab and an RIA for anti-infliximab antibody (Ab). S-infliximab varied considerably, e.g. 0-22 microg/ml before the 3rd infusion, and 44% were Ab-positive after 6 months. Low s-infliximab was associated with Ab development and l

Consequences of fish predation, migration, and juvenile ontogeny on zooplankton spring dynamics

In order to disentangle if and when resource supply and adult and young-of-the-year (0+) fish predation affect zooplankton dynamics during spring, we monitored zooplankton during three consecutive years in a lake in southern Sweden. We also experimentally assessed 0+ fish predation rates and estimated changes in predation rates of adult fish on zooplankton. Decline in abundances of large-sized zoo

The N34S mutation of SPINK1 (PSTI) is associated with a familial pattern of idiopathic chronic pancreatitis but does not cause the disease

Background: Mutations in the PRSS1 gene explain most occurrences of hereditary pancreatitis (HP) but many HP families have no PRSS1 mutation. Recently, an association between the mutation N34S in the pancreatic secretary trypsin inhibitor (SPINK1 or PSTI) gene and idiopathic chronic pancreatitis (ICP) was reported. It is unclear whether the N34S mutation is a cause of pancreatitis per se, whether

Large Eddy Simulations of Separated Compressible Flows around Wing Sections

This thesis concerns numerical calculations of compressible separated flows, with and without shocks, around wing sections using Large Eddy Simulations (LES). The considered geometries are the NACA 0012 wing section and the ONERA AT15A wing section. Compressible separated flows around wing sections are of considerable interest, for engineering and scientific reasons, since they involve transition,

Transcending borders. Social identity in the Middle Ages and in Medieval archaeology.

The article aims at pointing out the limitations of those archaeological approaches in the field of medieval studies that strictly follow the medieval social theory of the three and later four orders/estates. As an example of the possibilities offered by the use of an contextual approach in attempting to transcend the borders of the four-estate model, an analysis and interpretation of the pottery