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Your search for "*" yielded 531692 hits

A new plastic scintillation resin for single-step separation, concentration and measurement of technetium-99

Technetium is a synthetic element with no stable isotopes, produced as waste in nuclear power plants and in cyclotrons used for nuclear medicine. The element has high mobility, in the form of TcO4 −; its determination is therefore important for environmental protection. Technetium is found in low concentrations and therefore common methods for its analysis include long treatments in several steps

Broken Data : Broken World

In a world where predictive big data analytics and data driven policy and design are increasingly prevalent, the concept of broken data seeks to interrogate and disrupt the possibilities associated with these trends. Concepts of breakage, damage and repair, and recent literatures about ‘broken world’ type theories, offer us an alternative starting point: what are the implications of putting these

Multistable Fields

September 19th 2015 the exhibition/installation Multistable Fields opened in the atrium of the main building at Lund university. Here’s the synopsis:The main building of Lund University was inaugurated in 1882. In the building conceived by architect Helgo Zettervall the rational quest for knowledge of Academia is enmeshed with a world of mythical symbols. Sphinxes and griffins meet deans and profe

Photochemistry of Carboxylate on TiO2(110) Studied with Synchrotron Radiation Photoelectron Spectroscopy

We present a dedicated synchrotron radiation photoelectron spectroscopy (SR-PES) study of a photochemical reaction on the surface of rutile TiO2(110). The photoreaction kinetics of carboxylate species (trimethyl acetate, TMA) upon irradiation by UV and soft X-rays were monitored, and we show that it is possible to control the reaction rates from UV light and soft X-rays independently. We directly

An international study of hospitalized cancer patients’ health status, nursing care quality, perceived individuality in care and trust in nurses : A path analysis

Background Providing high quality nursing care for patients with malignancies is complex and driven by many factors. Many of the associations between nursing care quality, trust, health status and individualized care remain obscure. Objective To empirically test a model of association linking hospitalized cancer patients’ health status, nursing care quality, perceived individuality in care and tru

Study on Immune System of human body and its relationshipn with Risk Management in organizations

Human body has the natural ability to protect and heal itself, like all the systems which existing in the nature. It means that, Immune System which is one of the main systems in humans that protects them from illness. In other words, it is a network of cells, tissues, and organs designed complexly for preventing the body against germs, viruses, and other form of body toxins. Asmicrobial invasions

Dense, Regular GaAs Nanowire Arrays by Catalyst-Free Vapor Phase Epitaxy for Light Harvesting

Density dependent growth and optical properties of periodic arrays of GaAs nanowires (NWs) by fast selective area growth MOVPE are investigated. As the period of the arrays is decreased from 500 nm down to 100 nm, a volume growth enhancement by a factor of up to four compared with the growth of a planar layer is observed. This increase is explained as resulting from increased collection of precurs

A hybrid modell for assessing resilience of electricity networks

A hybrid model is used for quantification of three resilience metrics: robustness, rapidity and resilience loss. The approach is demonstrated in a case study on a municipal electricity distribution system. An overall conclusion from the case study is that the suggested method provides an overview of the resilience metrics of the electricity distribution system and that it allows the network operat

Will this hemodynamically unstable patient respond to a bolus of intravenous fluids?

IMPORTANCE Fluid overload occurring as a consequence of overly aggressive fluid resuscitation may adversely affect outcome in hemodynamically unstable critically ill patients. Therefore, following the initial fluid resuscitation, it is important to identify which patients will benefit from further fluid administration. OBJECTIVE To identify predictors of fluid responsiveness in hemodynamically uns

The effects of MEK1/2 inhibition on cigarette smoke exposure-induced ET receptor upregulation in rat cerebral arteries

Cigarette smoking, a major stroke risk factor, upregulates endothelin receptors in cerebral arteries. The present study examined the effects of MEK1/2 pathway inhibition on cigarette smoke exposure-induced ET receptor upregulation. Rats were exposed to the secondhand smoke (SHS) for 8 weeks followed by intraperitoneal injection of MEK1/2 inhibitor, U0126 for another 4 weeks. The urine cotinine lev

Influenza A virus evolution and spatio-temporal dynamics in eurasian wild birds : A phylogenetic and phylogeographical study of whole-genome sequence data

Low pathogenic avian influenza A viruses (IAVs) have a natural host reservoir in wild waterbirds and the potential to spread to other host species. Here, we investigated the evolutionary, spatial and temporal dynamics of avian IAVs in Eurasian wild birds. We used whole-genome sequences collected as part of an intensive long-term Eurasian wild bird surveillance study, and combined this genetic data

Improved outcome of patients with severe thalamic hemorrhage treated with cerebrospinal fluid drainage and neurocritical care during 1990-1994 and 2005-2009

INTRODUCTION: Patients with thalamic hemorrhage, depressed level of consciousness and/or signs of elevated intracranial pressure may be treated with neurocritical care (NCC) and external ventricular drainage (EVD) for release of cerebrospinal fluid.METHODS: Forty-three patients with thalamic hemorrhage treated with NCC from 1990 to 1994 (n = 21) and from 2005-2009 (n = 22) were evaluated. Outcome

Diabetes mellitus, high BMI and low education level predict sudden cardiac death within 24 hours of incident myocardial infarction

Background More than half of cardiovascular mortality occurs outside the hospital, mainly due to consistently low survival rates from out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. Methods This is a prospective, nested, case-control study derived from the Västerbotten Intervention Programme and the World Health Organization's Multinational Monitoring of Trends and Determinants in Cardiovascular Disease study in

Exploring the Electronic Band Structure of Organometal Halide Perovskite via Photoluminescence Anisotropy of Individual Nanocrystals

Understanding electronic processes in organometal halide perovskites, flourishing photovoltaic, and emitting materials requires unraveling the origin of their electronic transitions. Light polarization studies can provide important information regarding transition dipole moment orientations. Investigating individual methylammonium lead triiodide perovskite nanocrystals enabled us to detect the pol

Following in Real Time the Two-Step Assembly of Nanoparticles into Mesocrystals in Levitating Drops

Mesocrystals composed of crystallographically aligned nanocrystals are present in biominerals and assembled materials which show strongly directional properties of importance for mechanical protection and functional devices. Mesocrystals are commonly formed by complex biomineralization processes and can also be generated by assembly of anisotropic nanocrystals. Here, we follow the evaporation-indu

Herbivore teeth predict climatic limits in Kenyan ecosystems

A major focus in evolutionary biology is to understand how the evolution of organisms relates to changes in their physical environment. In the terrestrial realm, the interrelationships among climate, vegetation, and herbivores lie at the heart of this question. Here we introduce and test a scoring scheme for functional traits present on theworn surfaces of large mammalian herbivore teeth to captur