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Undocumented Migrants in Sweden - Consenus and dissensus in current legislative work and labour union debate
From Vision to Decision - a follow-up study of a thesis on a nation-wide, multi-party, multi-purpose pool system for transport packaging
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Relevance of heat transfer and heat exchangers for development of sustainable energy systems
There are many reasons why heat transfer and heat exchangers play a key role in the development of sustainable energy systems as well as in the reduction of emissions and pollutants. In general, all attempts to achieve processes and thermodynamic cycles with high efficiency, low emissions, low costs include heat transfer and heat exchangers to a large extent. It is known that sustainable energy de
Aids-mediciner till utvecklingsländer - Internationell handel med patentskyddade läkemedel
Innovation och utveckling är viktigt för en dynamisk samhällsutveckling. Immaterialrättslig ensamrätt gör att individer och företag vågar satsa på nya idéer och under hela 1900-talet har skyddet successivt förstärkts. Lagstiftningsarbete pågår i det enskilda landet, på EG-nivå, men också internationellt. Det finns dock anledning att fråga sig om utvecklingen ibland drivs så hårt att andra väsentli
Differences in the justification of choices in moral dilemmas: effects of gender, time pressure and dilemma seriousness.
The Engendered Concept of Competence and Its Consequences
Focusing on the concept of competence, the paper proposes that the concept itself is engendered, i.e., it is a concept that is defined in male terms. As such it functions to define women as a group as lacking or devoid of the traits, characteristics and/or behaviors that are necessary for being "seen" and being perceived of as competent in educational settings and on the labour market. The paper i
Numerical prediction of of heat transfer and fluid flow in a transonic turbine stag
Remembering Romantically. Swedish Childhood Recounts in the Context of European Romanticism
Global Ideas, Local Discourses: Private Education in the People's Republic of China
The paper will give a brief overview of developments and strategies in the private education sector in the People's Republic of China. The focus of the presentation will be on the question of how globally migrating ideas about marketization and privatization of education are reflected, negotiated, and (partly) transformed in the Chinese context. It will be demonstrated that ideas and practices of
Agency and child perspectives in Social Work
Insecure Attachment Patterns and other Barriers among Non-help-seeking Women with Postpartum Depression
Trogna assistenter borde belönas
The need to differentiate between language meaning and content of conceptions of subject matter.
Empirical results show that there is often no identity between the meaning of expressions used by students in expressing their understanding of subject matter and the meaning of those expressions in collectively shared meaning systems, social languages or discourses, and especially not the meaning system represented by the subject matter theory expected to be learned. There is also often a lack of
Robust Frequency-Selective Knowledge-Based Parameter Estimation for NMR Spectroscopy
In many magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) applications, one strives to estimate the parameters describing the signal to allow for more precise knowledge of the analyte. Typically, MRS signals are well modelled as a sum of damped sinusoids that has properties that are partly known a priori. FREEK, a recently proposed subspace-based parameter estimation method allows for inclusion of such prior
Robotics and ISA 88 Batch Control Standard - Opportunities and Challenges
Manufacturing processes can generally be classified as continuous, discrete or batch. An industrially well accepted way of structuring and controlling batch processes is presented in the ISA 88 standard (also known as IEC 61512). In exploring how this standard also could be used for discrete manufacturing processes, especially in robotic applications, different challenges and opportunities are fou