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The E.C. Law of International Insolvency
Remissvar till promemorian Ds 2012:34 Sekretess i det internationella samarbetet
Impact at any price? The National Audit Office (NAO) and the media
In National Audit Offices (NAOs), impact is often used as a measure of success, serving to build legitimacy. When aiming to maximize impact, the media tends to play an important role. Based on empirical observations from the Swedish NAO, this paper explores how the role of the media for a NAO can be understood, and how this may affect independence. It is suggested that impact can be understood ei
Hälsosant-grupp för rehabilitering av långtidssjukskrivna: Ett pilotprojekt inom Apoteket AB
Hälsosant är en rehabilitering av långtidssjukskrivna i grupp som har utarbetats i Värkstaden och testats på sex apoteksanställda personer i Stockholmsregionen som alla varit sjukskrivna under minst 90 dagar. Resultaten som jämförts med s.k. matchade kontroller från Göteborg/Malmö-regionerna är lovande, även när det gäller återgång i arbete. Gruppen är dock för liten för att man ska kunna dra någr
Ambiguity in Characterization and Performance: Revisiting 1960s Auteur Cinema
Professionalising security management by challenging established notions
Anthropology of Rape in War: Sexual Violence and Magical Beliefs in the Congo War.
This paper discusses the landscape of sexual violence in the DR Congo, it draws attention to agency, violence, personhood, emotions and understanding of sexual violence by perpetrators, victims and those organizations seeking to combat the phenomenon. DR Congo have been cited by international actors and media as a region where sexual violence is used "as a weapon of war" and women's situation is c
A Pedagogical Tool for Architectural Education,
From 'Absolutely not!' to 'Why not?' - expanding designers horizons through Bling.
Fiscal Capacity, Domestic Compensation, and Trade Policy: A Long-Term View
C. J. L. Almqvist’s Jesus-like Tintomara – utopian transgressor of gender and religious boundaries.Paper presenterat vid internationellt forskarmöte i Farfa, Italien mars 2006
Abstract not available.
Vinegar dressing and cold storage of potatoes lowers glycaemic and insulinaemic responses
Impact of Physical Environmental Barriers on Older People's Use of Mobility Devices
Korruption och politisk uppgivenhet
Implementing WordNet for Swedish adjectives
A Swedish version of WordNet was created and around 300 Swedish adjectives, mainly from the semantic field of strength, were implemented. This paper is a documentation of the implementation. The purpose of the study was to investigate the possibilities of applying WordNet to Swedish and to illuminate general problems with WordNet as well as specific problems in the handling of adjectives. First, a
Ash-Line Control
For efficient firing in sloping grate bark furnaces, it is important to control the ash line position on the grate. The ash line is the border between burning fuel and fuel which is burned out (ash). Here, the problem of detecting the ash line with an image processing system is treated. The presentation of trend curves to the operator is of special interest. The process is slow and trend curves pr