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Plant species diversity in semi-natural grasslands. Effects of scale, landscape structure and habitat history

Popular Abstract in Swedish Växters artdiversitet i naturbetesmarker.Effekter av landskapsstruktur och habitathistoria. I min avhandling har jag undersökt växters artdiversitet i fragmenterade naturbetesmarker, av olika ålder och med olika historisk markanvändning. Jag har även undersökt betydelsen av habitatens isolerinsgrad i dagens och i det förflutna landskapet för dagens artdiversitet med häThe thesis examines the impact of present and past landscape structure, habitat history and management on different aspects of present-day plant species diversity in fragmented semi-natural grasslands in Sweden and in Estonia. Species diversity was significantly associated with present and/or past grassland connectivity in the majority of the studies in the thesis. However, relationships between d

The BEAST for maximum-likelihood detection in non-coherent MIMO wireless systems

Next generation wireless systems have to be able to efficiently deal with fast fading environments in order to achieve high spectral efficiency. Using multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems and exploiting receive diversity, their spectral efficiency can be greatly increased. Commonly, the channel is estimated via training symbols, before the data detection is carried out based on the previo

Physical model investigation of morphology development at headland structures

This paper describes four series of physical model experiments conducted to understand the response of the beach to headland structures. Data sets were generated for testing predictive relationships for sand transport in the presence of waves and an external current and testing of model algorithms for simulating salients and tombolos behind nearshore headland structures. The paper summarizes the e

Soil phosphorus – a multidimensional resource that plays an important role for grassland plant species richness

Popular Abstract in Swedish Markfosfor och mångfald av växter i svenska gräsmarker – en populärvetenskaplig sammanfattning Olika typer av gräsmarkshabitat innehåller en stor och viktig del av mångfalden av växtarter i Skandinavien och i norra Europa. En stor del av arterna är knutna till kulturlandskapet och des's äldre hävdformer. Förändringar i användning och skötsel av gräsmarkerna under detThe semi-natural grassland habitats contain an important part of the plant diversity in Europe. Changes in farming practices have lead to drastic decreases in plant species richness. The aim of the present thesis is to contribute to the knowledge about mechanisms governing the plant species richness in grasslands with emphasis on soil nutrients. Most species rich grasslands are found on soils with

Summing up - Batch 20 : Change Projects from the International Training Programme - Batch 20

Lund University has offered the Sida-financed International Training Programmeon Child Rights, Classroom and School Management since 2003. Theprogramme targets those in a position from which they can initiate processesof change in the education sector in their countries. During the programmeall participating teams initiate a change project in their respective countriesaiming at the realization of

Sustainable development through innovation diffusion via an entrepreneur in rural western Kenya : Progress and related challenges

This article presents the accomplishments and challenges of a rural sustainable development initiative in Nyanza Province, Kenya. Our focus is on the sale and financing of a simple technology — an improved cookstove — by a local entrepreneur. The theoretical basis of the research is innovation systems and (social) entrepreneurship. We first de­fine the major challenges of the diffusion process enc

Line Search for Averaged Operator Iteration

Many popular first order algorithms for convex optimization, such as forward-backward splitting, Douglas-Rachford splitting, and the alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM), can be formulated as averaged iteration of a nonexpansive mapping. In this paper we propose a line search for averaged iteration that preserves the theoretical convergence guarantee, while often accelerating practic