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Co-operative Nordic Research
This report has a two-fold objective. -To identify the changing risk management needs in the private and public sectors and the corresponding needs for development of risk analysis methods and related practices. -To list examples of projects where Nordic co-operation between industry, authorities and universities can be effective for increasing the contribution of risk management to industrial gro
Signal Transduction and Gene Regulation in Cerebral Arteries Following Ischemia
The thesis consideres the molecular events that take place in the cerebral arteries following a stroke. The degree and temporal course of reperfusion following a stroke is pivotal for the survival of the neuronal tissue in the penumbra. Previous investigations have revealed upregulation of contractile receptors, a putative factor in the blood flow reduction following stroke that can could augment
Genetic counselling of haemophilia carriers
Basic analysis of a potential carrier includes calculation of the probability, or odds, for carriership based on pedigree and clotting factor analysis. Genotype assessment constitutes a more accurate method of carrier detection. Where circumstances permit, the genetic diagnosis of hemophilia should be based on the direct identification of the pathogenic mutation in the factor (F) VIII gene. Neutra
Vattenavvisande fasadimpregnering : inverkan av sprickor
I föreliggande rapport redovisas en fördjupad studie av hur en vattenavvisande impregnering fungerar när det finns sprickor i fasaden.
Rotational Bands in 77Rb: Spectroscopy Near the Z=38 Deformed Shell Gap
The gamma decays of high spin states in Rb-77 populated in the reaction Ca-40(Ca-40,3p) Rb-77 were studied with the EUROGAM I gamma-ray spectrometer at Daresburp Laboratory, in conjunction with the recoil mass separator. The data were used to extend or establish three positive parity and five negative parity bands in Rb-77. Levei lifetimes and sidefeeding times were then measured with the NORDBALL
Unspecific clinical presentation of bowel ischemia in the very old. Digitalis treatment--a reason for higher mortality?
Chronic illness among children in a total population. An epidemiological study in a Swedish primary health care district
The prevalence of chronic illness of all 6,080 0-15-year-old children in a defined geographical area in southern Sweden was studied. Information on the health status of the children was obtained from health and medical records, interviews with the district and school nurses and questionnaires to the parents. Chronic illness was defined as a disability interfering with normal life and/or demanding
Intrauterine lung infection with Chlamydia trachomatis in a premature infant
The present study shows the probable intrauterine infection with Chlamydia trachomatis in a premature infant born in the 29th week of gestation. Chlamydiae were isolated from lung tissue collected at sterile autopsy and also demonstrated in sections of such tissue by immunofluorescence tests using monoclonal antibodies.
The impact of genetic, environmental and life-style factors on male reproductive function
Recent studies have indicated a decline in sperm number in the western world during the past 50 years, sperm concentration changing from 113 to 66 millions per mL. Furthermore, significant geographical differences in male reproductive function have been observed. In Finland, the sperm concentration was found to be substantially higher than in Denmark. In parallel, the incidence of testicular cance
Response of central Siberian Scots pine to soil water deficit and long-term trends in atmospheric CO2 concentration.
Load Management from an Environmental Perspective
Beta-galactosidase from a cold-adapted bacterium: purification, characterization and application for lactose hydrolysis.
The enzyme beta-galactosidase was purified from a cold-adapted organism isolated from Antarctica. The organism was identified as a psychrotrophic Pseudoalteromonas sp. The enzyme was purified with high yields by a rapid purification scheme involving extraction in an aqueous two-phase system followed by hydrophobic interaction chromatography and ultrafiltration. The beta-galactosidase was optimally
Major and minor determinants are high-performance skin tests in beta-lactam allergy diagnosis
Severe extra-articular disease manifestations are associated with an increased risk of first ever cardiovascular events in patients with rheumatoid arthritis
Background: Rheumatoid arthritis is associated with increased cardiovascular mortality and morbidity. Objective: To assess the effect of severe extra-articular rheumatoid arthritis (ExRA) manifestations on the risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Methods: Patients with ExRA (n = 81) according to predefined criteria and controls (n = 184) without evidence of e
Desflurane increases intracranial pressure more and sevoflurane less than isoflurane in pigs subjected to intracranial hypertension.
Autoimmune responses against the apo B-100 LDL receptor-binding site protect against arterial accumulation of lipids in LDL receptor deficient mice.
Background: Oxidation of LDL is associated with generation of autoantibodies against a large number of different aldehyde-modified peptide sequences in apo B-100. Autoantibodies recognizing peptide sequences in the LDL receptor-binding region of apo B-100 could potentially affect both cholesterol metabolism and atherosclerosis. The aim of the present study was to determine physiological effects of
Breakthrough on the periphery; Bengt Edlén and the identification of the coronal lines, 1939-1945
Datortomografi eller ej vid lätt skallskada? USA-studie visar att det går att dra ner på antalet undersökningar. Kommentar: Datortomografi ofta onödig - nytt blodtest på väg
Numerical investigation of powder compaction of gear wheels
A method to judge the porosity distribution within complex powder compacted 3D structures using a dynamic 3D dilatant finite strain finite element program is presented. The method is demonstrated for a gear wheel, using a combined FKM Gurson model with parameters calibrated from experiments to model a ferrous powder. Compaction is pursued until a final average porosity of 3% in the gear. The metho