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Functional analysis of monocarboxylate transporter 8 mutations identified in patients with X-linked psychomotor retardation and elevated serum triiodothyronine

Context: T-3 action in neurons is essential for brain development. Recent evidence indicates that monocarboxylate transporter 8 (MCT8) is important for neuronal T-3 uptake. Hemizygous mutations have been identified in the X-linked MCT8 gene in boys with severe psychomotor retardation and elevated serum T-3 levels. Objective: The objective of this study was to determine the functional consequences

Extraction of endoglucanase I (Cel7B) fusion proteins from Trichoderma reesei culture filtrate in a poly(ethylene glycol)-phosphate aqueous two-phase system

Endoglucanases (EGI) (endo-1,4-β-d-glucan-4-glucanohydrolase, EC, Cel7B) of Trichoderma reesei are industrially important enzymes. Thus, there is a great need for development of a primary recovery method suitable for large-scale utilization. In this study we present a concept applicable for large-scale purification of an EGI fusion protein by one-step extraction in a poly(ethylene glycol)

Novel xylan-binding properties of an engineered family 4 carbohydrate-binding module

Molecular engineering of ligand-binding proteins is commonly used for identification of variants that display novel specificities. Using this approach to introduce novel specificities into CBMs (carbohydrate-binding modules) has not been extensively explored. Here, we report the engineering of a CBM, CBM42 from the Rhodothermits marinus xylanase Xyn10A, and the identification of the X-2 variant. A

Could Vikings have navigated under foggy and cloudy conditions by skylight polarization? On the atmospheric optical prerequisites of polarimetric Viking navigation under foggy and cloudy skies

In sunshine, the Vikings navigated on the open sea using sundials. According to a widespread hypothesis, when the Sun was occluded by fog or clouds the Vikings might have navigated by skylight polarization detected with an enigmatic birefringent crystal (sunstone). There are two atmospheric optical prerequisites for this alleged polarimetric Viking navigation under foggy/cloudy skies: (1) the degr

Peptidoglycan Induces Mobilization of the Surface Marker for Activation Marker CD66b in Human Neutrophils but Not in Eosinophils.

Peptidoglycan from Staphylococcus aureus mobilized CD66b in human neutrophils but did not upregulate surface activation markers in eosinophils. In addition, Toll-like receptor 2, implicated in the recognition of peptidoglycan, was detected on the surface of resting neutrophils but not on eosinophils. These findings suggest roles for neutrophils but not eosinophils in innate recognition of peptidog

Initial tests with a new cardiac assist device

Before, during, and after cardiac intervention, there is occasionally a need for circulatory support because of hemodynamic deterioration. For this purpose, a new minimally invasive cardiac assist device has been developed, and an early prototype has been studied in a bench test and in three pigs. The pump is a catheter system with a distal motor driven propeller (0-15,000 rpm) surrounded by a cag

Phosphatised olenid trilobites and associated fauna from the Upper Cambrian of Vastergotland, Sweden

Secondarily phosphatised olenid trilobites from organic-rich limestones (orsten) in the Furongian (Upper Cambrian) of Vastergotland, south-central Sweden, are described and illustrated. All trilobites originate from the Peltura scarabaeoides Zone and were collected on the western slope of Kinnekulle. Only the dorsal exoskeletons have become secondarily phosphatised, and the ventral appendages are

A computer program for the analysis of timber structures exposed to fire

The fundamental equations for the theoretical treatment of wood during the process of pyrolysis are presented in Chapter 1. Expressions which must be specially introduced for combustible materials are those which describe the pyrolyctic reaction and reactions at the surface of the material. The reactions are assumed t o conform to first order Arrhenius functions. The treatment also includes the va

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Popular Abstract in Swedish Studiet av entreprenøren er ikke et studium om en «helt på sin hvite hest», som er en ikke uvanlig kritikk av vellykkete næringsdrivende, men snarere en analyse av helt vanlige menneskers tanker, drømmer og liv. Entreprenørene er vanskelige å finne for de er sjeldent forekommende i befolkningen. De er viktige fordi de utfører innovasjoner, som innebærer at man blir i stThis dissertation, which is an analysis of the entrepreneur at the micro level, supplements and underpins the understanding and use of the entrepreneur as an agent of social change in the analysis of economic change at the macro level. The aim of the thesis is firstly to seek out and identify businessmen of our time who claim to be innovative, and secondly to un-dertake a qualitative study and ana

Reliability of Continuous Pulse Contour Cardiac Output Measurement during Hemodynamic Instability

Objective Arterial pulse contour analysis is gaining widespread acceptance as a monitor of continuous cardiac output (CO). While this type of CO measurement is thought to provide acceptable continuous measurements, only a few studies have tested its accuracy and repeatability under unstable hemodynamic conditions. We compared continuous CO measurement using the pulse contour method (PCCO) before a

The Interpretative Moment of European Journalism: The impact of media voice in the ratification process.

Media coverage is often held responsible for the erosion of public support for European integration. At the same time, a well-functioning political journalism is also held up as an important requirement for EU democracy. Set against this background of confl icting perceptions of the media, this report analyzes political journalism’s critical performance in the realm of EU constitutionmaking. The r

The effect of rosiglitazone on novel atherosclerotic risk factors in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and hypertension - An open-label observational study

Thiazolidinediones are antidiabetic agents that decrease insulin resistance. Emerging evidence indicates that they present beneficial effects for the vasculature beyond glycemic control. The aim of this open-label observational study was to determine the effect of the thiazolidinedione rosiglitazone on novel cardiovascular risk factors, namely, lipoprotein(a) [Lp(a)], C-reactive protein (CRP), hom

Bostadsområdet som fetisch och faktisch - en metodologisk studie till frågan om den konkreta formens betydelser

Byggd miljö knyts med tiden ofta till olika mer eller mindre specifika betydelser. Vill vi förändra staden måste vi också förhålla oss till de livsmönster och det bruk som uppstått inom ramen för den gamla bebyggelsen, oavsett om vi vill bygga nytt vid sidan av eller förändra det gamla i grunden. Denna artikel avser belysa något kring hur vi kan undersöka en sådan lokal etablering av betydelser oc

The Crystal Structure of Sb0.92V0.92O4, Determined by Neutron and Dual Wavelength X-ray Powder Diffraction

A phase of approximate composition SbVO4 has been reported in the literature as a key component in new catalysts for the ammoxidation of propane to acrylonitrile. Sb0.92V0.92O4 was prepared by heating equimolar amounts of Sb2O3 and V2O5 in air at 1073 K for 2 hr. The chemical composition was determined by thermogravimetry and energy dispersive X-ray microanalysis. The crystal structure at 293 K wa

Dilatation of the infrarenal aneurysm neck after endovascular exclusion of abdominal aortic aneurysm

PURPOSE: To determine the fate of the infrarenal aneurysm neck and suprarenal aorta after endovascular exclusion of abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAAs). METHODS: Thirty-four patients underwent endovascular AAA repair between January 1994 and December 1995 using custom-made stent-grafts constructed from polyester graft material and modified self-expanding Gianturco Z-stents sutured to the graft orifi

Patient understanding, detection, and experience of COPD exacerbations - An observational, interview-based study

Study objectives: This study was conducted to gain insight into patients' comprehension, recognition, and experience of exacerbations of COPD, and to explore the patient burden associated with these events. Design: A qualitative, multinational, cross-sectional, interview-based study. Setting: Patients' homes. Patients: Patients (n = 125) with predominantly moderate-to-very severe COPD (age >= 50 y