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Chefer och ledare för äldreboende -Att leda från mitt i en organisation

The aim of this study was to examine the views of middle managers in public elderly care regarding their role in their organizations. The study used semi-structured interviews and five middle managers from the same municipality were interviewed. The interviews showed trends in how the managers felt about the area they had to operate within and the slack they had to take personal decisions pointing

Identity in a Global Era - A qualitative study among international students in Lund

This thesis presents findings from a study about the challenges international master’s degree students have to undergo when they decide to study at Lund University, a university situated in the South of Sweden. The study involved interviews of 7 international students from different national backgrounds. Emerging from the analysis is the perception that respondents have to face several identity ch

Kunskapens makt för hållbar konsumtion - en kvalitativ undersökning i hur kunskap genom information kan verka för ett hållbart konsumentbeteende

Forskare har länge ifrågasatt informationens makt att förändra människors beteenden till att bli mer hållbara. De menar att det finns ett uttalat gap mellan kunskap och handling när det kommer till miljövänliga aktiviteter, exempelvis att välja miljöcertifierade livsmedel framför konventionella varor. Detta på grund av att det finns barriärer som ofta hindrar konsumenter från att välja det hållbarResearchers have long questioned the power of information and its ability to change peoples’ consumer behaviour to become more sustainable. They argue that there is a “gap” between knowledge and action when it comes to environmentally friendly activities, such as choosing certified foods over conventional foods. This is due to a number of barriers that often prevent consumers from choosing the mo

Förmån eller fälla? Perspektivanalys av nyanlända invandrarkvinnors uttag av föräldraförsäkring

The aim of present thesis is to show the problem construction of the parental leave benefit by the newly arrived immigrants, specifically women, as well as the measures that can increase their participation in the labor market. The analysis was conducted through Jonson’s (2010) perspective analysis and with the help of two Swedish Government Official Reports (SOU 2012: 9, SOU 2012: 69) and one Dep

Effektivisering vid användandet av totalentreprenad inom järnväg

Trafikverkets beslut om ett ökat användande av totalentreprenader och myndighetens egen utveckling mot en ren beställarroll har inneburit förändringar för branschen. En för branschen obeprövad entreprenadform har snabbt introducerats på marknaden och medfört möjligheter men även problem. Rapporten behandlar de största och mest betydande skillnaderna i förfrågningsunderlaget och allmänna bestämmels

Low cost distributed VR LCD-VR

This report describes how a low cost distributed VR system can be created. It describes requirements and possibilities for a low cost VR environment. The use of the system is demonstrated as well as the system design process. Underlying IT-tools are analyzed and the client-server system components are described. The projects goals were reached; to connect people regardless of time and space, colla

Förekomsten av mobbning bland psykologer samt dess relation till stress, hälsa och sjukfrånvaro

I denna uppsats undersöktes förekomsten av mobbning och dess relation till upplevd stress, självskattad hälsa och sjukfrånvaro i en grupp yrkesverksamma psykologer (N = 339). Undersökningen genomfördes med hjälp av en webbenkät. Förekomsten av mobbning mättes på två sätt. Deltagarna fick först skatta hur ofta de utsatts för negativa handlingar på sin arbetsplats under de senaste sex månaderna, ochThis thesis investigated the prevalence of workplace bullying and its relation to perceived stress, self-rated health and sick absence in a group of psychologists (N = 339). The study was conducted using an online survey. Two methods were employed to measure the prevalence of workplace bullying. The respondents were asked to first rate how often during the last six months they had been exposed to

Workplace incivility as a social process: how witnessing incivility relates to uncivil conduct, well-being, job satisfaction and stress

The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationships between witnessed workplace incivility from both colleagues and supervisors, and instigated incivility. How witnessed workplace incivility from colleagues and supervisors relate to psychosocial factors such as well-being, job satisfaction and stress was also investigated. An online-based questionnaire was issued to members of the Swedi

Etiskt tänkande bland manliga och kvinnliga socionomstudenter - En kvantitativ jämförande studie av manliga och kvinnliga socionomstudenters etiska prioriteringar i samband med socialt arbete

Author: Emil Stahl Title: Ethical reasoning among male and female social work students - A quantitative comparative study of male and female social work students' ethical priorities in the context of social work [translated title] Supervisor: Lars B Ohlsson Assessor: Malinda Andersson Gilligan (2001) claimed general gender differences in ethical reasoning. She stated that men tend to focus

Ekosystemtjänster från urban grönska - Åtgärder för bättre luftkvalitet i området Nornan, Borås Stad

A poor air quality creates problems in growing and industrialized cities. It is known that there is a significant correlation between rising air pollutions and rising numbers of people getting sick of and killed by respiratory diseases. In this study, I investigate how it is possible to use green infrastructure to increase urban ecosystem services that reduce the level of air pollution within the

Minska matsvinnet!

All food production has a significant environmental impact, and regardless of whether the produced food is eaten or not, it affects several of Sweden’s environmental quality objectives. Information from 2003 shows that the food consumption in Sweden is responsible for about 20 million tons of carbon dioxide equivalents, or approximately 2 tons of carbon dioxide per person and year. The avoidable f

Val av energieffektiviserande åtgärder: en studie av fastighetsägarnas investeringsbedömning vid renovering

För att uppnå de nationella klimatmålen har energieffektivisering vid renovering av flerbostadshus uppmärksammats som ett strategiskt område. Dock väljer många fastighetsägare bort investeringar i energieffektiviserande åtgärder till förmån för projekt som anses vara mer lönsamma. Därmed är det av intresse att undersöka hur fastighetsägarna motiverar sina val vid investeringar i energieffektiviserIn order to achieve the national climate goals in Sweden, energy-efficiency has been noticed as a strategic area. Despite of the possibility, investments in sustainable retrofit of building blocks are not prioritized among property owners. Instead, projects with a higher profit are chosen. Therefore, it is essential to scrutinize the decision-makers motivation during this investments and how the p

"Love Thy Hindu Neighbor as Thyself" - A Field Study of North Indian Pentecostals' Perceptions of Hindu-Christian Relations

The aim of this thesis is to better understand Hindu-Christian relations in the experience of North Indian Pentecostals. The study proceeds from a social identity theory (SIT) framework and is guided by three research questions. The research questions call attention to Pentecostals’ perception of the two social groups ‘Christians’ and ‘Hindus’, how the relationship between the two groups is experi

Sjuksköterskans komplexa roll- att leda och bli ledd

Syfte: Syftet med studien har varit att undersöka hur sjuksköterskor som medarbetare upplever ledarskapet på sin arbetsplats. Frågeställningar: 1. Hur upplever sjuksköterskor att enhetschefen på deras vårdavdelning utövar ledarskap? 2. Hur upplever sjuksköterskor innebörden av sitt eget ledarskap och hur kommer detta till uttryck på arbetsplatsen? Metod: Då syftet med studien varit att undersöka

Bitcoins som parallell världsvaluta

This academic paper focuses on the virtual currency Bitcoin and its possibility of being a parallel currency. Bitcoin has grown in popularity over the last few years and has risen to the attention of the governments, journalists and investors alike. The main aspects of bitcoins are its protection against inflation, pseudonymity and decentralization. This leads to several potential issues for the v

Reproduktion av föråldrade värderingar – En identifiering och analys av faktorer som bör spela in vid återutgivning av barnlitteratur

In the past few years, there has been an ongoing debate concerning republished children’s literature which reproduce obsolete values. What are the difficulties for the publishing business in this issue; how should it act? Based on interviews, a recorded discussion and articles, this study makes an effort to answer those questions. Argumentation is supported and questioned in a qualitative analysis

Arbetskraftsmigrantens skilda förutsättning för arbetstillstånd och anställningsvillkor - En studie av likheter och skillnader mellan EU:s sektorsdirektiv och den svenska regleringen för arbetstillstånd

Den alltmer åldrande befolkningen och effekterna av den demografiska situationen inom såväl EU som Sverige har medfört ett ökat behov av arbetskraftsinvandring från tredjeland. Ambitionen om att föra en gemensam migrationspolitik för arbetskraftsinvandring inom EU har främst resulterat i tre sektorsdirektiv om högkvalificerad anställning, säsongarbete och företagsintern förflyttning. Det så kalladThe increasingly aging population and the effects of the demographic situation in the EU and Sweden have led to an enlarged need for labor migration from third countries. The ambition of a common migration policy on labor has mainly resulted in three sectoral directives concerning highly-skilled employees, seasonal work and intra-corporate transfers. The so-called Blue Card Directive (2009/50/EC)

The effect of uncertainties in the design of complex structural systems by using FEM

In today's society increasingly complex structures are designed whilst at the same time the design of a single structure ought to occur in a shorter period of time. This fact has undoubtedly contributed to that computational strength calculation that often is based on the nite element method instead of the classical hand calculation methods, is applied more frequently. Therefore an important a