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Duty to Prosecute or Extradite: Reflections on the Basis of States' Obligations Stemming from Violations of Jus Cogens Norms
The obligation to prosecute or extradite is a growing sensitive issue in international law. In the recent case Questions Relating to the Obligation to Prosecute or Extradite (Belgium v. Senegal), the International Court of Justice was confronted with determining a breach to the obligation to prosecute or extradite in relation to acts of torture set forth in Article 7(1) of the 1984 UN Convention A
In silico physicochemical characterization and comparison of two intrinsically disordered phosphoproteins : β-casein and acidic PRP-1
A coarse-grained model has been implemented using the Metropolis-Hastings Monte Carlo method to simulate β-casein and acidic proline-rich protein 1 (PRP-1). The aim of the study is to directly compare the properties and behavior of β-casein and PRP-1, in both bulk solution and in the presence of a negatively charged surface, in order to evaluate the possibility of using β-casein as a replacement f
Judicial Dialogue and the Making of International Law
Defective processing of keratan sulfate in Macular corneal dystrophy
macular corneal dystrophy is a human genetic disorder characterized by corneal opacities that arise, in part, from a failure to synthesize mature keratan sulfate proteoglycans. The macromolecules in macular corneas and in keratoconus corneas, an abnormality not involving proteoglycans, were biosynthetically labeled with [3H]mannose and [14C]glucosamine in organ culture, and the keratan sulfate pro
Failure of bone induction by bone matrix in adult monkeys
Extraskeletal bone formation can be induced in rodents by implantation of demineralised bone matrix and such implantation has been used to treat bone defects in man, but it is uncertain if induction or merely conduction occurs. We studied bone induction in primates by excising segments of the fibulae of adult squirrel monkeys, defatting and demineralising them before reimplanting them into the qua
Proteoglycans of joint cartilage. Structure, function, turnover and role as markers of joint disease
Joint cartilage consists of cells embedded in a matrix of fibrous collagen within a concentrated water-proteoglycan gel. The integrity of this matrix is crucial for the biomechanical properties of the joint cartilage. The different components of the matrix are synthesized and degraded by the cartilage cells, a process regulated by the amount of mechanical stress applied to the chondrocytes as well
High-pressure transformations of NbO2F
The ReO3-type structure NbO2F, niobium dioxyfluoride, has been studied at high pressures using diamond anvil cells and synchrotron X-ray radiation. High-pressure powder diffraction measurements have been performed up to 40.1 GPa. A phase transition from the cubic (Pm3m) ambient pressure structure to a rhombohedral (R3c) structure at 0.47 GPa has been observed. Rietveld refinements at 1.38, 1.96, 3
New Public Diplomacy in the 21st Century : A Comparative Study of Policy and Practice
Public diplomacy is the communication of an international actor’s policies to citizens of foreign countries. These citizens might include civil society representatives, nongovernmental organisations, multinationals, journalists and media institutions, specialists across different sectors of industry, politics and culture, and members of the general public. They are typically engaged by actors like
Beamline I811 - status report
Yb valence behaviour in mixed-valent Y1-xYbx alloy synthesized at high pressure
High pressure X-ray scattering experiments of polyfluorenes at I711
A gap in the corporate responsibility to respect human rights
The Human Rights Council received well the ‘protect, respect, remedy’ framework that the SRSG for business and human rights, John Ruggie, presented in 2008 and his mandate was renewed for another 3 years. The corporate responsibility to respect human rights is defined narrowly for abuses linked to business activities only. In the same time, the SRSG remarks that conduct in the form of both acts an
Cartilage matrix metabolism in osteoarthritis : markers in synovial fluid, serum, and urine
Osteoarthritis is a major cause of disability and early retirement. Yet we lack the means to diagnose the disease in its early stages or to monitor the effects of treatment on the target tissue, the joint cartilage. Neither can we identify the disease mechanisms at the tissue or cell level. Current research focuses on the use of markers of cartilage matrix metabolism in body fluids as a means to d
FLT3 and KIT in acute myeloid leukemia. Translational studies on oncogenic signaling from receptor tyrosine kinases. : Translational studies on oncogenic signaling from receptor tyrosine kinases
The role of molecular markers to monitor disease, intervention and cartilage breakdown in osteoarthritis.
Design and conduct of clinical trials in patients with osteoarthritis : Recommendations from a task force of the Osteoarthritic Research Society
Impact of iron-organic matter complexes on aqueous phosphate concentrations
The close linkage between iron (Fe) and phosphorus (P) suggests that changes in Fe speciation may have a strong effect on the bioavailability of P. At the same time Fe speciation in natural oxic environments is known to be affected by the presence of organic matter (OM), pH and total Fe concentrations, thus these parameters should also influence the Fe-P interactions. The main objective of the pre
Towards an Integration of Research on Teaching and Learning
ABSTRACT: The aim of this article is to present arguments for an integrated empirical research on teaching and learning based on previous research and the phenomenographic research tradition. From 1970 and for some years after, the main focus in phenomenographic research was on students’ approaches to and understanding of subject matter. Later, based on Variation theory and in the form of Learning