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Hur är det att leva med HIV i Sverige idag?

The aim of this study was to depict the situation of people with a HIV-diagnosis in Sweden today. In my study, based on 6 biographies from HIV-positive people, 3 of these from men who has sexual contacts with other men and 3 from heterosexual women, I used qualitative content analysis to read the stories and find important themes. To find these themes I used my research questions. They were as fol

Stråldoser vid filtrerad bakåtprojektion och iterativ bildrekonstruktion i CT-bilder

Filtrerad bakåtprojektion (FBP) har varit standard för att rekonstruera datortomografibilder. På grund av den tekniska utvecklingen är en ny bildrekonstruktionsteknik nu möjlig, iterativ bildrekonstruktion (IR). Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur stråldosen kan påverkas vid standarprotokoll och lågdosprotokoll vid CT-undersökningar, då bilderna rekonstrueras med FBP och IR med bevarad bildkv

Jämställdhet i EU - En fallstudie om politisk påverkan och europeisk integration

Europeiska unionen (EU) utgör idag en inflytelserik plattform för att utöva politisk påverkan, något som har dragit till sig ett stort antal aktörer. Många nya politiska kanaler och möjligheter har öppnats upp i och med det europeiska samarbetet, men hur kan organisationer gå till väga för att faktiskt kunna påverka den politik som förs inom EU:s institutioner? Denna uppsats är en fallstudie av or

Sveriges grundbult för öppenhet - En studie av den svenska offentlighetsprincipen

This research study describes the consequences of the legislative changes in the Swedish Principle of Public Access. The study commences in 1994 when Sweden became a member of the EU, and extends till 2014. This study is based on a qualitative text analytical method and the analysis is formed within the three decision-making levels of multi level governance theory. The changes regarding the Princ

Den moraliska bojkotten?

Sports and politics are inevitably intertwined, even if this notion seldom gets the space it deserves in academic circles. This thesis aims at lifting and theorizing around the phenomenon of boycott as a foreign policy tool in connection to the Olympic Games, focusing on the American boycott of the Moscow Olympics of 1980. I highlight and discuss some of the factors and actors behind the boycott d

Consociational democracy as a tool for conflict resolution in plural societies

The fragmentation of the Turkish society into religious, ethnic and ideological cleavages, as a result of a series of historical events, has led to armed conflicts and a series of military coups, claiming the life of thousands throughout history. Suffering from a democratic deficit, the Turkish state has repeatedly failed to create a system of democratic institutions that accommodates the interest

Svensk hotbild - en metaanalys av Försvarsberedningens rapporter

During the last fifteen years the world has developed sufficiently and therefore has changed radically. As a result of globalisation and the technical development new threats and challenges has emerged. As a result of this, the security policy has also changed. In this thesis I have studied Försvarsberedningens reports from 1998 to 2013, with the purpose of describing the change in threats and the

Quantitative Impact Studies - A Pluralist Process?

This study focuses on the implementation of the Solvency II directive, a very important policy for the insurance community in the European Union. Results from surveys included in the implementation process show that the process implied certain aspects which cannot be prescribed to the pluralist democracy that usually describes the European policy process. In order to analyze this process the

A Case Study Research of Power Relations within Policy Implementation for the Intellectually Disabled in Greece: Focusing on the Training Centers (2008-2013)

Greece in a period of financial crisis (2008-2013) is questioning the success of its policy implementation. The training centers for the intellectually disabled, as implementers of policies and programs on a national and European level, also question that success. Using Foucault’s concept of power relations within society, it is aimed to find whether policies and programmes for the intellectually

Svenska domstolars hållning till förhandsavgörande av EU-domstolen och enskilds rättigheter

Enligt artikel 267 FEUF har nationella domstolar mot vars avgöranden det inte finns något rättsmedel enligt nationell rätt en skyldighet att begära förhandsavgörande från Europadomstolen, förutsatt att det i det förevarande målet uppkommer fråga om tolkning av fördragen eller tolkning samt giltighet av rättsakt från någon av unionens institutioner, organ eller agenter. Frågans besvarande måste var

Föräldrars deltagande vid institutionsvård av unga - ur ett professionellt perspektiv

This essay is based on a qualitative study about parents’ involvement in children’s treatment in residential care. The study is based on semi-structured interviews with professionals working at institutions for youth between the age 13-20 and litterature related to the chosen subject. The purpose of this essay is to examine how the professionals reason about parents’ involvement in residential yo

Role Clarity, ett verktyg för förbättring av arbetsprestation?

En studie genomfördes för att undersöka om en förhöjd role clarity kunde öka arbetsprestationen hos individer. Försökspersonerna i studien var 30 personer från Lund. Uppgiften var att sortera in olika papper i kuvert efter en lista. Experimentgruppen fick en större mängd och mer detaljerad information om uppgiftens natur än vad kontrollgruppen fick. Utöver uppgiften administrerades en enkät till s

Roller och förväntningar - En kvalitativ studie om förskollärares resonemang kring deras anmälningsskyldighet

Author: Linn Adolfsson & Emma Ljungsten Title: Roller och förväntningar – En kvalitativ studie om förskollärares resonemang kring deras anmälningsskyldighet Supervisor: Mikael Sandgren In Sweden there are many children who are in need of help from the social services. For the social service to be able to do their job, and help the children and their family, they need people to notify them abo

The European Union’s Border Management. A study about the coordination in its horizontal and vertical dimension

One of the greatest achievements of the European Union (EU) is the abolition of internal borders and the establishment of the right to free movement. Consequently, the EU has made an effort managing its common external borders by establishing several internal mechanisms, instruments and bodies as well as various forms of cooperation with the associated Schengen countries and external third actors.

En nyliberal hegemoni?

This thesis surrounds the emerging of the neoliberal hegemony in Sweden, and how to describe that emergence with the help of an analysis of ideas along with different types of analytic tools such as ideal types and the concept of hegemony. The research question to be answered is that how one can describe the emerging of the neoliberal hegemony in Sweden, which then naturally also makes this thesis

When the victim becomes the offender? - A discourse analysis of victim blaming regarding rape

In 2014, a man was accused of raping a woman but was acquitted despite the fact that the woman said “no” and “stop”. He claimed to have thought that it was part of dominant sex games and by that, assumed she liked it. That the man was acquitted, even though the court ruling concluded that the woman had been forced to sexual intercourse, can be a result of a process of victim blaming; a process whe

Folkstyre Genom Folket, För Folket - Frågan om demokratin i den Europeiska unionen

Den europeiska unionen tampas med låg folklig legitimitet, och hävdar många politiska bedömare, ett demokratiskt underskott. I det förhandenvarande arbetet, som är av normativ karaktär, tar sig författaren an detta ämne utifrån ett deltagardemokratiskt perspektiv, vilket han polemiserar mot ett elitdemokratiskt. Dessa demokratimodellers relationer till republikanismen och liberalismen redogörs där

Poverty and Social Exclusion Target. Europe 2020 Strategy Too Much Actor Diversity For Consensus?

The purpose of this thesis is to question the cause of the lack of consensus surrounding Europe 2020s poverty and social exclusion target – to lift 20 million people out of poverty and social exclusion. The target was a major development for the European Union’s social dimension. Even so, it did not come easily, with divides over the existence and measurement of such a target. The Commission propo

Shedding light on the European social dialogue’s “shadow of hierarchy” – a proposal for a model explaining the shadow of hierarchy’s influence on the content of Commission-initiated and Council-implemented collective agreements concluded by European social partners

In scholarly literature, it is widely acknowledged that ‘the shadow of hierarchy’, hence the threat of disadvantageous Community legislation, is an important con-cept in European social dialogue (ESD), where European social partners – that is organised labour and management – are given the chance to negotiate binding agreements on some aspects of European labour and social policy. While the shadow

Den materiella integrationen, en idéanalys över hur idéerna om Europeisk integration konstitueras

This study looks at how perceptions of European integration are constituted; more specifically, how leading academic ideas and theories regard European integration and the elements which contribute to that view. The work is driven by a thesis that materialism forms the main component of this view of integration. The study analyses five key theories of European integration, and the ambition has bee