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Your search for "*" yielded 539162 hits
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Experimental Verification of An Analytical Interference Model for Bluetooth Networks
Stochastic analysis and control of real-time systems with random time delays
Venture Capitalists and Psychological Contract Violations: An Institutional Approach
Recombinant antibodies in proteome and immunome research - Create Health and beyond
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Constructing Regional Advantage at the Nothern Edge
How we focus attention in picture viewing, picture description, and during mental imagery
The materiality of digital technologies and the environmentally friendly self
Integration and intra-industry trade adjustment in South Africa
Centrality dependence of direct photon production in root s(NN) = 200 GeV Au+Au collisions.
Are "efficient" climate policy instruments efficient?
Awarding Construction Contracts: Do Swedish Adminsitrative Courts Support or Hinder Sustainability
In recent Swedish local government practice, lowest bid has increasingly been replaced as an award criterion for construction contracts by multicriteria approaches, including ecological criteria. The purpose of this investigation is to analyse how court practice influences the development of ecological criteria. Court decisions from 2004 and onwards are analysed in order to answer questions as how
Nyföretagande kräver ny form av finansiering
Vägrat handslag faller inte under religionsfrihet. Understreckare
ESF-projektet Vectis - Den sociala samvaron och vägen tillbaka till arbetslivet, eller? - Utvärdering av deltagares, anställdas och handläggares upplevelser
I rapporten utvärderas ett rehabiliteringsprojekt med syfte att återfå arbetslösa långtidssjukskrivna till arbete.