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Dynamics between the bacterial immune system (CRISPR) and viruses in the Baltic Sea

En ml vatten från havsvatten innehåller ungefär 1 miljon bakterier och 10 miljoner virus. Prover från Östersjön har undersökts genom dataanalys för att studera dynamiken mellan bakteriers adaptiva immunförsvar – CRISPR - och virus.Bacteria play a major role in biogeochemical cycles in the ocean. Bacteriophages are estimated to cause the deaths of more than a fifth of all marine bacteria every day and the dynamic between bacteria and virus therefore have huge ecological impact. CRISPR-Cas systems work as an adaptive immune system for bacteria that protect them against viruses. Spacers acquired from viral sequences can make t

Det klimatpolitiska ramverket - En genomgång av klimatpolitikens senaste hopp

Det klimatpolitiska ramverket – En genomgång av klimatpolitikens senaste hopp Den mänskliga påverkan på klimatet och de antropogena utsläppen av växthusgaser ökar i stadig takt, vilket förändrar klimatsystemen och resulterar i förhöjda temperaturer, minskning av glaciärer samt höjda havsnivåer. Klimatproblematiken grundas i det faktum att det inte är nationsbundet, utan globalt, något som har letIn line with the Paris Agreement and the aim of keeping the globally averaged surface temperature at a maximum increase of 2°C, Sweden implemented the Swedish Climate Policy Framework. It consists of three pillars; new climate goals, a climate act and an independent climate policy council. The framework is the first of its kind in Sweden and provides long-term goals and an obligation to continuous

Electromagnetic analysis of AES-256 on Xilinx Artix-7

In this project, an electromagnetic side-channel attack has been made by exploiting the information leakage from a field programmable gate array (FPGA) and an implemented advanced encryption standard with a 256-bit key (AES-256). The FPGA-board was a Nexys-4 from Digilent with Artix-7 FPGA. The attack was partially successful. A few subkeys were successfully extracted from AES-256 with only 2000-3

Characterization of biomass pyrolysis and gasification using Raman Spectroscopy

Förnyelsebara bränslen vinner allt större mark inom energisektorn och biomassa är ett av de mer lättillgängliga alternativen. Eftersom det rör sig om fasta bränslen kan det dock vara svårt att hantera. För att göra det mer lätthanterligt kan man utvinna energin i form av gas som man sedan förbränner. Men vad innehåller gasen? Och hur tar vi reda på det? Först och främst måste vi reda ut begreppetThis thesis examines the emissions formed during pyrolysis and gasification of lignocellulosic biomass in pellet form, using vibrational Raman spectroscopy. Seven different samples are studied during the pyrolysis process and six of these are also studied during gasification. For pyrolysis, the sample is placed into the center of a cruciform aluminum pipe, flushed with Ar, at room temperature. The

NMR Study on the Aggregation Behavior of the Therapeutic Peptide Carbetocin

Visst vore det bra om färre kvinnor dör som följd av komplikationer vid förlossning, eller att ett nytt läkemedel mot depression kommer ut på marknaden? Med mer insikt om ett biologiskt läkemedels fysikaliska stabilitet kan detta bli verklighet. I detta mastersarbete har det biologiska läkemedlet carbetocin studerats med avseende på just detta. Vanliga läkemedel som vi är vana vid att ta i tabletCarbetocin is an uncharged cyclic therapeutic peptide with a tendency to aggregate in solution. Aggregation is undesirable since it, for example, can lead to loss of pharmaceutical effects. To gain a better understanding of peptide aggregation, along with a potential to develop better drug formulations, aggregation of carbetocin was studied. In focus were soluble aggregates in contrast to phase-se

Dependency of high-order harmonics to polarisation properties of many-cycle driving fields

Hur låter musiken som spelas av atomer? Även om de inte kan sjunga så kan atomer – de små byggstenarna som bygger världen – interagera starkt med laserljus och då skapa kortvariga ljusblixtar som är lika harmoniska som musik. Att förstå hur laserljus och ljusblixtar är relaterade är genom deras interaktioner med atomer. Detta kommer att hjälpa oss att följa aktiviteten som händer så snabbt att denLight-matter interactions can be used to probe both light and matter as they yield information on a system's state. On the ultrafast timescale, it is possible to employ these interactions to probe fast-occurring phenomena. In particular, one of the few tools for ultrafast spectroscopy are coherent attosecond XUV pulses: light pulses in the extreme ultraviolet range (XUV) whose typical duration

"For every thing that lives is Holy": Authenticity and Inclusion in William Blake's The Marriage of Heaven and Hell

This essay examines the concept of authenticity in relation to William Blake in general and specifically in The Marriage of Heaven and Hell (1790). The Romantic period idealised authenticity but focussed studies into Blake’s relationship with authenticity are relatively few. Previous research contextualizing Blake explores themes such as education, politics and religion, but recent research propos

Path-dependence and Spatial Inequalities - Implications of Major Shocks on Urban Growth Patterns in East Germany

The economic potential of East Germany still severely lags behind that of the West. A scarcity of urban agglomerations is associated with this disparity. The origins of this disparity are insufficiently explored with regards to the spatial inequalities of urban growth induced by the two major shocks of central planning and reunification. By creating long-term time series for city growth and popula

Indiscriminate Disasters and Disproportionate Effects: A Community Left Behind A Qualitative Interview Study on the Undocumented Community in the Northern California 2017 Fire

Natural disasters are distressing and destructive for all who are exposed to them; however, certain populations are more vulnerable to their devastating effects than others. In the wake of the 2017 Northern California wildfire, scores of undocumented immigrants were significantly affected. Although the conflagration spread indiscriminately, the subsequent impacts were disproportionately felt by th

Vi möts ömsesidigt på mitten? En kvalitativ analys om hur dialogen mellan inblandade parter framställs i LVU-domar

With regards to Sweden receiving criticism from the UN about not properly treating children according to the UN convention on the rights of the child, this study aims to further explore this criticism on the subject compulsory care of children and its related investigative work. Children are the pillar stones of society which means authority decisions of compulsory care should always be regarded a

Temperature measurement in flames using TLAF, alkali emission and OH UV absorption

There is a continued need for reliable and convenient nonintrusive thermometric techniques for better understanding and effective control of combustion related processes. In this thesis, three spectroscopic thermometric methods were studied to evaluate the hot flue gas temperatures provided by a multi-jet burner. These methods include the two-line atomic fluorescence (TLAF) thermometry, the Na/K t

Matsvinn på förskolor i Eslövs kommun

I förskolan slängs en tredjedel av maten Matsvinnet har hamnat i fokus de senaste åren på grund av bland annat dess påverkan på klimat och miljö. Matsvinn är ätbar mat som slängs. Globalt sett slängs ungefär 1,3 miljarder ton mat varje år. Ungefär en tredjedel av all mat slängs istället för att hamna i någons mage. I Sverige slängs 1,3 miljoner ton, vilket är en tiondel av den globala mängden matsOne third of food produced for human consumption ends up as food waste. Globally this amounts to about 1.3 billion ton per year. Food waste are large amounts of food that are thrown away, but could have been eaten if treated in a different way. Food waste means waste of resources such as land, water, and energy. In high-income countries like Sweden the largest food waste occurs at consumption stag

Evaluating Usage of Automated Guided Vehicles with Respect to Warehouse Layout Changes: A Case Study at Haldex Brake Products

Warehouse operations are considered a key aspect to the success of a supply chain. They are not only costly to the supply chain but they also affect the flow of material both upstream and downstream. Warehouse improvement measures play therefore a considerable role in decreasing cost and lead time by improving material flows. To increase the efficiency of material flows and aiming to reduce labor

Kommuners tillsyn av rökfria skolgårdar- En innehållsanalys av kommuners inspektionsrapporter

Kommuners tillsyn av rökfria skolgårdar Rökning kostar det svenska samhället uppskattat 30 miljarder kronor per år i kostnaden för sjukvård, produktionsförluster och sjukskrivning. Rökning bland ungdomar har minskat de senaste åren, men det är fortfarande nästan en fjärdedel av alla elever i årskurs 2 på gymnasiet, ser sig själv som rökare. För att stoppa ungdomar från att röka genomför kommunen The purpose of this study was to investigate the supervision of non-smoking school yards in Sweden. Smoking costs Swedish society an estimated 30 billion SEK annually in cost for healthcare, production losses and sick leave. Smoking among adolescents has declined in recent years, but it is still 24 % in high school's grade 2, which categorized as smokers. The supervision of the schoolyard is t

A Life-course Perspective on Retirement Trajectories of Colombia’s Older Workers. The roles of family composition and work-related characteristics in explaining retirement from a gender perspective

The purpose of this study is to investigate the influence of family composition and work-related characteristics on retirement and to identify to what extent these factors explain the differences in retirement rates between men and women. This study is conducted under a life-course perspective framework and uses a logistic regression and a Blinder-Oaxaca decomposition analysis as methodological ap

Sokurovs Faust: rysk kritik mot västeuropeiska upplysningsideal

The intention of this paper is to explore the Russian film director Alexander Sokurov’s perspective on Western European Enlightenment in his movie Faust. The essay uses the film theory and method known as neoformalism in order to analyse the film’s aesthetic qualities in a cultural and historical context. The result of the analysis shows that the film’s dominant principle, to which many of the oth

Migration from Central America and the Caribbean: The Impact of Social Indicators on Labor Market Performance

In the last 50 years, immigration from Central America and the Caribbean to the United States of America has been increasing. Because these immigrants often find themselves in vulnerable positions, their successful integration into society should be of public interest. To tackle this problem, it is important to understand the determinants of successful integration. Since labor market integration h

Mapping of Brain Repair in Parkinson's Disease Using Spatial Transcriptomics

Spatial transcriptomics is a recently developed method for analyzing the transcriptome while conserving the spatial information. Albeit not with single resolution as of now, it has a big potential for application in tissues in which the exact spatial information of gene expression is crucial. One of those cases are brain transplants aimed for replacing lost cell populations, e.g. in stroke or neur

Enzyme immobilization strategies for the synthesis of perdeuterated molecules

Användandet av nya strategier för immobilisering av enzymer (proteiner) möjliggör för stora framsteg inom neutron forskning. Genom noggranna tester upprättades väl valda villkor för användandet av enzymer, med ambitionen att effektivisera framställning av så kallade ”tunga molekyler”. Något som i sin tur är värdefullt för att förstå hur celler är strukturerade samt signalerar och interagerar med vThis thesis covers established procedures for the successful and attempted immobilization of lipases and phospholipases to various hydrophobic support materials, utilizing a rotating bed reactor, magnetic stirrer and tube-rotator. The design of a robust platform was established with great instrumental knowledge and proper conditioning for the creation of efficient immobilizations and activity assa