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A lifestyle brand in the food industry - a low engagement product in a green consumption society.

Syftet med uppsatsen är att, med hänsyn till den gröna konsumtionen, undersöka vilka medel livsmedelsföretag kan arbeta med för att ompositionera sitt varumärke. Med syfte att få lågengagemangsprodukter att generera ett högre engagemang hos konsumenten utan att förändra den befintliga produkten. Metoden i uppsatsen är kvalitativ fallstudie i sitt naturliga sammanhang med induktiv ansats. Fyra cent

Development of a Type IIs Cloning Strategy and Subsequent Production of Monoclonal Antibodies from PCR Amplification, Donor Vectors & Synthesized DNA Fragments

Alongside the emerging field of immunotherapy, with monoclonal antibody drugs at the forefront, radically reshaping medicine, the need for process and technology improvements that can lower drug development costs and bring better drugs to the market faster is increasing. One such process improvement being fast and efficient cloning strategies which enable moving into high-throughput formats. Tradi

The modeling of drug-induced changes in ion channel kinetics and firing properties in fast-spiking interneurons: a computational study

Interneurons have been found to be important for normal cognitive function. Impairments to their growth or signaling have been indicated to be involved in the development of schizophrenia, autism and epilepsy. Defective functioning in GABA:ergic interneurons has been linked to undesired desynchronous firing in neural signals as a consequence of these interneurons firing too infrequently or not at

Kan inte ni gå in i byggis? Förskolepedagogers interaktion med förskolebarn utifrån ett genusperspektiv.

Många barn i Sverige tillbringar en stor del av sina dagar på förskola där många av deras sociala erfarenheter och utveckling äger rum. Kognitiv social inlärningsteori förespråkar att barnet lär sig genom att imitera och härma vuxna och utifrån detta skapa kognitiva scheman som används för att tolka omvärlden. Barnen härmar de vuxnas beteende, vilket gör att pedagoger på en förskola besitter en vi

Medvetenheten inom sjukvården vid införandet av GDPR, En kvalitativ intervjustudie om medvetandegörandet av informationssäkerhet – i ljuset av GDPR

Den 25 maj 2018 träder EU:s nya dataskyddsförordning, GDPR, i kraft. Den påverkar alla företag i hur de hanterar persondata och personuppgifter. Detta gäller även myndigheter och hälso- och sjukvården. Inom sjukvården ses oftast patienten snarare än personen, vilket kan ställa till problem för hanteringen av personuppgifter inom sjukvården. Studien ämnar att, genom en kvalitativ intervjustudie, un

Metodutveckling för beräkning av växthusgasbalanser för avfallsverksamheter - En fallstudie av NSR AB:s verksamhet

Mot bakgrund av en kontinuerligt ökande handel och konsumtion har avfallshantering blivit en av nyckelkomponenterna i det utmanande arbetet mot ett hållbart samhälle. Växthusgasbalanser är användbart i bedömningen av miljöprestandan hos verksamheter med avfallshantering, och kan därav bistå med god vägledning i verksamheternas arbete mot en minskad klimatpåverkan. Avfallsverksamheten NSR AB har vDue to the continuous increase of global trading as well as consumption habits, waste disposal has become a key factor in the challenging work of accomplishing a sustainable society. A greenhouse gas balance is a useful tool when estimating the environmental performance of a waste disposal company, and therefore contributes with guidance in the company’s environmental protection work. The waste d

What Do The Best Strategic Thinkers Do? A Case Study of Cognitive Elements in Strategic Thinking Among Managers at Helsingborgshem

Since there is a lack of scientific knowledge concerning strategic thinking, this study sought to achieve a more comprehensive understanding of the concept. The presumption of the study is that one needs strategic thinking to deal with complex and unfamiliar situations. As globalisation is one main driving factor in the change of how business is run, there is an increased need for organisations to

Miljöcertifieringens roll i byggprocessen

Sammanfattning Examensarbetet har som mål att beskriva miljöcertifieringars påverkan på byggprocessen och hur framtiden för miljöcertifieringar ser ut. Examensarbetet jämför de olika miljöcertifieringarna: Miljöbyggnad, BREEAM, LEED och Svanen mot varandra där fördelar och nackdelar beskrivs. Det utförs även en beskrivning för hur en miljöcertifiering av en ombyggnad enligt Miljöbyggnad 3.0 silver

Integration of transparency into packaging design

Transparency has become a key sales pitch for companies! It enables them to show their product and tell the consumers they do not have nothing to hide. But from a technical point of view, transparency implies many risks for product's quality such as photooxidation and other reactions leading to colour change and decrease of product's quality. The objective of this master thesis, conducted

Implementation of inverse motion form finding in commercial software

This Masters' dissertation investigates the possibility of implementing the concept of inverse motion form finding in a commercial software. The inverse motion approach finds the initial, undeformed geometry of a design such that it obtains its desired design shape when service loads are exerted on the design. The implementation is limited to static mechanical loads on three-dimensional geomet

Innovation Dissonance in Mature Firms: Barriers to Radical Product Innovation

This master thesis contributes to the field of innovation research by developing a further understanding and elaboration of innovation barriers from an individual perspective. In this study, we aim to explore what the inhibiting factors in radical innovation processes in mature industries and what their implications for employee actions are. These contributions to the field are made possible throu

“Exercising advisory functions”: Interpretations of democracy in the European Committee of the Regions and the European Economic and Social Committee

Our thesis investigates the comparative interpretations of democracy in the opinions of the European Committee of the Region (CoR) and the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC). Using the mixed methods of a qualitative content analysis and a discourse analysis, we assess the extent to which, how and why democracy is unevenly interpreted at the CoR and EESC; relative to their joint remits a

Att klara sig själv. En studie av hur deltagare och personal i daglig verksamhet uppfattar lärande av kunskap och förmågor att bli autonom.

I denna uppsats undersöker jag om en daglig verksamhet för personer med en neuropsykiatrisk funktionsnedsättning (npf) kan bidra till deltagarnas autonomi. Att visa sig vara självgående underlättar situationen att anpassa sig till samhället. Syftet är att bidra med kunskaper om hur autonomi kan förstås och stödjas. På en daglig verksamhet är det individens egna behov och egenskaper som ska vara vä

Statistical and machine learning methods for classification of episodic memory

Multiple modern methods of statistical feature extraction and machine learning are applied to classification of encoding and retrieval of episodic memories us- ing electroencephalogram (EEG) recordings. Raw data, different time-frequency methods, and multiclass common spatial patterns are used for statistical feature ex- traction. For each type of feature extraction multiple machine learning algor

Enhancements of Positioning for IoT Devices

The aim of this thesis work is to find novel method(s), which enhance the performance of the existing Observed Time Difference of Arrival (OTDOA) positioning technique for Internet of Thing (IoT) devices introduced in Third Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) standard release 14. In this thesis work, NarrowBand IoT (NB-IoT) positioning is considered as the baseline. The scope includes the invest

The Influence of Big Five Personality Traits on Dual-Process Cognitive Information Processing Styles in Medical Decision-Making

We all make decisions, but when medical professionals do it, it can literally mean life or death. Decisions are influenced by many factors. The aim of the present study was to investigate if personality traits as proposed by the Big Five Model influence the Rational and Experiential cognitive information processing styles as proposed by the dual-process Cognitive-Experiential Self-Theory theory in

Decide for the future by looking back: The perceived impact of predictive analytics to support decision making in the construction industry

Based on data from the past, predictive analytics can give a competitive advantage for companies when it is used to forecast the future. Specifically, predictive analytics can be used to aid decision makers in strategic planning. As the construction industry faces challenges with both more costly and complicated projects, predictive analytics can support decision makers in the industry in the most

Den digitala handelns fastighetsmarknad - Var ska E-handeln lokaliseras?

Att E-handeln ökat stort de senaste åren har inte gått ouppmärksammat och dess inslag har märkts både privat och inom näringslivet. Den fysiska handeln har ändrats handel via internet vilket är en utveckling från byteshandel som var en av de tidigaste handelsformerna. Sedan internet, och E-handelns, lansering i början av 1990-talet har utvecklingen gått snabbt och de senaste tjugo åren har omsättnThe fact that e-commerce has increased significantly in recent years has not gone unnoticed, and its features have been marked in both private life as well as in business. The physical commerce has changed to an increased shopping through the internet, which is a development of the trade of goods that was one of the earliest commercial forms. Since the internet, and thereby the E-commerce, was lau

Natural Language Processing in Artificial Neural Networks: Sentence analysis in medical papers

Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) and pre-trained word embeddings have revolutionized the field of Natural Language Processing (NLP) during the last years. In this project, CNNs are used on top of the Word2Vec word representation for a sentence classification task on medical research articles. Both individual networks for each category as well as a combined classification network are optimized