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Tydliga bedömningsanvisningar på gymnasiet? En studie om musiklärares roll som bedömare

I detta arbete undersöks hur musiklärare på gymnasiet ser på bedömningsuppdraget kopplat till de anvisningar som ges i läroplanen. Syftet är att ta reda på hur musiklärare upplever tydlighet i dessa anvisningar. Det syftar också till att jämföra tolkningar av kunskapskraven, samt öppna upp till diskussion om vad som är viktigt för att ha ett bedömningsarbete som håller en hög kvalitet. Metoden somThis study examines how music teachers in upper secondary school view the assessment assignment in aspect to the instructions given in the curriculum. The purpose is to find out how music teachers experience clarity in these instructions. It also aims to compare interpretations of knowledge requirements, and open up for discussion about what is important for high quality assessment work. The metho

Brandteknisk riskvärdering av Galleria Gränden

Följande rapport har gjorts i utbildningssyfte i kursen Brandteknisk Riskvärdering på brandingenjörsprogrammet på Lunds Tekniska högskola. Rapporten är en brandteknisk riskvärdering med personsäkerhet i fokus över objektet Galleria Gränden i Linköping som är en välbesökt galleria i centrala Linköping med upp till tusentals besökare varje dag. Objektet har ett omfattande befintligt brandskydd. I stThe purpose of the report is to evaluate the fire safety design of Galleria Gränden, a mall located in central Linköping. Only the personal safety for the occupants have been taken into consideration. An onsite inspection was conducted to make measurements but also to inspect the fire safety installations to get a general perception of the fire risk in the building. An initial risk analysis was ma

Trade diversification and changing food consumption patterns since the 2000s: The case of homogenizing diets globally and in the BRICS

International agricultural trade has seen big developments throughout time, initially driven particularly by the industrial revolution and then influenced by globalization and changes in technology. Coupled with decreasing barriers to trade, the rise of trade agreements, and economic growth of countries, international influences are having big effects on food consumption patterns. In particular, w

Skala upp återbruk: En studie om att utforma ett hållbart återbruk i större skala samt en fallstudie av Malmö.

Att byta ut fullt funktionella klädesplagg och möbler eller renovera ett hem för nöjes skull är inget uppseendeväckande idag. Att konsumera är normen. En stor del av de miljöproblem som finns beror dock på den utarmning av naturresurser som sker för att tillgodose samhället med detta flödet av varor. Dessutom leder konsumtionen till att stora mängder avfall genereras. En del av lösningen till dess

Att spela in sig själv! - En studie i hur fyra trumslagare använder sig av inspelningsteknik i sin undervisning och egen övning.

Denna studies syfte är att undersöka hur fyra trumslagare använder sig av inspelningsteknik i sin undervisning och sin egen övning samt hur det påverkar lärandet. Detta har undersökts genom semi-strukturerade intervjuer med fyra informanter som alla har undervisat på estetiska program och högre musikutbildningar. Utifrån litteratur beträffande användningen av inspelningsteknik i skolan och hur manThe purpose of this study is to investigate how four drummers use recording in their teaching and in their individual practice and how this affects their learning. This has been investigated through semi-structured interviews with four informants who have all taught on arts programs in school and higher music education. Based on literature regarding the use of recording equipment in school and how

The space--time structure of hadron production in high-energy collisions

Partikelkolliderare är stora maskiner som accelererar partiklar till höga energier, för att sedan låta dem kollidera. Därvid bildas ett stort antal produkter, som kan spåras i detektorer. De processer som inträffar under och efter kollisionerna beskrivs huvudsakligen av standardmodellen, en teori som klassificerar de fundamentala partiklarna och växelverkningarna mellan dessa. Även om standardmodeIn this thesis, the space--time picture of the hadronization model has been implemented in the event generator Pythia. From this implementation, the hadronic behaviour has been studied for different scenarios, in order to begin addressing the unexpected collective behaviour of high-multiplicity pp events, which is typical for heavy-ion collisions. First, the temporal and radial evolution of pp and

The power of co-creation: Exploring innovation at bottom of the pyramid arising from value co-creation

Kenya is one of the world’s nations with the most severe problem of education inequality. Low-cost private schools (LCPS) have therefore become the main access to education for most families at the bottom of the pyramid (BOP), notably in remote and slum areas. In Homa Bay, one of the remote regions in Kenya, over 50 percent of its poor families’ children are attending these LCPS. However, due to s

Modeling & Simulation of Affinity Chromatography & Investigation of CaptureSMB

När läkemedel produceras bildas även en massa biprodukter. Dessa biprodukterna kan många gånger vara mycket skadligare än vad själva läkemedlet gör nytta. Därför renar man upp läkemedel med en process som heter kromatografi. Kromatografi är som ett rör som är fyllt med något typ av sand eller sten. För att sedan rena upp sitt läkemedel låter man sin blandning med produkt och biprodukt åka genom koChromatography was first described in the 1903 by a Russian scientist. Later on chromatography was almost forgotten until the 1940s when two British scientist published a study about liquid chromatography. They were later awarded with the Nobel prize in chemistry for their work in chromatography. Chromatography has since then developed a lot and nowadays several different kinds of liquid chromatog

Value Capture and Proximity Requirements: Local-Global Linkages within the Swedish Visual Effects Industry

Digital visual effects (VFX) has become increasingly primary to film and TV production. With major media conglomerates historically exercising great influence over the spatial distribution of industry activity, production localisation has been determined by cost-effectiveness and access to local tax incentive programmes. Despite lack of tax incentives, Swedish VFX firms are capturing an increasing

The Influence of Social Dominance Orientation and Perspective-­Taking on Victim Blaming after Sexual Assault

With recent increased media attention on sexual assault against women, many people question why so many women do not report the crimes. One key may reason lies in the phenomenon of victim blaming. This study examined the effects of social dominance orientation (SDO) and perspective-taking on victim blaming after a sexual assault using a between-subjects experimental design. 111 participants respon

WasteLess Musings- A sensitive approach to Urban Renewal in Chennai, India

The city of Chennai evolved around the river, Cooum. The river supports irrigation to agricultural fields in the north and supplies water to the city of Chennai. It also acts as a major flood carrier for the city. Before the 1960s, the river was clean and used for activities such as bathing, boating and fishing. During the colonial rule, the city was initially planned to sustain a much lesser popu

Att räkna pinnar - en kvalitativ undersökning av hur psykologer påverkas av och hanterar att möta krav på antal patientbesök

Syftet med denna uppsats var att undersöka att räkna pinnar - ett informellt uttryck med betydelsen att vara ålagd krav att ta emot ett visst antal patienter per vecka; hur detta påverkar och hanteras av psykologer, och hur påverkan och hantering kan förstås och förklaras. Data insamlades genom sex semistrukturerade intervjuer med psykologer i Skåne, där merparten var anställda vid allmänpsykiatri

Butterfly Effect on Leash: The Calculated Use of ICTY’s Rationales as a Persuasive Authority in Strengthening the Criminal Dimension of the Positive Obligations under the ECHR

Originally from chaos theory, “the butterfly effect” as a concept indicates the verisimilitude of how the most insignificant thing can have a significant ripple effect in a certain process. By analogy, courts are not immune to the “butterfly effect”. Due to the rapid proliferation of legal regimes and bodies, courts are confronted with unorthodox situations requiring that they interface one-anothe

Införande av BK4 - Utvärdering av skadeinverkan på de bitumenbundna lagren

This study is based mainly on assessing damage done to asphalt by trucks within the load bearing class 4 (BK4). BK4 is a new vehicle rating class for heavy duty vehicles, which refers to an increase of the maximum permissible gross weight to 74 tonnes (for the current 64 tonnes, BK1) for trucks, and which the government has completed implementing the summer of 2018. Since there is still doubt as t

Classification of HRV-signals using Time-Frequency Analysis

Heart Rate Variability, förkortat HRV, är en term inom kardiologi som beskriver den naturliga variationen i tidsintervallet mellan en människas hjärtslag. Högt HRV, det vill säga stor variation i tiden mellan hjärtslag, har tidigare visats vara kopplat till god hälsa. Det har även visats att låg variation är kopplat till långvarig psykisk påfrestning. Den starka korrelationen med en människas hälsHeart rate variability (HRV) is a term within cardiology describing the natu- rally occurring variation of the time interval between heartbeats, and high HRV activity has been linked to both cardiovascular and non-cardiovascular health. This bachelor thesis aims to find differences between HRV-signals where short term physical strain (pain) was induced and HRV-signals where no such strain was appl

One-Size-Traps-All? A Sub-national Study on the Impact of the TRIPs Agreement on India's Innovative Activity

In an integrated world economy, innovation is considered one of the main catalysts for economic development and growth. To stimulate the very and enable technological change, innovators need to be granted the rights to their own creations. The Word Trade Organization therefore implemented the Agreement on Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights in 1995 among all its member states, wi

Model-based Study of Mixing- using Computational Fluid Dynamics and Experiments

Vi har alla varit med om det när vi stått och rört runt med skeden i morgonkaffet. De fantastiska, komplexa mönster som uppträder när grädden blandar sig med det mörka kaffet, efterhand som vi rör runt med skeden. Även om du kanske själv aldrig har reflekterat över det så är den här typen av mixning och blandningsförlopp, komplexa fenomen som studerats av och sysselsatt forskare, vetenskapsmän ochMixing in millimeter scale applications faces completely different challenges compared with the macro scale. A thorough understanding of the physics and mass conservation principles that are affecting the fluid dynamics, are therefore key for development and successful implementation of mixers, in an existing process. Only relying on molecular diffusion for molecules with very low diffusivities ca

Identification and characterization of design fires to be used in performance-based fire design of CERN facilities

CERN operates the most complex particle accelerator facility built until today. As such, it consists of thousands of custom-made components spread both in upper ground facilities and in underground tunnels and caverns. Several different hazards, including fire, are present in these facilities and need to be reduced to a tolerable level; in particular, fire safety often requires the application of

Integration of sensors in the smart homes of tomorrow - possibilities and limitations

Uppskattningsvis kommer det år 2020 att finnas fler än 20 miljarder uppkopplade produkter runt om i världen. Hårdvarukomponenter blir allt mindre och mikroprocessorer och kommunikationsmoduler kan hittas i alla möjliga produkter. Inom mjukvaruutvecklingen blir röstassistenter mer intelligenta för var dag som går och smarta högtalare presenteras som en naturlig del av människors framtida smarta hemIt is estimated that in 2020 there will be more than 20 billion connected devices around the world. Hardware keeps getting smaller and microprocessors and communications modules can be found in all manner of products. On the software side, voice assistants are getting more intelligent by the day, with smart speakers being promoted as a natural part of people’s future homes. However, for these prod