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Sources of TFP Growth in Indian Manufacturing Sector: A Frontier Approach

Traditionally, Total Factor Productivity (TFP) growth, interpreted as growth due to technological advancement, is considered as the main source of long-term economic growth as other factors of input i.e. labor and capital are subjected to diminishing returns. However, conventional methods of measuring TFP did not distinguish between technological change and efficiency change. Recent developments i

Existerar det ett samband mellan datorisering och polarisering på den svenska arbetsmarknaden?

Den teknologiska utvecklingen går idag fortare än någonsin och allt fler funktioner och arbetsuppgifter i vår vardag datoriseras. Att teknologi både kan agera som ett substitut och komplement till arbetskraft gör det intressant att undersöka dess konsekvenser på arbetsmarknaden. Flertalet tidigare studier, publicerade av bland andra Frey och Osborne (2013) samt Autor och Dorn (2013), hävdar att nu

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The purpose of this dissertation is to study the way in which Algún amor que no mate by Dulce Chacón constructs the story of psychological abuse to create the novel’s authentic effect. In this work, we will compare the events in the novel with the strategies of psychological abuse that Álvaro Rodríguez-Carballeira et al. suggest. In addition, we will explore a theory put forward by Elaine J. Lawle

The impact of capital regulations: A study of the Basel framework

Financial crises are a major issue in modern history. In a great deal of the financial crises there is a banking crisis involved. To regulate and supervise banks the Basel framework was created. With the framework, the aim is to enhance financial stability and to minimize the effect from a potential financial crisis. This paper aims to investigate if banks have changed their behavior, in terms of

Det allmänna ombudet – Ett institut utan arbetsförmåga? - En undersökning av det allmänna ombudets roll i socialförsäkringsadministrationen.

I detta arbete undersöker jag det allmänna ombudets roll inom socialförsäkringssystemet och hur regeringens styrning av ombudet kan tolkas. Jag undersöker även hur detta förhåller sig till några av de problemen som existerar inom socialförsäkringsrätten idag. Jag diskuterar även hur lagstiftningen kan förändras för att göra det lättare för det allmänna ombudet att lyckas med sitt uppdrag. I undersIn this thesis I examine the role of the General Representative (allmänna ombudet) in the Swedish Social Security Insurance Administration. More specifically, I examine how the role of the general representative relates to some contemporary problems that exist within the social insurance system. Further, I discuss how the legislation can be developed in order to facilitate for the general represen

Protection from refoulement for victims of human trafficking - An analysis of the principles under the Refugee Convention and the ECHR

Att vara ett offer för människohandel (trafficking) genom prostitution eller annan sexuell exploatering innebär att offret utsätts för uppenbara kränkningar av sina mänskliga rättigheter i form av våldtäkt, fysiskt våld, tvångsprostitution och sexuellt slavarbete. Efter att ha undkommit sin fångenskap är offret i stort behov av socialt och medicinskt stöd. Utöver detta kan det finnas ett stort behBeing a victim of trafficking for sexual purposes could mean being subject to the most flagrant human rights violations there is, such as forced prostitution, rape, physical violence and sexual enslavement. After escaping captivity, the victim needs both social and medical assistance. Additionally, a victim could have a strong desire to reside in the country where the exploitation has taken place

Den juridiska paradoxen : Vilka faktorer är avgörande vid hedersrelaterade LVU-omhändertaganden?

The legal paradox. Which factors are decisive in honour-related cases for compulsory care of young persons? Previous studies have shown that honour-related violence and oppression has grown to become a major problem in Sweden. The municipal social service is obliged to help and support all people who become victims of violence. Yet, several municipalities in Sweden have been criticized for their

(Re)creating a Sense of Home: Framing Conceptual and Performative Domains of Home for International Migrants to Lund and Malmö, Sweden

The study of home has historically been approached by numerous academic disciplines within the social sciences and humanities. However, increased international mobility and forced migration due to conflict in recent years has produced a renewed interest to understand the ways we conceptualize and (re)create home in foreign places. The present research aims to produce a theoretical framework that a

Fabrication and Evaluation of Perovskite LaCrO3 Nanoparticles as Catalyst for Electrochemical Ammonia Synthesis

As our way of living exploits the resources of the earth and our energy use keeps on increasing, we are now facing a climate crisis never seen before in modern time. To face these consequences and try to ease the harm we need to transform our extraction and use of energy. The use of chemical energy carriers and fuel cells offers the possibility of a completely green solution for energy distributio

Plast i verksamhetsavfall - kartläggning av plastavfallsströmmar i Helsingborg

15–20 viktsprocent av avfallet som tas emot på det avfallseldade kraftvärmeverket Filbornaverket i Helsingborg består av plast med fossilt ursprung. Den här plasten ger upphov till direkta utsläpp av koldioxid vid energiåtervinning och står för elva procent av Helsingborgs totala växthusgasutsläpp. Enligt Helsingborgs klimat- och energiplan är ambitionen att det inte ska finnas plast med fossilt u

Private Company Adaptation to Climate Change

Despite climate risks posing a serious threat to business and business continuity, empirical research has shown little active involvement of the private sector in climate change adaptation (CCA). National plans of governments, as well as global agreements and reports, highlight the need for collaborative climate action on a global scale, placing special emphasis on private sector involvement as cr

Gamification – The solution for a sustainable society?

Den offentliga sektorn står inför utmaningar när det kommer till digitalisering och medborgare har höga förväntningar på att den offentliga sektorn ska vara effektiv och erbjuda högkvalitativ service. År 2018 tilldelades den portugisiska kommunen Cascais ett pris från organisationen World Summit Awards för sin digitala plattform City Points Cascais inom kategorin, Digital Innovation in Government The public sector is facing challenges related to digitalization. Modern citizens have expectations that the public sector should be more efficient and provide quality services. In the year of 2018, the municipality of Cascais, Portugal, was awarded the best platform in the category Digital Innovation in Government and Citizen Engagement by the World Summit Awards. The platform is called City Poin

“Flowing” Village

A lovely village, which located a little bit far from the city, but still has a convenient and good connection to the city center. There are no high-rises, and the form of life returns to the previously slow pace life which is full of human kindness. Canals appear everywhere and form a drainage system which can help purify the water before it goes into Dianchi Lake. It is a self-sufficient life mo

Same sex couple discrimination: A field experiment in the Portuguese housing market

Discriminatory behavior on the basis of sexual orientation challenges the economic problem, as it causes inequal access to the job and housing markets. In this study, I measure and analyze discriminatory behavior against same sex couples through a field experiment in the Portuguese housing rental market. This is the first attempt at conducting a correspondence field experiment testing for discrimi

Intraoperativ sammanfattning- Nyttan av att ge en intraoperativ sammanfattning till nyopererade patienter

Bakgrund: I Sverige genomförs närmare 800 000 operationer årligen inom slutenvården. Att genomgå en operation kan upplevas som obehagligt och utlämnande då patienterna har begränsad insyn i den operativa verksamheten. Patienter som genomgår en operation efterfrågar utökad information om vad de genomgår i den intraoperativa fasen. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att beskriva patienternas upplevelser

Nyutexaminerade intensivvårdssjuksköterskors upplevelser av att arbeta på en intensivvårdsavdelning

Bakgrund: Intensivvårdssjuksköterskor arbetar i en krävande miljö som ställer höga krav på nyutexaminerade intensivvårdssjuksköterskor. Syfte med studien varit att belysa nyutexaminerade intensivvårdssjuksköterskors upplevelser av att arbeta på en intensivvårdsavdelning. Metod: Åtta semistrukturerade intervjuer av nyutexaminerade intensivvårdssjuksköterskor utfördes. Analysen av data utfördes geno

Why do you share? An exploratory study on attitudes towards collaborative consumption among young adults in Malmö

Ska vi byta grejer med varann? Varför delar unga vuxna saker med andra istället för att köpa själva? Jo, det är praktiskt, ekonomiskt och ett steg på vägen mot en bättre värld! Att dela, byta och låna saker såsom böcker, cyklar och verktyg upplevs ha relativt hög miljömässig potential, kunna skapa social sammanhållning och leda till nya sätt att se på konsumtion och privat ägarskap. När unga vuCollaborative consumption – i.e. sharing, renting, trading and swapping things instead of owning them – has in previous years emerged as an alternative consumption mode, assumed by many to be less resource demanding and more sustainable than current consumption patterns. It is suggested that younger adults have more positive attitudes towards collaborative consumption than older age cohorts. Howev

‘Partly Reversed Measures’: Critically Assessing the Management of Resistance Within Radical Changes - Accompanying Banking Employees on Their Identity Journey During Digital Transformation

The omnipresent megatrend digitalization significantly challenges traditional banking organizations. Banking employees’ work life, including their job role and identity are subject of radical change. Due to banks’ importance to societies and economies, those consequences of digitalization need investigation to prepare for expected future changes. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to understa