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Sällsynta jordartsmetaller i tungsand vid Haväng på Österlen

Populärvetenskaplig sammanfattning: På stranden i Haväng på Österlen finns ett område precis norr om Verkeåns mynning där sanden är uppseendeväckande mörk, nästan svart på sina ställen. Söder om mynningen är sanden lika ljus som på vilken vanlig strand som helst. Det som ger denna färgskillnad är att sanden på den norra sidan av åns mynning delvis består av tunga mineral, varav några är mörka. DärAt the beach in Haväng, an area with remarkably dark sand is located just north of the outlet of Verkeån. The sand is almost black in some places. South of the outlet the sand is as light as normal beach sand. What gives this colour difference is that the sand north of Verkeån contains some heavy minerals, some of which are dark. The placer deposit contains among other minerals zircon, apatite, ru

Kvinnliga ingenjörer i byggbranschen - En studie kring hur branschen upplevs av kvinnorna

Title Female engineers in the construction industry - A study of how the industry is perceived by the women Authors Caroline Falk and Louise Åkesson Supervisors Radhlinah Aulin, Lund University and Gert Johansson, Gerjo AB Examiner Stefan Olander, Lund University Background Statistics show that the number of women graduates in construction-related educations in Sweden slowly is increasing, but thi

Causation and effectuation in the context of product development process in a large-sized established company

Effectuation represents entrepreneurial way of thinking and it is commonly applied to new ventures. Causation, as the inverse logic to effectuation, represents traditional way of thinking, and it is commonly used among large existing organizations. Recent research on effectuation shows that causation and effectuation are two relative logics, and effectuation can be extended to the existing organiz

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Powwow is a gathering of North America`s native people. North American native people meet to dance, sing, socialize and honor Native American culture. The thesis seeks to understand why the North American natives uses powwow as a way of manifesting their identity and cultural affiliation. The thesis also seeks to understand how the North American natives and the powwow movement is represented at t

Recognising Men’s Violence as Political: An Analysis of the Swedish Feminist Movement and Its Interaction with the State

Sweden is a country which is often praised for its commitment to gender equality, as expressed through its high female parliamentary representation and its adoption of measures such as the criminalisation of sex purchase. What many forget, however, is the role of the feminist movement in bringing this about and the large degree of resistance which it has often faced from the Swedish political esta

Cognitive Psychology in Crisis: Ameliorating the Shortcomings of Representationalism

Traditional cognitive psychology relies on concepts bordering idealism, an issue that has been known since the end of the 19th century. At best, the underlying assumptions are misleading and do not bring us closer to an understanding of human enterprise. Also, psychology in general is not a unified paradigm; its sub-disciplines rely on different conceptual bases. Ecological Psychology can change t

Styrning av Siemens PLC med Android applikation

This is a thesis that describes the procedure for setting up the web server on Siemens S7-300 and S7-1200. It also describes how to develop an application on Android to connect to the PLC and then read and send information. It is on the request of ÅF that the Method chapter is written as a step – by – step manual for easy repeat of the project and to get similar results. To communicate with the PL

Att göra väl

Oavsett om man har ett fullt positiv eller skeptiskt inställning till välgörenhet så är det något som väcker det känslor hos de flesta. Genom mina egna erfarenheter har jag märkt att många gärna talar om vad för sorts välgörenhet de gör men ofta har jag också hört personer som försvarat sig och motiverat varför de inte gör välgörenhet. Den officiella definitionen av välgörenhet enligt NationalencyRegardless of one’s own attitude towards charity it evokes emotions among most people. Drawing from my own experiences as a volunteer for different organizations and causes, I have noticed that many are happy to, very openly, share and talk about how they do charity or if they are skeptical towards charity, defend why they do not do charity. Doing charity is commonly defined as an unselfish act al

The European sovereign debt crisis: a debt crisis and a sovereignty crisis

With the eruption of the sovereign debt crisis, a huge threat and disaster had been brought to the European Union, the member states and the entire euro zone. The ongoing financial crisis has made it very difficult or even impossible for some member states within the euro zone to re-finance the government debt without the third party’s assistance. Greece being one of those states is experiencing t

Tintin - en transmedial berättelse i förändring

Denna uppsats är skriven av Christian Frisk och Josefine Waldenström. Uppsatsen är skriven i ämnet Medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap vid Institutionen för kommunikation och medier på Lunds universitet. Uppsatsen syftar till att genom en kvalitativ textanalys kartlägga hur medietexten Tintin har förändrats när den transmedierats, och om förutsättningarna för berättande förändrats sedan transmedial

Cause related Marketing - en jämförelse mellan brand-cause fit och consumer-cause fit i reklamkampanjer

Syftet med studien var att undersöka studenters attityder till CrM samt se om det finns skillnader i studenters attityder gentemot CrM med brand-cause fit och CrM med consumer-cause fit och med studien ämnade vi bidra till existerande teori och forskning om CrM. Studiens empiri utgörs av insamlad data från 236 stycken pappersenkäter som besvarades av kaffedrickande och margarinätande studenter påThe purpose of this study was to investigate students’ attitudes toward CrM and see whether attitudes differ between CrM with brand-cause fit and CrM with consumer-cause fit and our aim was to contribute to existing CrM theory. The study’s empirical data was collected from 236 paper-based surveys that were filled out by coffee-drinking and margarine-eating students at Lund’s School of Economics an

Requirements Analysis of Using Object-Orientation in Filling Machine Systems

The use of an object-oriented approach in software engineering has proven to be successful for many years, but in the fields of mechanics and automation it has been ignored for long. The Tetra Pak Carton Bottle automation team believes that a switch from a function-oriented architecture to an object-oriented one would be of benefit not only to them but also any department which is involved with de

Fågel, fiende eller mitt i mellan? En studie över ordet nešers betydelse och användning i Gamla Testamentet

This thesis is a study of the Hebrew word nešer, which is the name of the bird most often mentioned in the Old Testament. What kind of bird it is, is not defined in any of the texts in which it occurs, but the modern interpretations call it either an eagle or a vulture. The purpose of this thesis is to see if it is possible to define what kind of bird it is, see how it has been used in the Old Tes

Beteende och trafikanalys vid Semenarieskolan

An increasingly amount of parents choose to drive their children to the school. The tendency has increased to a point when schools parking areas is too congested which impairs road safety. When motorists no longer have any space to legally unload their kids, they park in unsuitable locations that significantly increase the risk of an accident. The increasing amount of car driving is not only creat

Ljusets plötsliga skugga - En idéhistorisk studie av framstegstankens kulturella position och kris i samband med första världskrigets utbrott

Inom historievetenskapen betraktas ofta första världskriget som en historisk och kulturell brytpunkt; en vattendelare mellan 1800-talets fullständiga och 1900-talets villkorliga framstegstro. Trots tolkningens genomslagskraft har den sällan undersökts empiriskt. I föreliggande uppsats studeras den samlade textproduktionen från dagstidningarna Arbetet (socialdemokratisk), Dagens Nyheter (liberal) o

Ledarens roll i en förändringsprocess - Integrering av CSR i företagskulturen

Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen är att generera kunskap kring ledarens komplexa roll i förändringsprocessen av en företagskultur och integrering av CSR. Uppsatsen undersöker vilka utmaningar och möjligheter detta arbete innefattar ur ett ledarskapsperspektiv. Metod: Genom dokumentstudier och fem semistrukturerade intervjuer med sju olika personer, med ledande roller av CSR-arbete, från fyra olika för