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Your search for "*" yielded 530273 hits

Reduced ozone by air filtration consistently improved grain yield in wheat

This study considered effects of reduced [O-3] on wheat yield. Open-top chamber charcoal filtered air treatments were compared with non-filtered treatments for field-grown wheat. 30 experiments meeting requirements were found, representing nine countries in North America, Europe and Asia. 26 experiments reported improved yield and 4 experiments reduced yield by filtration, a significant positive e

Sequential Monte Carlo smoothing for general state space hidden Markov models

Computing smoothing distributions, the distributions of one or more states conditional on past, present, and future observations is a recurring problem when operating on general hidden Markov models. The aim of this paper is to provide a foundation of particle-based approximation of such distributions and to analyze, in a common unifying framework, different schemes producing such approximations.

The risk of competitive exclusion during evolutionary branching: Effects of resource variability, correlation and autocorrelation.

Evolutionary branching has been suggested as a mechanism to explain ecological speciation processes. Recent studies indicate however that demographic stochasticity and environmental fluctuations may prevent branching through stochastic competitive exclusion. Here we extend previous theory in several ways; we use a more mechanistic ecological model, we incorporate environmental fluctuations in a mo

Suspected infections in children treated for ALL

The aim of our study was to get epidemiological information on bacterial infections in children treated for ALL and to analyse which patients have an enhanced infection risk. Episodes of suspected or confirmed infections were evaluated during the first 12 months of treatment for childhood acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL). The number of patients was 73 (43 boys). The median age was 4.6 years. A

Ventricular Depolarization in Ischemic Heart Disease.Value of Electrocardiography in Assessment of Severity and Extent of Acute Myocardial Ischemia.

Popular Abstract in Swedish Bakgrund Den medicinska utvecklingen har varit stark under de senaste åren vad gäller akut omhändertagande av patienter med misstänkt hjärtinfarkt. Snabb teknisk utveckling inom området för kateterburen koronarkärlsintervention (PCI) och framsteg inom farmakologisk behandling har bidragit till allt bättre vårdresultat. Omedelbar och korrekt beslutsprocess har kommit attBackground In patients with symptoms compatible with acute myocardial infarction (MI), early triage by ECG in the pre-hospital phase by ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) criteria is important for direct transport of these patients to a regional center for primary percutaneous coronary intervention (pPCI). The time from first medical contact to pPCI should, due to present guideline

Changes in body mass index following newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes and risk of cardiovascular mortality: A cohort study of 8486 primary-care patients

Aims. - Elevated body mass index (BMI) is associated with an increased risk of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease (CVD). This study explored the association between BMI changes in the first 18 months of newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes and the risk of long-term CVD mortality. Methods. - A total of 8486 patients with newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes and no previous history of CVD or cancer we

Experimental evidence for a mismatch between insect emergence and waterfowl hatching under increased spring temperatures

By combining a large-scale experimental assessment on timing of insect emergence with long-term monitoring of waterfowl hatching date, we here show that insect emergence is mainly driven by temperature, whereas there is only a weak effect of increasing spring temperatures on inter-annual variability in observations of waterfowl chicks. Hence, a change in timing of the mass-emergence of insects fro

Probing and modifying the empty-state threshold of anatase TiO2: Experiments and ab initio theory

O 1s x-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) in conjunction with photoelectron spectroscopy has been used to explore the conduction-band edge of single crystalline and nanostructured anatase TiO2. The experiments are supported by ab initio density-functional calculations in which both the initial and core hole final states are considered. The calculations show that the states at the conduction-band ed

Phosphorylation-dependent regulation of excitation energy distribution between the two photosystems in higher plants

Phosphorylation-dependent movement of the light-harvesting complex II (LHCII) between photosystern II (PSII) and photosystem I (PSI) takes place in order to balance the function of the two photosystems. Traditionally, the phosphorylatable fraction of LHCII has been considered as the functional unit of this dynamic regulation. Here, a mechanical fractionation of the thylakoid membrane of Spinacia o

Non-use of contraception: determinants among Ugandan university students.

Background: In Uganda, adolescent pregnancy often results in adverse maternal and neonatal health outcomes. In this context, low use of contraception and high rates of maternal mortality rate make preventing unwanted pregnancies critical. Objective: The objective was to determine the relationship between non-use of contraception and sociodemographic factors, alcohol consumption, and types of partn

Design for Serviceability - A probabilistic approach

Popular Abstract in Uncoded languages A modern tartószerkezeti szabványok általában két fő követelményt támasztanak a tartószerkezetekekkel, illetve szerkezeti elemekkel szemben. Az egyik a tönkremenetellel szembeni biztonsághoz, míg a másik a használhatósághoz kapcsolódik. A szerkezeti használhatóság a tartószerkezet azon képessége, hogy tervezett szerepét élettartams során folyamatosan betöltse.In many design situations the acceptable performance of structures is defined by serviceability requirements. To estimate the probability of serviceability failure three main design aspects should be considered: (1) the relevant exposures, (2) the structural response and (3) the performance criteria. This thesis presents background information and new findings on structural serviceability related

Regulation of vascular smooth muscle mechanotransduction by microRNAs and L-type calcium channels.

The phenotype of smooth muscle cells is regulated by multiple environmental factors including mechanical forces. Mechanical stretch of mouse portal veins ex vivo has been shown to promote contractile differentiation by activation of the Rho-pathway, an effect that is dependent on the influx of calcium via L-type calcium channels. MicroRNAs have recently been demonstrated to play a significant role

Regulation of normal and cancer cells as a base for cell cycle-targeted therapy

Popular Abstract in Swedish De flesta cancerpatienter dör på grund av spridning av tumörceller till olika organ. Invasiv och metastaserande cancer svarar ofta inte på behandling och blir då i många fall dödlig. Leukemi är en elakartad sjukdom av blodceller, som påverkar blod-producerande organ. Den höga förekomsten av leukemi förekommer i äldre befolkningen och hos barn. Leukemi återfall och resiThe majority of current treatments used for treatment of prostate cancer (PCa) and leukemia are often limited to a narrow subsets of treated patients. As such, there still remains a significant scope for gaining deeper understanding of molecular mechanisms underlying cancer metastasis for improvement of targeted treatment. Elevated expression of a cell cycle regulator cyclin A1 initiated leukemia

Maktens boningar

The chapter describes and discusses some of the most prominent historical buildings in the county of Kalmar.